avskk Member

  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    This is going to sound so dumb... but for three months now I have maintained my weight almost to the pound, I haven't binged even once, and I'm not obsessing about or feeling guilty over food on a da…
  • Re: What's Your Most Recent NSV

    Yes, the FREEDOM! And today, even though I did eat over maintenance and mostly "junk" yesterday, I don't feel like I need to starve myself and punish myself for it. I genuinely feel okay ju…
  • Re: Is dairy actually bad for you?

    I just wanted to address this line from your post. This is not how the scientific community uses the word "theory" at all. A scientific theory does not mean, as it would colloquially, "…
  • Re: How are we supposed to eat?

    I think it might be helpful to remember that human bodies weren't "designed" at all. Evolution is a series of adaptations, it is ongoing, and it is not conscious or purposeful. It doesn't m…
  • Re: School Food Policies

    Except in effect what this does is only give "treats" to kids with larger appetites or higher caloric needs. If one petite young girl is full after her "healthy" choice, but the t…