Lillymoo01 Member

  • Re: Help?

    How quickly are you losing weight? If you have been doing this for at least a month your weekly average will tell you how big your deficit is each day and whether you are eating enough. However, if y…
  • Re: Help??? Not losing weight???

    I'd also suggest you go by the advice you were given here. A doctors appointment is something you will really benefit from if you are honest with them.…
  • Re: What to do with a broken metabolism

    Seriously, if a doctor says that there is nothing wrong with you walking at least 7 hours a day every day then you need to see a new doctor. How will you ever hold down a job, sustain serious relatio…
  • Re: Eating all calories???

    Aim to eat those 1850 calories and around half of the exercise calories you burn, assuming this exercise was not included in your indicated activity level. After 4 to 6 weeks work out your average we…
  • Re: Should a teenager water fast/starve for a few days?

    The short answer to whether you should fast - NO!. Long answer - HELP TO THE NO! You are already a healthy weight for your height and losing 10 pounds will place you at the lower end of the BMI range…