amaczu Member


  • Thanks, guys!! That's so interesting! I'd always heard that the built in HRMs were horrible and that I should totally get a FitBit, hah! I have, but I don't trust it that much because of some reasons that probably sound a little crazy...I actually have a pretty ridiculous case of BII phobia that I'm dealing with due to…
  • I'm 125lbs currently, at 5'2", and I got my BMR from the tool on this site, and subsequently looked up formulae on other sites, and the highest BMR I came up with was in the 1360 range. By your approximation it'd be 1250. My life is very sedentary outside of my daily workout--which usually involves either an hour of light…
  • stroutman81, this is an awesome thread! I got through as many pages as I could, and hit upon the post one page ago with the young lady who is at a low weight and bf% and looking to go lower and struggling with the cardio vs. strength conundrum--my situation is similar, but different in that I'm not overweight but I AM…
  • Mixed Chicks Leave-In is great, I use their conditioners as well. DevaCurl AnGel is also great!
  • Geez I pee like 2-3 times per hour because I'm constantly drinking water. I wish the bathroom was a little bit farther so that I could actually get some walking in by making the trip so many times at work!
  • Sugar Free Fudgecicle! 40 calories!!!
  • You can't really pinpoint how many of your calories burnt are from carbs. some resources online will list what percentage of your calories burnt are from fat versus blood sugar, but whether or not that donut you ate this morning is still carbs in your bloodstream or was already converted to fat is anyone's guess.
  • I'm drooling! All we have in the house is the "real" stuff (har)--beef franks and white-bread rolls--which I won't touch. Tuna and brown rice for me tonight xP
  • 6 cups is still a lot. If you only drank 2 cups I'd say yes, but it's not likely. Here are the likely reasons you weighed more: 1.) Urine in your bladder 2.) Un-pooped poop 3.) Recent meal/drink 4.) Hot gross humid night dehydrating you causing you to retain water during the night (if you weighed yourself in the morning)…
  • If she says that pills are giving her an elevated heart rate, she is probably taking a stimulant. Some stimulants will suppress your appetite and cause you to lose weight (Adderall) while other stimulants like Ephedra increase your metabolism as a thermogenic agent (increasing your 'heat' as a biproduct of burning off a…
  • I do tabata intervals with a lot of different types of exercises. I found this site that's a programmable tabata clock, and it has helped me a TON!! A stopwatch just lets you program in one set interval time, but this clock lets you vary the interval lengths so that you can alternate like 1 minute 'on' followed by 30…
  • Thighs are my problem spot. I've been doing the 30 Day Shred and I'm on Day 10 but I've lost 1.5 inches in my hips and 1 in my waist...and ZERO in my thighs! I'm a pear!
  • It might be a high GI fruit but you'd have to eat like 5-6 cups of Watermelon to spike your blood sugar as much as 1 unit of glucose...
    in Watermelon Comment by amaczu June 2011
  • Sprouted breads are usually in the frozen food sections! I see them at Stop and Shop.
    in Which bread? Comment by amaczu June 2011
  • I get Chicken & Broccoli and ask for the sauce on the SIDE! I also get a spring roll on the side for a snack later.
  • Just because they're listed under carbs doesn't mean they're bad! Beans are excellent for you, but calorie dense. They have protein too! Oatmeal and other whole grains are great breakfast foods because they are SLOW carbs that take a while to digest, are very fiberous, and provide energy that lasts. A bowl of oatmeal in…
  • 5'2" Going from 130 to 120, hopefully all the way to 115!
  • Because the best forms of interval training involve large stretches of area for sprinting. Also, if you're doing HIIT right, you look awful while you're doing it. I do HIIT at home so that people don't come up to me asking if I need an ambulance because I'm bright red and gasping for air. For those who asked, HIIT is when…
  • If you're watching your carbs, know that Watermelon has a very high Glycemic Index of 72...meaning that it spikes your blood sugar as much as white bread does. By contrast, Apples have a GI of 38, Oranges a GI of 42, and most berries are around there as well. It takes around 4 cups of watermelon to reach that high of a GI…
  • I go to the movies every Friday...but when I'm there I don't eat ANYTHING! I eat lunch right before I go so I'm not hungry at all! Have a healthy snack before you leave! Orville Redenbacher makes 100-calorie bags of popcorn...try stuffing a bag of that in your purse if you must! But just remember you can't eat food that…