Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hooray Patsy, welcome back to the fold. ❤️
    Two crime dramas and one documentary on successive nights this week on British tv about dark deeds, murder and too much suspense for my nerves. We used to be offered humorous lighthearted series to jolly us along but it seems when we could really do with a laugh there’s nothing but dead bodies. No wonder I so enjoyed The Sound of Music a couple of weeks ago!
    Brady is doing his best to disrupt my jigsaw work by jumping on the table to push pieces on the floor so I can imagine Daisy would only take a few seconds to have the whole lot over including the table!

    I used to read every Minett Walters crime novel as it came out back in the 90’s and not sure why I stopped. Must have a look at what she’s written recently. (I see she’s been writing about the Black Death past couple of years so perhaps not!!)

    Sandy, You’ve reminded me I’ve a night light tucked away in a drawer I must dig out because 5am this morning me and the dogs were woken up by Brady and another cat screaming outside my bedroom window. George was off in a flash, barking and intent on getting out so I had to dash downstairs in the dark!

    Hoping Lin is ok after the nose bleeds. ❤️

    Time to cook.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    I posted just before you Jackie❤️
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    HEY, IM BACK! It's me the old pest Anne with a new name and everything totally different. Even Jillys photo came out sideways. Technical genius PATSY told me she had got on again and I can only presume I got caught up in the changeover. Maybe I won't have to buy a new iPad after all. This will take some thinking out. So let's see if I'm really back and I can stop bothering. If so need a cup of tea! If not still need a cup of tea.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yeah, I can stop bothering you SANDY.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Welcome back Patsy and Anne! I am so happy you worked it all out. Really no bother to send an email so just ask if needed.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Well – It’s a laid back kind of day. Did the usual and lunch is in the oven. Jean and I did some mall walking too… so many stores struggling (or closed see pic).


    Jackie – it was definitely a beautiful night for that 2 mile ride. Glad we did it. As for weather – I think we all do it. My line is usually, “if there isn’t enough snow to shovel, I have no complaints.” Nothing like “early shopping” – that is what I always try to do. Sometimes they don’t have the fresh produce out til mid-morning and I do a quick in and out using self-serve. I always avoid “lunch-time”.

    I actually never heard Susan Boyle’s “Wild Horses” and plan to look it up. As for the Rolling Stones ( one of my top 5 groups) a week doesn’t go by without be starting the treadmill with this exact video:

    Hell Anne (LOL) – Thanks for the book title – I usually read non-fiction but once in a while branch out a bit – so I plan to check it out. Too funny on “jigsaw” – my mind immediately went to puzzles.

    Happy Wednesday Sandy – Good going on the blood donating. Jean is a regular with her O negative blood type. Love the (tooth fairy) pic. Can’t beat Walgreens for a quick print especially with the photo code they have all the time. I have a professional place for my weddings etc., buy use Walgreens all the time for non-pro printing needs (every month for sure). As for Val Day – the bling shirt is for Melanie (the older one) – we had another bling shirt for Brooke (size 6), but it was a bit small so we re-ordered a 7-8. I have St Augustine as one of the places I want to visit. Never been…but have a friend that lives there. Looks beautiful! It might even be a destination when Covid restrictions loosen up.

    Welcome back Patsy – Sorry for the sleepless night. At least you have a humorous outlook. Like you, I just accept them nowadays. It was different when I had a mandatory schedule to keep. A positive of growing old LOL. Glad the vaccine situation is opening up in your area. It isn’t as prevalent around here. I see my cardiologist and rheumatologist in the near future and will likely follow their advice. As for masks, I never wear one outdoors when it is just Jean and myself, but you aren’t allowed to enter any establishment without one…that includes grocery store, gym, mall etc. I can’t think of any place it isn’t required. Well – if you are watching Succession – Breaking Bad can’t be far behind. LOL Gotta love Orbison and Pretty Woman – but then there are times I just want The Righteous Brothers and Johnny Mathis.

    Lin – You’re correct and “Light’s on the Lake” is definitely over. This was final drive thru – hence the $5. per car vs. $20. per car fee. I think the regular cost is a bit steep – unless you have a family with 3-4 kids. But I am glad we went that night. You have adapted so well to the “virtual” meetings / gallery show etc. Well done!

    Time for lunch and I think an episode of “Spenser for Hire” – only watched a few episodes when it was orig on TV but I always loved Robert Urich and my sister (that has since passed away in her late 60’s) REALLY LOVED anything he acted in.

    Best wishes to all. Bob
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just want to properly thank SANDY for sending me everyone's posts. Many thanks.
    And now I'm the new girl in the club which is quite funny when you think about it!
    A fresh start for jaded old me.
    Anne ❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Whoopee Anne you’re back! 🙋🏻‍♀️
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning Sneakers! I can hardly believe I'm back! I tried on and off for weeks to get back on and was finally told my old iPad wasn't compatible with the new community (I could still use the diet programme). Even my M & M couldn't get on and they are pretty commuter savvy. If it hadn't been for the lockdown I'd have been out buying a new pad! Then PATSY let me know she had suddenly got back on with a new name and a new start, and here I am back! Can't say I like my new name which was an old nickname - but beggars can't be chooses! And at least Jilly Bean isn't sitting sideways any more. I was so shocked I couldn't think of anything else at the time and the powers that be wouldn't let me use Gawanne again - already in use they said - pooh to that one!
    Well wasn't yesterday something! Donald going down in the history books with a second impeachment. Not the fame he yearned for I would think. All those soldiers descending on the Capitol. Looked like more humans than all the inhabitants of Ontario!
    So we all went to bed feeling fairly safe and sleepy for me after struggling with lots of jigsaw pieces of white and grey with not a snow scene as I suspected, but beautiful Pegasus the winged horse. Here he is and I can see if large photos still appear.
    Have a good day from a very happy Annsie baby, Anne. ❤️💜💜❤️💜💜

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    That's computers, not commuters. Some things don't change. Auto correct for one! Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited January 2021
    Well done. Both Anne and Patsy back in the fold. 👍🏻👍🏻 (Sigh of relief)

    We are in overcast and right now, light, very light, drizzle. We had some gusty winds earlier. I guess we are in store for rain, gusty winds, snow and maybe 4 inches of snow. So blizzard conditions through sometime Friday. Time will tell. Doesn’t sound too promising. Glad I am just staying home.

    What do you think? Teapot? Coffee server? No information provided by the poster. I have never seen anything quite like it.


    I stayed up late last night and finished the inking. It bothered me to think I would have to get up today and work on those stencils again so my fingers protested but that is finished. The stencils are put away. The brushes are cleaned. The ink pads re-inked. I went through a lot of ink!

    I wrote to the lady organizing this Valentine’s card drive for Veterans and did not receive an acknowledgment from her. I thought about it a bit. She is not a planner or an organizer. She tends to be a throw something together at the last moment kind of person. Well, we will see about that as well. 🙃

    Must get a few things accomplished. I am starting a weekly Zoom meeting series on Agricultural issues. I think it is maybe 6 weeks long? Also received an invitation to sign up for a landowners meeting in February. This one also on Zoom I guess. But a short seminar, for this company anyway, just 3 hours.

    So while staying at home, I am Zooming around a lot.

    I may get back later. If not, stay safe.

    Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    Bob, where do you watch “Spencer for Hire” ? I liked that show.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,071 Member
    Happy Thursday Morning! :) Meeting today. Lisa gave me bad news yesterday, her father has bladder cancer. He had a biopsy yesterday but won't get the results until Monday. He is coming home today so that is good. He is only 68 and eats healthy and exercises so there is no rhyme or reason to cancer. I just pray he gets through this and can recover.
    I donated blood yesterday and it was easy peasy.y1dgizac07s4.png

    Lin, thank you for the reminder of Barbie and Jake's anniversary, my mind is just not working today. We are also expecting some snow today, but just an inch or so. Glad you got the cards done and now can you rest your fingers?

