Reflecting on American food
Being a Canadian I sometimes find myself wondering about some american dishes and how they might taste, a lot of them are probably not the best nutrition wise but maybe someday I'll go south of border and try them out. Things like sweet tea, green bean casserole, sweet potatoe casserole, Popeye's chicken, and White Castle…
catered lunch disappointment
so I am working on a show and the whole staff has lunches that we order in from restaurants, whatever we want. I usually end up ordering something that is not the healthiest choice. But today I ordered a healhty alternative chicken citrus salad from Boston Pizza....And they forgot my chicken, so it is like a average house…
Audiobooks & Working Out
Kind of an odd topic, but I love listening to audiobooks on cd or ipod when I work out, run, walk etc. I am going to list some good ones I have come across. Does anyone have some gooders they have listened to? Suggestions: The Road All the Pretty Horses The Loop Anything by Stephen King!
Guess-timating Calories Heads up
From being on many diets and reading many labels I found that I can guess-timate calories pretty well. And know many staples like fruits, veggies, some snacks off by heart. And I just want to say that be aware many of the submissions on the site are a little off, so if something looks too good to be true, or too…
Starvation Mode?
This has been on my mind lately, I know it has been a topic of many a heated discussion. Some articles say "starvation mode" exists, others tell of it being a dieters myth. For those who don't know it is the theory that when consuming too few calories your body lowers your metabolism and plateaus weight loss. Personally I…
Fiber Calories US vs CANADA
I get the HG emails every day and this was an interesting tidbit from it. Basically it states how calories are calculated differently in the US and Canada based on the fiber content. I think us Canadian's are getting the raw end of the deal lol! "While fiber is considered a carb (so it counts as a carb on labels), our…