I'm doing P90x3 and I am stuck, I can't lose anymore inches? I'm eating whole foods, drinking enough water, doing the workouts, sleeping enough and I'm not losing any inches. I'm following the nutrition plan....any suggestions what might be happening? Looking back in my measurements I've been stuck at this weight, inches…
I started Body Beast recently and wanted to know if there was any other ladies doing this workout too! If so friend me, we can keep each other accountable. :-)
Did you know average person GAINS 10- 12 pounds from Halloween thru New Years? Don't let that happen to you! I am starting a challenge group Oct 22nd. Message me if you would like more details.....
So this past few days have been really hard controlling my sweet tooth. What do others do to control this?
Is anybody going to start ChaLEAN Extreme Monday or just started? I think it would be fun to have a little group (or big) to go through it together! Anybody interested?
Does anybody have easy, not a lot of ingredients vegan recipes they would like to share?
I am looking to start a challenge group on 8/1/12. I am only going to have about 5 people in this group so first come basis, message me if you are interested and I can give you the details! Alison