
hey, all!

i'm a 25 year old woman and i have battled my weight my entire life. over the past two years, i started running and got within 25 pounds of my goal weight before i relapsed and i have gained a better part of it back. i am trying to find the motivation to get started again but once you fall off "the wagon," it seems even harder to climb back up.

i joined this site about a year and a half ago and am just now coming back to it to help myself get back to where i was before. i know it's going to be hard, but how good i felt about myself then is indescribable. i will get back there.


  • Phoenixchichima
    just keep at it a little bit every day. make yourself accountable to..... YOU! :)
  • k1229
    k1229 Posts: 135
    hey there, well you've said it yourself, you've done it! so just do it again, i'm battling too, i was a tiny wee thing and now i feel like a giant! at a 14/16 even though i'm not really, but i'm getting there, and you've proven to yourself already that you can do it, challenge yourself again. and just shout if you need support. i'm behind you chick. xx
  • LisaH1967
    LisaH1967 Posts: 332 Member
    Please feel free to add me.
  • EnderNC
    EnderNC Posts: 383 Member
    Welcome back! I hope you have a great time on this site. There is a lot of support here! Salud! :)
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Welcome back! The good news is you have the "how to" down. You know how to lose the weight. Now you just have to work on your "want to", which I know is the hardest part. The fact that you're here shows you have already identified some of your want to. Keep at it. You can do this!