That is not a serious question, only wishful thinking! The reason I'm posting is to rant (at myself), but mostly I am looking for a little bit of emotional support from the community. I am currently somewhere around 66.8kg. Two months ago I was 64 and on course to hit my goals. I then completely fell off the wagon after a…
I'm within 20lbs of my ultimate goal, and I am really afraid I won't be able to reach it - that I'll just be stuck or stuck gaining again. If anyone has any words of wisdom or can sympathize with the "final stretch anxiety" it would be much appreciated!
Hi everyone! Firstly, I appreciate you taking the time to read this and any feedback you may have for me! I am currently on a 'mad fitness grind' as I call it - training for a half marathon in March followed by a marathon in the fall. That's all well and good and I have shifted my focus from weight loss to fitness,…
So I've been counting my calories for the better part of the last year but have in the past few months started religiously. I am wondering about the other measurements though. In the mobile app it breaks down my diet into carbs, fat and protein. Apparently, 47% of my diet today has been made up from fat, mostly poly and…
This is the BIGGEST obstacle that I have. I have been eating very well lately and I went out with friends for dinner and coffee tonight. It was a lovely time but I decided to split a brownie with my friend. I didn't really think too much of then (I worked out today and haven't slipped up at all this week), but as soon as I…