1poundatax Member

  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    I took a hike that my husband had said would be a little challenging but not too bad. Well he hadn't hiked it in at least 15 years and it was somewhat more challenging than he remembered. It was toug…
  • Re: Need motivation to exercise

    Great job with the weight loss. You are right- you do need to exercise for your health in general. I keep my exercise totally separate from my weight loss- I track it in the exercise notes so I keep …
  • Re: Stress sabotage

    A simple thing that often (not always) helps me is to ask myself "will eating this solve my problem?" Often it is enough to stop me from eating when I am stressed.
  • Recommitting

    I have been allowing myself some extra treats for the past week- I tracked every day but Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. I chose to be lax and enjoy the holidays- my weight is up a couple of pounds…
  • Re: New me in old age.

    I am in my 60's. You are doing great to have lost 20 pounds in 2 months. I am losing about 5 pounds a month. I would like to be losing faster but I also know that what I am doing is working for me. I…