Anyone have a Nike fuel band? I'm considering one, but would appreciate good feedback. :)
Hey, y'all! I just wanted some input from you fine folks concerning some "cardio" and whether or not I should log it as actual exercise. I work a pretty high energy retail job, especially around the holidays. At some points, I actually break a sweat and I'm constantly squatting down and reaching up (I work in a bookstore).…
hey, all! i'm a 25 year old woman and i have battled my weight my entire life. over the past two years, i started running and got within 25 pounds of my goal weight before i relapsed and i have gained a better part of it back. i am trying to find the motivation to get started again but once you fall off "the wagon," it…
hello, everyone! i'm a 24 year old woman from Kentucky trying to lose weight before i graduate from my Master's program! i've been trying to lose weight for some time now, and what i need, mostly, is help getting motivated and staying motivated. motivation is a huge hurdle for me to clear and i hope that through this…