BoxerBrawler Member

  • Re: Starting at age 30 possible?

    Are you kidding me? I am two years from 50 years old and am getting prepped to enter a female body building competition. I've also just earned First Rank in Muay Thai and can deadlift/bench more than…
  • Re: Favorite protein bars??

    I just posted this in the forum but no one saw it. I just found these and they are by far the best ones on the market right now. Low GI, good for diabetics, low calorie and solid protein... take a re…
  • Re: Think Thin Bars

    I am not an advocate of protein bars or energy bars like Clif, Kind, Kashi, etc. I often times call them “candy bars on steroids”! Most are loaded with artificial ingredients and sugars. However, I d…
  • Simply Protein Bars

    I am not an advocate of protein bars or energy bars like Clif, Kind, Kashi, etc. I often times call them “candy bars on steroids”! Most are loaded with artificial ingredients and sugars. However, I d…