Or am I just a freak of nature/shouldn't be alive? So I just 'inherited' a like-new, barely-used Charge 2 from a family member today. I've been wanting one for a while mostly to measure HR when I exercise, because I use the built-in HR monitors on the ellipticals and treadmills at the gym and get hilariously high…
I've got this old Tae Bo vid kicking around that I decided to try out today since it was raining outside. I usually do 30 Day Shred level 2, and haven't tried this Tae Bo video in years. I don't have a heart-rate monitor so I'm not really sure how much I felt like I was burning. I'm not in super shape or anything...I…
Hello everyone! I'm new here and I love this site! I've only got 10-15 lbs to lose, but I definitely want to get back in shape. I used to be a black belt martial artist, and I had a job that kept me on my feet for the entire workday--now I've stopped doing my martial arts about 6 years ago, and changed jobs 2 years ago to…