Need Nutrition/Excercise Advice for Stagnant weight Weight L

Hello everyone!

I hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday. I'm writing this in hopes to gain some advice from anyone who is knowledgeable about nutrition and exercise. I've recently hit a wall in my weight loss. Nothing bad - it's just that I'm not losing the desired weight according to where I'm at right now and how I'm eating and exercising.

Let me start off by giving some background info. I'm 28 years old and 5'6". I started using MFP about 5 months ago in order to manage my nutrition and exercise. I started out at 210 lbs., and as of my last weigh-in, I weighed in at around 170 lbs. (That is overall a 40-lb. loss). Keeping an exercise and food log have been a huge part of my success. I feel that my nutrition is very good, and I exercise about 5 hours a week. For the past 3-4 weeks, my weight has stayed about the same with the exception of some fluctuation due to water retention or various other reasons.

I've been letting MFP calculate my goals for me since I've started using the site. For the past few weeks, I've set my weight loss goal to be a pound per week and my activity level is light. This puts me at a daily goal of around 1790 calories. I usually meet my goal within 100 calories over or under most days. I'm very strict about recording every single food that I eat. Also, I try to avoid processed foods like the plague. I hardly ever eat fast food anymore, and when I do go out to eat, I try my best to make sensible choices or go online to look up the menu so I can plan ahead. I don't do it perfectly every day, but on the whole I've been very disciplined

Af far as exercise goes, I work out almost everyday, with the exception of taking 1-2 days off for recovery. I mostly do running for about 2-4 miles per day, and some days I will mix in circuit training with light weights and explosive cardio routines. I usually wait until the evening to exercise, because it is generally very hot during the day.

Am I eating enough or too much? Or am I not exercising enough or too much? Do I need to try different exercises? Is there a way for me to 'trick' my body in order to boost my fat loss? Is my body just trying to figure out what to do right now to accommodate for the changes and eventually it will return to 'normal'? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I will be glad to provide more info if you ask me,

Sorry for being so long-winded. =P


  • angelacelia
    angelacelia Posts: 8 Member
    Have you ever tried tae bo/kickboxing? I know it's old school now (zumba being the new fitness craze), but it really works to get the weight down. Plus, it works every part of your body. Anytime I want to tone up my abs or lose a little weight, I do tae bo for about a week or two. Kickboxing is a tremendously great workout and it's fun.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I've looked at your food diary and you usually make really good choices, so I don't think that's the culprit. Your body is probably just in a rut and has gotten used to your eating and workout routines. You may want to try shaking things up to throw it off balance - try some new types of exercise (for example, I'm a runner but I just added swimming regularly and I can tell a difference). I can't remember how long you exercise each day, but try to get in an hour, at least. Or take a rest week, as another poster said. And play with calories - you may need to eat a little more to make up for exercise, or a little less, or try calorie zig-zagging (you can search for more detail in the forums), which keeps your body guessing. And have patience - you've come a long way, and the last pounds will be harder than the first :-)
  • Gerald_King
    Gerald_King Posts: 2,031 Member
    You need to change your exercise routine and shock your body by doing new things try P90X it does work
  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    I'm a personal trainer, and I had clients who went through this....

    Your body is used to the workout it's doing, so now would be the time to increase the weights you are using to push through the plateau. Also, start interval training when you do your cardio. Go for 3 minutes at your regular pace, then go as fast as possible for 1 minute to get your HR up, then go back down to your regular pace for 3 mins, and back up for 1 minute, etc. If 1 min is too much, start with 30 seconds and work your way up. This will give your body the "jump start" it needs! Good luck!
    :heart: thanks I need to hear about this . good info thanks again:heart::smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: