How often do you change the battery in the scales?
and if the battery has been in there a long time - do you think it has an effect on the scales reading correctly? I only ask because someone I saw today told me their weight, and even though I have a slight body dysmorphia tendancy, I know that I am slimmer than them - but weigh more than them and its really messed my head…
Same me - different body!
Not new to loosing weight - but new to MFP. Around 8 years ago I had my lightbulb moment where I realised I really must do something about my weight. I really did need to do something at weighing in a 277lbs I was in a sorry state. I lost a reasonable amount just by eating sensibly and taking up walking, fell pregnant and…
One positive thing required
My little voice in my head loves it when I am negative - she's a defeatist witch who just loves all my failings and loves to remind me every second - sometimes rather too loudly. We've all got that voice so time to stamp on it for a second. Post one positive thing you did today.... hell if you did loads of positive things…