Holiday Dieting... How?
Right so it's coming up to the party/holiday season for me and I need to advice on how to eat healthily when presented with massive buffets and token salad portions... I feel i've done quite well so far since i've joined this site, however i'm terrified that the Holidays are just going to stop my progress. I've got a…
How many calories should I have?
Hi everyone. I just wanna make sure i'm doing this right. I'm 6'4 and around 266lbs atm. I'm not sure what I should set my calories intake to? The app told me it should be 1850 and that seems high. At the moment i've been averaging around 1600 but I still feel that's too high. I'm cycling to and from work 4 days a week…
How many calories should I aim for?
Hi everyone. I just wanna make sure i'm doing this right. I'm 6'4 and around 266lbs atm. I'm not sure what I should set my calories intake to? The app told me it should be 1850 and that seems high. At the moment i've been averaging around 1600 but I still feel that's too high. I'm cycling to and from work 4 days a week…
Hi there. This is my first post on this forum and i'm glad to be joining a welcoming community. I've lost weight before. When I was 18 my weight was around 266lbs in a year I got down to 196 and I looked great. But then I got into bad habbits, I met my wife and I changed my job which didn't allow me the propper time to…