How are we supposed to eat?



  • Jayj180894
    Jayj180894 Posts: 286 Member
    supposed to eat whenever you caught your prey

    That could of been weekly though. Did we graze throughout the day on berries, insects or grain? We tend to eat when we are hungry and until we aren't hungry anymore, so would we have gone out to hunt that often if we wasn't that hungry?
  • xxzenabxx
    xxzenabxx Posts: 935 Member
    Well from what I've read it was a situation of feast and fast. So sometimes food was not available for days so we had to fast and then we would feast on a huge meal once we went hunting.
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited October 2017
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    supposed to eat whenever you caught your prey

    That could of been weekly though. Did we graze throughout the day on berries, insects or grain? We tend to eat when we are hungry and until we aren't hungry anymore, so would we have gone out to hunt that often if we wasn't that hungry?

    I think that's the "gather" part of the "hunter/gatherer" split. I believe that animals that rely almost exclusively on hunting for food generally do not need to eat at often as, say, grazing animals (who can still survive in a fasting state for some time) or omnivores like humans (who can also go several days fasting). I saw a documentary on polar bears that said that they generally eat maybe 2-5 times a month, and that females can store up enough energy to go *months* without eating while pregnant.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    How are humans in general suppose to eat? Are we grazers? Are we supposed to eat one big meal a day? I've heard 3 meals a day is just a traditional way of eating, that we are "stuck in". I have also heard that grazing or 5-7 small meals a day slows your metabolism down making it harder to lose weight. Also I have heard that fasting is no good for our brain, can increase fatigue, irritability and make us crave bad foods. So how are our bodies supposed to intake food, what are they designed for, how did our ancestors eat.

    How often and what you eat are largely personal preference, local culture, local environment, and economics.

    Generally all humans need things like protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates to keep our bodies functioning well. You can get these nutrients from different sources. Amounts needed differ. You can survive not getting an ideal diet which many of our ancestors probably did.
    I don't know why people like to talk about hunter gatherers diet as ideal so much. They ate what they could find in their local area that didn't kill them. Obviously humanity has survived and multiplied very well eating a variety of foods post agriculture and industrial revolution. If a species is designed to live to adulthood, have offspring, raise offspring before dying then population numbers suggest humans are designed to eat whatever they can.

    Weight management is about calories not meal timing or type of food or how the first humans ate though.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    Sorry guys, I wasn't looking for advice. Probably the wrong forum or even app to post on. I was just interested in what our bodies was designed for and if their was in a tual eating pattern we are "supposed"to eat. Thanks for the advice on some interesting reads though! I personally just eat whenever I'm hungry. Sometimes breakfast, sometimes not! As long as I have a good munch in the evening I don't care personally. And I don't go over my calories!! Works for me! :smile: . It just got me thinking as most grazing animals horses, cows, sheep would get very poorly if they ate how a lion would.

    There is no "designed for" or "supposed to"...humans are highly adaptable which is why we thrive...
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    Sorry guys, I wasn't looking for advice. Probably the wrong forum or even app to post on. I was just interested in what our bodies was designed for and if their was in a tual eating pattern we are "supposed"to eat. Thanks for the advice on some interesting reads though! I personally just eat whenever I'm hungry. Sometimes breakfast, sometimes not! As long as I have a good munch in the evening I don't care personally. And I don't go over my calories!! Works for me! :smile: . It just got me thinking as most grazing animals horses, cows, sheep would get very poorly if they ate how a lion would.

    Fair questions, but look at the words here. If our bodies are "designed", then who is the designer? If we are "supposed" to do something, who or what supplies the meaning? Questions like this are philosophical or religious.

    Another way of asking would be "what is the optimal human diet?" But even then you have to decide how to do the optimization.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited October 2017
    Jayj180894 wrote: »
    I did wonder that as we would of adapted from our habitat. I really just wondered what our bodies are designed for. I did believe that the small meals a day did slow the metabolism down and I'm glad you have put me straight! I just eat as and when I'm hungry to be honest just save enough calories for the evening for a biggish meal so i feel satisfied. Seems to be working :smile:

    Our bodies were not "designed" to eat any particular way. That includes some major assumptions.

    We evolved over time (whatever you believe about why we exist at all), and did so in a wide variety of environments and changing environments. We ate when food was available and under cultural traditions that made sense given the food enviroments in which those cultures lived.

    What food was available depended on where and when we were. There is no one human habitat and even if there were that habitat changed as more humans were invariably born or climate changed (which it did numerous times).

    We wandered from Africa to the entire world -- clearly lots and lots of different climates and cultures and eating patterns.
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    edited October 2017
    avskk wrote: »
    I think it might be helpful to remember that human bodies weren't "designed" at all. Evolution is a series of adaptations, it is ongoing, and it is not conscious or purposeful. It doesn't matter what our ancestors ate at some arbitrary point in the past; it doesn't even really matter what food-related adaptations we might have inherited and live with today, other than specific issues (such as lactose intolerance) that can make us individually ill. We're still adapting. It's a continual process until extinction.

    Eat whatever you like that doesn't make you ill, at whatever times best suit your hunger cycles, in quantities and types appropriate to your body's individual needs. Your body is not my body is not anyone else's body; none of us were "designed" and adaptations are not homogenous across entire species. I may have inherited a particular mutation -- such as the aforementioned lactose intolerance -- that you do not have. Neither of us will ever know which of our bodies carries traits useful to the survival of the species, because the process that cements such mutations as useful adaptations takes place over millennia, not a single lifetime. The best we can do is avoid things that make us sick, eat things that support our health, and try not to overeat.

    The bolded from the above post is important to think about. Evolution takes time. Humans currently have a very pampered life compared to 20 or 30 thousand years ago, things have changed dramatically in the last 50 to 100 years. Thousands of years ago our ancestors ate whenever possible and as much as possible and evolution hasn't changed that yet but we have more food available and that's a problem for some people.

    As far as what the body is designed for that can be put into simple terms. The human body is designed to extract nutrition from anything consumed. For the general population meal timing and frequency are irrelevant.