avskk Member

  • Re: How many calories do you eat a day?

    I'm looking to stay in the 1800-2200 range. Right now I'm working on not starving, not binging, and just generally learning to be normalsauce around food. I give myself a fairly wide range so I can p…
  • Re: What We're Eating Weekly

    It's kind of a high-cal day for me -- I spent a couple hours this morning helping our local food bank give away surplus potatoes, so it was two hours of hauling 50lb bags and I feel I have earned som…
  • Re: What We're Eating Weekly

    Breakfast: two slices of leftover thin-crust veggie pizza (sigh), coffee. Lunch: will be leftover Greek turkey/rice/kale skillet (I swear this recipe makes eighteen thousand servings) and a couple of…
  • Re: What We're Eating Weekly

    I'm super sick so I'm calling it a no-judgement day. Breakfast: sourdough English muffin with avocado and goat cheese, sliced heirloom tomato, a little leftover pork, coffee. Lunch: double cheeseburg…
  • What We're Eating Weekly

    I thought we'd try turning this into an ongoing thread -- a couple of people have asked about carrying on into Thursday, etc. and it seems like it could be fun to post each day. If it sucks, we can a…