Twenty Lbs in 9 days?

That is not a serious question, only wishful thinking! The reason I'm posting is to rant (at myself), but mostly I am looking for a little bit of emotional support from the community. I am currently somewhere around 66.8kg. Two months ago I was 64 and on course to hit my goals. I then completely fell off the wagon after a very stressful couple of months and could not get myself to exercise or eat properly for any meaningful stretch of time.

I am going on a beach holiday in 9 days time and feel so disappointed in myself and my backslide. I wanted so badly to reach my goal for this, and didn't make it. If I could exercise a little bit of perspective, I would be happy with myself for getting to this weight as I started two years ago 50 lbs heavier. However, I am not that tall and I still look quite soft / chubby. I have even let my fitness slide massively.

The most annoying part is that I feel like I can't lie on the beach in a bather, because I'm embarrassed of my body and feel like it just takes up too much space. I know that is whole other kettle of fish; I let the perfect be the enemy of the good. If anyone else has any experience with feeling like this on your weight loss journey, I'd love to hear from you.