Just wondering what other married people, people with kids, and people in serious relationships would do for a lover. I feel a bit unloved at the moment due to my man saying he cannot stay in the relationship if I am not willing to move. Especially offended since I have already told him that I don't mind moving next year…
Hey people! I thought these were supposed to be fun forums, but everyone is getting all pissy about who is too skinny, or who is too fat. Someone please show me how to have some fun on here!! I am officially throwing a topless forum party. Free laughs!!! =D
Just interested in what things people would change or undo if they could go back in time... And if they wouldn't change anything, then why.. Is your life what you want it to be?
Hi, I am Dorothy and I am looking for nice advice on how to tell my boyfriend and the father of my daughter that he is holding me back! We were separated for two months and in that time I was the most fit I had ever been and started setting goals for myself like to get a six pack. Well he has been back for a month now and…
Definition real quick for the confused: 2.crucial in shaping individual destiny: in the context of existentialism, involved in or vital to the shaping of a person's self-chosen mode of existence and moral stance with respect to the rest of the world Private message me if you have any advice, or would just like to chat…