For the last few days my Fitbit is in minus on MFP for exercise how is this possible. This is in the morning as I get up when I go to add in my meals for the day.
I have bought one and am still trying to work it out. It is very confusing so can someone explain it in easy terms for as I have sync it to my fitness pal which is confusing me even more. Thanks
I have gained most of the weight I had lost so I am back once again to try and lose again. It's hard but hopefully I can make this work.
wear one for 24 hours to actually see what you have burnt in a day. I know this isnt accurate of course cos its meant to be used in exercise only but....... I did as I forgot and burnt of over 3000 and it's about right for my active life style. Anyone else.
I want one that logs the calories as well as the heart rate so what ones are out there you'd recommend.
daft question but bare with me. I did outside painting for over 3 hours and I can't log it as an exercise why?????? Can someone enlighten me please thanks
new here was on another dieting site same as this really but they charge for it. Need the support as I will be showing in Crufts next year and don't want wobbly bits lol!!!! Have lost a stone already so can't be doing to bad. Also there is no thingy for drinks just the water.