Christine_72 Member

  • Re: You aren't always going to get support

    None of them really care. I try not to talk to my hubby about weight loss/exercise at all, and God forbid i bring up the 3 words he hates most of all.... My Fitness Pal :disappointed:
  • Re: 5/2 Diet

    I lost the majority of my weight doing alternate day fasting. 500 calories one day and my TDEE the next and so on. Just dont eat over your maintenance calories on your up days.
  • Re: My weight loss secret...

    Dogs are the best motivators! I have to take Nugget out twice a day, everyday. No leash walking for this little fella, he doesn't walk, he runs! He spurs me on, better than my fitbit ever did.. This …
  • Re: Halo Top Rant

    Ice cream and Non dairy just don't go together, I'd imagine it wouldn't taste the best. Try the regular Halo Top before throwing in the towel, the candy bar flavour tastes like a snickers.
  • Re: Is walking every day enough?

    Walking is the only exercise i do. Sure, i could join a gym and do more structured and hectic workouts, but i know i would never go because i just wouldn't enjoy it.. I average 10-13k steps a day 7 d…