Last night I went to a baseball game. Beforehand we stopped at a bar for a drink. While trying to order at the packed bar, I leaned in beside a tiny waif of a thing sitting on a stool. She turned around, looked me up and down, and gave me the most disgusted, repulsed face I've ever seen and literally scooted her stool away…
Any thoughts on cutting out diet pop and zero calorie drinks from your diet? Does it make a difference? I've heard that cutting out the zero calorie drinks can make a difference when losing weight, but sometimes is nice to drink something other than water. Your thoughts...
Help! I'm being lured by the vending machine outside of my office with all of the evil chocolate candy bars calling my name. I ate 370 calories for lunch, so I have no room for a snack like what that machine has to offer. I need some support here quickly so that I don't succumb to the temptations of the candy bar.
Hey everyone! I'm a 30 year old woman who has gained significant weight since the birth of my daughter 4 years ago. At first I attributed to baby weight, but I don't have an excuse anymore. I need to lose approximately 90 pounds to be in a healthy weight bracket for my height. It literally seems impossible to me. I have…