This weekend, I am going to start taking Metformin for insulin resistance. The doctor said that almost everyone feels pretty bad the first week. Does anyone have any suggestions on ways to eat to minimize the side effects? Or what to avoid?
I didn't have sleep apnea before I put on weight. I am hoping that once I lose my weight that I will see improvement -- maybe even get rid of my CPAP. Has anyone else notice a difference?
Yesterday, the doctor got my lab results and confirmed that I have insulin resistance. She put me on a diet of a maximum of 1800 calories and a minimum of 100 grams of protein. I thought that would be pretty easy. However, yesterday proved to be more difficult than I thought making the protein requirement. Anyone have any…
I just joined last night at the suggestion of a friend. I was diagnosed with PCOS and insulin resistance 7 years ago. However, with having babies, I sort of forgot about it. After gaining about 80 pounds in the last 2 years, I am in the process of being diagnosed again...and starting a diet to bring it under control. This…