Does a "good" weigh-in motivate you or demotivate you?
For me, it's a signal to keep digging; it fills me with energy and purpose. You?
Totally dopey question about facial musculature!
I'm almost 58. I'm getting pretty satisfied with the improved looks of my body, but have been despairing that the parentheses beside my nose/jowls and mouth/chin have not shallowed out as much as I might have hoped. Just recently as I near my goal this has been improving, but I'm not sure it if has been of my doing or it…
(One of) The greatest gifts -- or what's your favorite compl
Sure, sure. There are all kinds of worthwhile health benefits to losing weight and getting fit. It's great to be able to climb four flights of stairs and not be clutching at my chest. Fine ;-) That's all very well and good, but hearing compliments on your appearance is a whole different kind of motivator, and I've noticed…
Seriously discouraged
I've gained two pounds each week for the past three weeks, despite continuing on the same path that's yielded terrific results for the previous six months. Trying to pinpoint all the possible reasons. 1) I could be tiring of the routine, and maybe cheating in little ways. Will try to cut out even the little cheats, and…
For desk jockey/spreadsheet geeks only!
MFP is great. I NEED it now. If you use Excel at work like I do you get kind of addicted to keeping track of metrics in that way. As an additional motivator I've been keeping a couple of spreadsheets https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmWYYlU3NYIndHQ5Q2l0dG1VSWt6UGdSNTNsaGs2LVE One charts my historical weight.…
Amusing myself
Do you ever prematurely (but purposely) click the "Complete this entry" button to see what the future might look like? I know I won't weigh 144 pound in five weeks, but soon I might be seeing that message legitmately! When a user does that, the MFP message should change to something like this: