uggh my aching knees

so i run about 5k 4-5 times a week.. and my knees are KILLING me.. ive tried ice ive tried heat, stretching, massage, what to do?


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    It could be a lot of things...I would suggest going to a chiropractor to see if you have something wrong with them. If not, you could try different shoes, Dr. Scholl's inserts (or the off-brand, they're cheaper and work just the same, I've heard)...
  • Ashia1317
    Ashia1317 Posts: 415
    I'm in the same boat. My knees have been killing me lately. Even doing Jillians 30 Day Shred, sometimes the lunges and squats are killer! But I've always had knee problems. Just lately, they've really been bothering me.

    I also think I need new shoes with more support.
  • bridgett_shorter
    I have the same issues! It sucks let me tell you . Try good streches and motrin, advil, and ice and heat . Sometimes ice works and not heat . Sometimes its the other way around ! All else fails go see your Dr you might have an issue that needs to be addressed!
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I was having some bad knee pain in January when I started running. I started becoming more aware of my form, how I was landing on me feet, etc. Got better, more supportive footwear- and wore knee braces for a couple of weeks. When my leg muscles got stronger, my knees stopped hurting and the pain hasnt' come back since.
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    Options need to ease off the gas...running 4-5 days a week is too much, unless you've been training for a couple years.

    Right now you need to go get fitted for and buy a good pair of running shoes designed for your feet. (find a running store, not a shoe store). Second you need to not do any running for the next week. Rest, take it easy, maybe swim. After a week, and with your new shoes, go out for half your normal distance and run a minute/walk a minute. If you knees still feel ok, add a little more the next day. After 1 week of rest and 2 weeks of build up, you should be back to 5k THREE days a week. After that, DO NOT add more than 10% TO YOUR MILEAGE IN ANY WEEK (YES YOU CAN ROUND). 15k = 16.5 (17)k - 17k = 18.7 (19)k - 19k = 20.9 (21k). Break that distance into 3 days per week. Once you get to ~10k for each day, you can try and add a 4th day, BUT KEEP THE SAME MILEAGE INCREASE. 30k (3 days/10k each day) = 33k (8k for 4 days). Once you get to 10k 4 days per week, then you can look at changing some of your days to include shorter but faster runs or longer but slower runs. STILL NEVER INCRESASE YOUR WEEKLY MILEAGE BY MORE THAN 10%.

    Hope your knees get better quickly. It can be fustrating, but don't do too much too soon or you'll never continue...:)
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    so i run about 5k 4-5 times a week.. and my knees are KILLING me.. ive tried ice ive tried heat, stretching, massage, what to do?

    I agree with Mr Cook, back it off a little bit. I'm training for a 10K and don't run that much.

    ...and if you're like the other RN's I know.. .you're on your feet at work too.
  • mollyelliott
    mollyelliott Posts: 55 Member
    well see.. i have a separated shoulder so running/walking/on my feet cardio is about all i can do (because im a weeny and dont like it when my shoulder hurts) and yes im on my feet a lot at work, i wear good running shoes (asics nimbus) or mizuno waves depending on inside or out.. but thank you for all the input. im not completely new to the work out world, but did take a break after the shoulder injury at work.. i think ill try a rest week, and some in soles :)
  • arfletcher
    arfletcher Posts: 143
    I have taken evening primrose oil before for joint pain (I have minor arthritis in my feet and hips)- My mom takes st.johns wart as well - but you have to be careful with that as it also acts as an antidepresant