5 ft ladies - what does 10 stone look like
Folks, I'm hoping someone out there can help. At the minute I'm looking at goal weights based on a chart in the docs office, but in reality I can't visualise these weights cause I don't know anyone who is my height. Is there anyone out there who is 5ft tall and weights 10 stone, 9 stone etc who would be willing to share a…
vivofit have I just wasted 100 quid?
I bought the vivofit 2 thinking i could use it with the heart rate monitor when I cycle to see calories burned. It doesn't seem to do this? Am i just being dumb?
glad someone else is admitting it too
Homebrewing has helped me pack on the 2.5 stone I had previously lost. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed every pound of it, but it's time to work out how to enjoy life and good beer but not be a rolly polly too.
This was the moment I found motivation
Guys, i'm posting this as I've been finding things hard recently and then I came across a video I had saved on my phone and it completely imspired me. The moment I found the inspiration to finally kick the bad habits and lose the weight was when i saw this film being played in a local gym. I hope it might inspire some of…
heart rate monitors
I'm hoping some of you experts can help me and recommend a heart rate monitor which will show my calories when I work out. The one I bought does this as an estimate based on age etc, but I'm hoping to get one which actually works using my heart rate. Any recommendations?
getting those nutrients right
I am following the nutrician reports and it seems like I am way too low for iron everyday - even if I eat steak with broccoli. Any tips on upping my iron levels?
UFC Personal Trainer - Kinect
Has anyone tried this? I got it and made a start last night and I have to be honest - I'm not overly impressed. Maybe the half hour last night was just to introduce me to the different excercises, but I felt like there was no cardio at all, it was all abs work. I finished it and I hadn't even been out of breath once, even…
new here
hi guys, new to this site although I have been using something else up till now. Hoping this site will be exactly what i need to keep me on track. Eli