What to do when i want to look like this...

Beiträge: 1
Hey, I'm curious what would be a good start trying to reach a fitness level like Massy
I know that it first of all takes discipline and dedication. Just to stop you from thinking this is a short time goal, no. I don't ask for the easy and fastest way, I'm asking how to start first of all. Is it more about cutting and losing fat, is it about gaining muscle/strength first concentrating on certain areas or doing a full body workout? Im thankful for any help and advice.

I know that it first of all takes discipline and dedication. Just to stop you from thinking this is a short time goal, no. I don't ask for the easy and fastest way, I'm asking how to start first of all. Is it more about cutting and losing fat, is it about gaining muscle/strength first concentrating on certain areas or doing a full body workout? Im thankful for any help and advice.
Hello B,
I am no expert - but I think before you can get a helpful answer people have to know more about you:
current body data (height weight etc)
current fitness level
Because only then someone can advice you on the "right way" to this goal.
Another question would be, if you only want to look like her or if you want to be able to move like her....
Anyway, I hope you get the right advice and that you will be successful in the end0 -
I would recommend to ask this in the english forums as this is the german community I don't think you will get the answers you might want to get
Just as matodemi said, it's hard to tell what YOU have to do to reach such a level of fitness as the lady in the video without knowing about your body status.0 -
Regarding your nickname beeing fatbelly-somehwat, I would suggest loosing weight until you develope a firm waistline - if you haven't already done so - then start to slowly put on muscle whilst minimizing the amount of fat you put on.
The information is basicly all over the web, just don't fall for the stupid dirty bulking approach, getting lean first is essential, both physically and mentally.
If you try to put on muscle first you will find yourself looking like **** 3 months from now.0
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