I am curious about the BMI tables. I understand the differences in big muscle people, etc. but nevertheless the index is used as a general guideline. The guide does not distinguish between men and women. Should both genders weigh about the same? So for example, if one is 5'9" then a top of the range in BMI corresponds to a…
For those in the Chicago area, maybe we ought to have a workout weekend before the summer is over! I bet there are some experienced fitness people in the group--we could do a workout social on the beach, near north side? I think any age, any fitness goal, any weight goal ... any thoughts?
To old and new friends, supporters: I have been away for a while (10 days+) -- well since late August when I became sick. Then I used the sickness to slack off especially with eating. I forgot about how the water would fill me up and prevent me from overeating. After I recovered, I ignored the diet and went back to old…
Soy milk Kale Banana Spinach apple Protein powder Carrots Blueberries Make in a batch. Does not taste bad. It is quick - have a 6 ounce glass per day with a few almonds or walnuts as a snack.
My first day on this site. If I start today, it might take me about 5 to 6 months to reach my weight goal. My actual goal is to reach a healthy waist of 32-33 inches rather than a healthy weight. If anyone has to lose between 30-40 pounds, recently started, and wants to keep in touch, feel free to contact me. I hope that…