I didnt meet my mark
Last month I set a goal of me being 200 pounds. Well that didn't happen. I found out why I wasn't losing weight...damn CARBS! So I've adjusted that. Now let's see what I can really do. Current weight 214.2
I ran for the first time
I am super geeked about my walk today! I finally got my appetite back so I decided to go for a walk. Last week I did 5.25 miles and burned 837 calories. Today I did 5.10 miles and burned 827 calories. Difference is I ran today! Not the entire time but baby steps lol
ive lost my appetite
Now that I've started cardio training I've completely lost my appetite. I'm forcing myself to eat when in not even hungry. What should I do?
Cant get below the 200lb mark
I've been down this road so much its ridiculous. But I'm determined to get under 200lbs by the end of this month!
I'm at my biggest right now!
I have family history of diabetes and high blood pressure, but yet I still have horrible eating habits. Tomorrow is Day 1 and I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Wish me LUCK!