angelacelia Member


  • Have you ever tried tae bo/kickboxing? I know it's old school now (zumba being the new fitness craze), but it really works to get the weight down. Plus, it works every part of your body. Anytime I want to tone up my abs or lose a little weight, I do tae bo for about a week or two. Kickboxing is a tremendously great workout…
  • If you're going to eat throughout the day (which is actually the preferred and healthiest method), then you should consider filling your pantry and refrigerator with the following types of foods: Kellogg's All-Bran cereal (will seriously fill you up for hours); carrots (will also make you feel full); almonds (good source…
  • Kellogg's All Bran- 1 cup of that fills you up for hours. I consider it a miracle food (even though it looks like rabbit food!) I also find that staying well hydrated keeps the food cravings down. Watermelon is also a good choice. It is very low in calories, but can fill you up pretty quickly. Protein shakes are good too…
  • Oh my goodness! I cannot believe how much weight you lost! This is truly inspiring. I am in awe every time I see these transformations. Great work!