    Anne, that puzzle is just beautiful but looks so difficult. My son and his wife bought big wooden puzzle holders that have little drawers for different colors, it is really nice. One for each of them since they like to work on their own puzzles. I just told them make sure the kids don't know where you put them, like under the bed or puzzle pieces will be missing. You are very welcome for the emails but don't every hesitate to ask again if necessary.

    Bob, sorry about your mall, I haven't been to mine so really don't know how it is doing. I did see a picture of wall to wall people during the holidays so it must be going strong. I am waiting to see what blood type I am, I just can't remember. I am going to check with Lisa about a bling shirt for Charlie but right now she is too upset.

    Jackie, I hope you found your night light so no more trips in the dark. I bought mine at the dollar store and it doesn't have to be turned off or on, it just stays on all the time. The last one lasted for over a year.

    Patsy, so happy you got you and Anne back on with us.

    Barbie and Jake

    Time to eat once again, have a great day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy anniversary Barbie and Jake! While we know that love, any time of the day, night, month or year is not only wonderful and life affirming, having someone to share the load of life’s cares can be life saving. There is an actual mathematical calculation of energy/strength of two vs one. Quantum physics. The two of you are creating a world of happiness. My very best wishes!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Barbie and Jake


    Have a wonderful day and hopefully, safe vaccines!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,117 Member
    edited January 2021
    Problems with my Zoom meeting. I can only dial-in for audio. I contacted the organizer. This is happening to lots of folks with confirmed reservations and personal links.

    Sandy, I am only finished with the stenciling for the fronts of the cards. I have cut them down along with a backing paper to mount on the card base. Busy cutting scoring and folding the bases today. Here’s a stack of pieces.



    Never anything fast and easy.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This morning I went out early with the dogs because my friend that I order dog pain relief for, dropped in for a coffee and to bring me his new prescription. We had a good catch up and agreed I will deliver the medication when it arrives. After lunch I used a new compressor to pump up the car tyres. One was very low so I’ll have to keep a watch for a slow puncture.
    It’s been a cold showery day so by 3pm I was ready to light fires and put the kettle on then watched an episode of Escape to the Country. It was first broadcast in 2016 so prices out of date... probably increased about 25% since then as the houses were in Dorset.
    The latest report from the app I volunteer to contribute health information on today stated lowest percentage of virus infections 70-79 year olds, next 80-89 years and 3rd 0-9 year olds. The highest is 20-29 years, the group that seems to feel it won’t affect them. Hopefully the reality will finally begin to sink in!

    Sandy, our weekly weigh in isn’t possible for me at the moment because I tried a battery from my food weigh scales in the bathroom ones but still no response so I think they’ve given up on me. I hesitate to buy online because we get a lot of people selling cheap Chinese copies that look genuine but turn out to be dodgy! When we come out of the current lockdown I’ll buy locally. No excuses, honestly!! 🙃😋
    When I finish typing this post I will go and search the bedside cabinet in my spare room for the night light. It’s in the shape of an elephant and stays on while plugged in. Had it years!
    Hopefully Lisa’s dad can receive treatment for his cancer. Our hospitals are full of Covid patients so most other treatments and procedures are on hold. I’m forever grateful I got both hips replaced before the virus arrived.

    Wow Lin, that teapot is a real statement and yes, I’m guessing tea rather than coffee. Oh dear, do you think your Veterans Valentine cards is going to be a last minute situation? Hopefully you will hear from the lady soon. Staying home sounds like a great idea; I’m doing much the same!

    A beautiful picture Anne and amazing that you could complete the jigsaw not knowing what you were creating. A step too far for me! Yesterday will be a moment in history I’m sure. Never thought I’d see pictures of troops being deployed in Washington... all a bit 3rd world from the outside looking in!

