"Right now, there is a nurse holding the hand ofg a dying man, a nurse inserting an IV in a child, a nurse listening to an Alzheimer's patient tell a story, a nurse missing their family while caring for yours. " In the time it took you to read this, nurses all over the world are saving lives. I love and appreciate nurses:)…
So.. I have tendonitis in my left knee.. being a nurse, i am on my feet at least 10 hours out of the day. Ive been to the doctor, Im taking my Advil/ Aleve/ ice packs, with some relief. What im curious is if any one knows any exercises that wont strain my knee to much? I took about a week off and felt terrible (i LOVE to…
so i run about 5k 4-5 times a week.. and my knees are KILLING me.. ive tried ice ive tried heat, stretching, massage, what to do?
well what to say.. im a young RN who LOVES my job. the only downfall is working nights, sleep deprivation and mcdonalds have done mean things to my body. anyways. i just want to get back in to my cute skinny clothes before summer is in full swing. i try and run about 5k a day, and have been eating much healthier, and it…