So I have added walking 40 min a day and rowing 20 min a day three times a week. I am wondering when I should start increasing the number of workouts. My plan is to add days and time of rowing and then add pilates when I get in better shape because right now there is no way I could get on the floor to do an entire workout.…
Ok so I walk a mile to and from work every day, and the exercise tracker says I burn like 200 something calories round trip. Thats great but I also have to carry a change of clothes, my lunch, I usually bring a book to work to read when its slow. I am pretty sure my bag can weigh 10 or more pounds depending on the size of…
I was reading an article today online about uncommon healthy snacks. And some of them sound pretty interesting and at the very least worth a try. Has any one ever tried these before, if so what are your thoughts? The first was Kale chips. High in vitamins, anti-oxidents, omega 3's, flavoniods ect. Not sure how they taste…