I generally hate snack and protein bars, but I have discovered the best tasting treats. They are a good source of fiber (fills you up) and are fairly low in calories: -Fiber Plus Antioxidants- Caramel Coconut Fudge (tastes exactly like the Girl Scout Caramel DeLites cookies); only 130 calories. -Fiber One Chocolate Fudge…
What are some of your favorite home workout dvds?
Truth be told, I joined this site in hopes of enticing a family member who has struggled with his weight his entire life to take better care of himself. He already had heart failure at the age of 29 as a result of his obesity. I honestly lose sleep worrying about him and pray to God that something will inspire him to take…
Hi all- Wanted to share one of my favorite, easy-to-make recipes. Ingredients (2 Servings): 1) Haddock or Cod (about 1 lb) 2) Diced or Stewed Tomatoes (in a can, with herbal seasoning) 3) Parley 4) Garlic powder and/or minced garlic 5) Romano cheese 6) Salt and pepper 7) 3 Potatoes 8) Olive oil After peeling 3-4 potatoes,…