Ms. Frizzle is the voice I want in my head
That's the inner me I aspire to. She looks at obstacles as a scientist, you know - try something, make mistakes, learn from mistakes, try again, get messy. She is never beating people up, calling them dumb or failures, or losers, or broken.
50+ going for 50+ and you?
At 52 in Dec of '22 I started a journey that has lead to the first longterm weight loss in my life. I am down 50 lbs and I'm confident I have the skills and mindset to keep it off for good. I have learned to eat when I am hungry and stop when I've had enough (not full but about 80%) And I have worked on all the reasons…
Brain not Shame
I have lost 50 pounds and kept losing since Jan. 22. The weight wasn't the import loss though. It was more important that I lost shame around weight and weight-loss forever. Shame is feeling that you are bad or intrinsically flawed. We have been taught by society, by our parents, by the diet industry that we are bad if we…
Anyone on here also working with SuperBetter?
Looking for allies to support in similar goals.
Teachers looking for summer support
I don't know about anyone else, but although summer may mean more time to exercise, there is too much lack of structure. I get caught up in projects and carried away with kids activities and traveling and I get off the healthy track. I'd love to add some accountability buddies, and I do have the time to give good feed…
This is ME, happy to meet you all
I am 41, a mom of 2, a teacher and we live in NE GA. I've been lurking for a bit and thought it was a good time to take the "introduction" step. I would love to add some friends, some people to support, and get some support in return. I am definitely on the slow and steady plan because this is about a permanent change for…