    The Stones had my foot taping Bob and I an imagine they would help you complete your early morning run. Seems like only yesterday I first heard that song!

    Hello Patsy, so pleased you and Anne worked your way back to us. Our little group was becoming minuscule!

    Stay safe everyone. ❤️
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon everyone…. Woke at 3:30am and rather than stay in bed, I got up channel surfed the TV with a cup of coffee and got to the gym by 5am. Much busier than the norm, but still plenty of room for social distancing etc.

    Posted an old “Bob & Jean” photo on social media for Throw-back Thursday and then headed out with Jean to find a new outdoor welcome mat. Next thing I knew it was 1pm and we stopped at Olive Garden. I know Jean loves some of their dishes. I am not eating pasta / read sticks, so I simply had a 3-meatball appetizer and side salad (snapped a quick selfie). Can’t even recall the last time we were there.


    Well hello Annsie --- I’d know you anywhere… Darn computer issues. Love tech until things go wrong. Love the Pegasus …even Poseidon would be proud! Welcome back.

    Lin – Ditto here. No sun at all and you could cut the overcast sky with a knife. On a positive note today and tomorrow should be a heat wave of about 40 degrees and Saturday it’s back to winter. At least we don’t have any blizzard warnings like you. Re: Spenser for Hire – I was watching via Amazon stream, but when I signed on this morning I was given the option to buy/rent… so it seems not part of Amazon Prime… I am not going to pay $2.00 per episode – I will now monitor eBay etc. and buy a used copy of the full season.

    Barbie & Jake:


    Sandy – Sorry to read about Lisa’s dad. You’re right about no rhyme or reason to cancer. I lost 2 siblings in their 60’s and my mother was 57. Always seems to come out from left field. Pray things work out for him and that it is “In situ” (localized). Good going on the blood donation! The mall still has a decent amount of action on the weekend when you factor in Covid, but nothing like pre-Covid. Guess it’s all just wait and see. Can certainly understand Lisa being upset etc. – just waiting for results can be so stressful. She is lucky to have you for support.

    Hope everyone stays healthy.
    Enjoy the day and whatever you do.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Oop's forgot one cartoon I saw and thought was funny....

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    First of all Happy Anniversary Barbie and Jake.

    We had quite a surprise today. Just as the groceries rolled up so did Michael! He was doing business in our town but before driving back to his area he bought lots of treats for Jilly Bean. $60 worth! That should keep her going for some time which is just as well because after he'd taken her for a jog around the block he got in his car at 11:58 and I put on the news at 12 to be greeted by a blaring horn and a red backed message stating STAY HOME, LOCKDOWN STARTS NOW! I guess he knew what was coming and didn't hang around to eat with me.

    I love doing these mystery puzzles, you really have no idea what is going to unfold just like the red flower and stalks which turned into machinery. Today's offering I thought was going to be a sawmill and it turned out to be a sweet little chaffinch perched on a pile of logs.
    I think I will be doing a lot of mystery puzzles in the next two weeks.

    Question for Bob, tongue in cheek actually! Why do you need a new welcome door mat right now?
    Just kidding of course! But then you aren't being bombarded with blaring horns and stay home messages.

    Oh and Jackie's got me out of posting on the pound a week club. I've been very good actually, all the Christmas goodies mopped up and back to beans, veggies, lettuce etc. Sigh! If I've not lost a pound in weight this week I will be very surprised.

    Poinsettia just been watered. My goal for shutdown, try and keep Poinsy alive.

    Lastly and sadly my dad was 68 as well Sandy. A big, strong, healthy man. Who would have guessed! So sorry for Lisa and her mom.

    This is really tomorrow's post. I've got a new Recipe for Mexican vegetarian tomorrow. All the ingredients arrived today with the groceries. Hope it doesn't have me jumping on my woolly hat, Bob. Remember that song? "and the Mexicans jump on their hats".