So when I started my weight loss journey it had been just over a year since I'd had my daughter. I remember being 38 million months pregnant with her and thinking "I'm sooooo going to get back into my regular people jeans in no time!" Hahaha. Oh, how naive I was. The day I found out I was pregnant I weighed 116 pounds and…
Have any of you ladies had a C-Section? I had one with my daughter a year ago (silly goose wrapped the umbilical cord around her foot!) and I now have what I call an "apron." Basically, where my pooch once was there is now a flab of fat/skin that hangs down slightly. It's slowly shrinking with each pound I lose, but I'm…
Today I attempted to do 45 minutes of kickboxing and was able to make it through a grand total of 20 minutes! Based on my BMI I am not overweight, but I guess today was the real wake up call for me with how badly I've let myself go. I figured since I take the dog for a long walk every day and run around after my 1 year old…
Hi everyone! My name is Timi and I am originally from the US but I now live in Shanghai, China. I decided to join this site after nearly a year of making excuses for why I haven't lost all of the baby weight. I'm looking forward to reaching my fitness and weight goals and getting to know all of you!