mskimee Member

  • Re: My husband's negative attitude

    He could be trying to be helpful. I pack my huband's lunches for him and cook most evenings (I weigh and measure and log for us both too) because I know he finds it easier if I do this for us. If you…
  • Re: How long did it take you to lose 20 lbs?

    It depends on how consistent you are. I've lost 20lb in 6 months (5ft tall and 140lb down to 120lb) but that was strict diet and exercise. I gained and started over at 140 and got to 118 but with sma…
  • Re: What to do with bar olives???

    Same with sun-dried tomatoes! The oil is a pain to log and the calories are listed as "per 100g drained" but how drained is drained when it comes to oil? Is it so the oil no ,longer drips o…
  • Re: Looking good in the gym

    As long as nothing is peeking out, I don't care what others wear to the gym. However if a man or a woman is wearing something too revealing (as in they are in danger of falling out of their clothes a…
  • Re: Bread in the UK

    Dunno about UK but in Ireland we have Brennans "be good" at 60 cals a slice and hovis "nimble" at 54 cals a slice. Aldi and Lidl are also doing their own brand of these in some st…