Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh JACKIE, love the joke. Thanks for the morning laugh. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,127 Member
    🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 🐔🐔🐓🐓🐔🐔
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,127 Member
    edited January 2021
    Okay, well, that brought me to laughter tears!

    We got our blizzard. 7 - 8 inches of snow, gusty winds with a layer of ice underneath. Warning lasts until later this evening. It is so sticky! I will be texting my snow removal guy to do the end of the driveway and my front porch and steps. I do not think I can throw this stuff.

    So just the regular stuff today. Messing with paper, reading, Zoom meeting, ordering stuff (need a certain type of lightbulb—just had to replace 2 of them this morning and not many left. Some online questions. Another extremely odd minimal charge on my credit card last night. I have never heard of this company. Hummmm.

    Here is another quite artsy teapot. Described as a blown glass teapot.


    But how cute is this ring? What do you think? Coffee? Or tea?


    Happy to stay home today.


    P.S. Bob, Spenser for Hire Season 2 and 3 are still free with Amazon Prime if you can bear the commercials. Only Season 1 is pay only.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hi Ho everyone! Partly cloudy the AM but more rain this afternoon. We have had some flooding, a mud slide took out a nice house right in town. It was at the end of a steep drop off. Our little town is built right at the mouth of the Columbia River and Pacific Ocean. It is perched on high hills like San Francisco. Rain just washes down streets and gullies and we have very unstable soil.

    Just a note here. The stimulus checks to everyone is appearing right now in the mail. They are not checks but a sort of weird credit card looking thing. I almost threw ours in the schredder. On the envelope there is no mention of the treasury dept or the US government. Just thought I would mention it so everyone is aware. Probably everyone is up on this....but me!

    Oregon is so behind on the vaccine rollout. They keep sending notices of what groups are elegible for the vaccine BUT no one is giving the shots and we are not to bother doctors or the hospital or clinics with phone calls or visits. Someday we will be able to get the vaccine and get back to what will be the new normal.

    Meanwhile, I laughed at Jackie’s joke and winced at the same time. That somehow sounds like me! I am busy at the old computer. Veggie pizza night, ordering new PJs and new cotton sweater. I want a bright happy color. So what if it really doesn’t go with anything!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Annsie – I love it! My kind of humor. Actually, it isn’t meant for family (although it is harder to pretend we aren’t home) – but want the pizza delivery guy to know he was more than welcome. LOL As for warnings, the closest we get is blaring voice messages from kiosks throughout the mall “wear a mask, wear a mask” – blaring horns would wear on me. OK Anne – now all together….

    Jackie – all I can say is….


    Lin – Sorry about the blizzard and 8 inches of snow! Thanks on Spenser… will check it out… I can always play with my phone during commercials! YES!

    Patsy – Glad you got your stimulus $$ -- now you can get those new PJ’s LOL

    Adios for now. Bob
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    edited January 2021
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is going, made calls to all those I know who are sick or depressed and now trying to find the energy to clean the house once again. Every week it is the same old, same old with a few exceptions. I put Disney+ on my Roku since I don't have a smart TV, looking forward to watching Wanda Vision show. I am sharing Disney+ with my son and his daughter since they let me share their account for a year.

    Lin, sorry about your blizzard, we have snow on and off but it melts when the sun peeks out. I do like that ring but it would be impossible to do anything wearing it.

    Jackie, I have seen that joke before except it was in reference to being a blonde not a senior. :p

    Anne, I feel like I am forgetting to send you posts now that you are back on. I am happy you were able to figure it out with Patsy we missed your up to date posts. Wow, an actual alert to stay home, your city is very serious when they say stay home. I am impressed you did that puzzle without looking at a picture, I have a hard enough time trying to figure out where the colors go while looking at the picture. Hope your Mexican vegetarian dish turns out, sounds too spicy for me. My dad was 62 when he died, complications to diabetes. He had a leg amputated years before but he did abuse his diabetes with beer. I was pregnant with my last son when he died 48 years ago.

    Bob, funny cartoon and has some truth in it doesn't it?? So Jean didn't like you scolded her for still having the Christmas welcome mat out and bought a new one? Good for her. Very nice picture of the two of you on your cruise. Time does fly. I love the soup, salad and breadsticks at Olive Garden. We are keeping positive thoughts on Lisa's dad and hope the results come back at stage one.

    Jackie, batteries huh? Ok, we will give you a pass until you can manage to get the right batteries. I was surprised Anne was on the pound a week because I ate extra salty treats last night thinking we weren't weighing in. I love chips and salty crackers more than I like sweet things which is not good. I hope you do not have a slow leak in your tire, weather change can reduce air is tires. Actually, our hospitals are saying to please make an appointment for serious cases such as cancer so ours must not be as bad as yours.

    Patsy and Barbie, hope all is well and no reactions to the vaccine.

    I have to get moving before I change my mind about cleaning. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hello everyone. What a laugh I had at the Mexicans dancing on hats video. I’d forgotten it and probably hadn’t heard it in 50 years!
    The jigsaw joke was sent round my jigsaw group by another friend who is currently attempting one with 1500 pieces. Makes my 500 pieces seem pathetic! Patsy, I came close to commenting we’ll all come to that state of mind one day so don’t cringe please!

    A cold but bright day so I decided to drive on to the moors with the dogs for our walk. We’ve not been since before Christmas when the roads were flooded and we now have strict lockdown orders about only driving for essential reasons like food shopping, volunteering or work but a trip to buy pet food after our stroll got me over that hurdle.
    I’m a bit paranoid about the car tyre that was so low before being pumped up and think it might have deflated slightly overnight so will probably visit a tyre garage next week.

    Sandy, it’s my weigh scales that need replacing and that might take some time!! 🤥😛. I prefer savoury to sweet treats too but crackers and crisps come with wine so I tend to avoid the temptation!

    Goodness Patsy, a mud slide sounds scary. I hope no one was inhibit worse. More than frustrating that you and John can’t access the vaccine. Where is it being held and why not at least offer the option?

    Lin, please don’t even attempt moving that snow.
    Certainly whoever created the glass teapot got a bit carried away but the silver ring is cute... tea I’d guess.

    Take care... off to put my feet up.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    BOB, love "the Mexicans jump on their hats" song !!! Thanks so much and it added to Jackie's earlier smile! The meal turned out great as well and the recipe made six portions so I won't starve during the pandemic! Only 268 calories. Will definitely make again. I found it on Anne Lindsay's The Lighthearted Cookbook. I went easy on the cayenne, cumin and chilli. If one is a meat eater I guess ground beef could be added but I liked it without and with lots of shredded mozarella cheese melted on top.
    Americans dance on the dance floor, tra la la, 🎵🎶🎵
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :) Thank you for all the Happy Anniversary wishes. We never lose sight of how fortunate we are to have each other. Our anniversary was a great success. The vaccine adventure was a bust. By the time we dropped the dogs off at the groomer at 8 AM and drove way around to get in line, cars were being turned away because there were already enough people in line for the whole day. I heard later that they gave 700 vaccines. The next day is tomorrow, then Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday next week. We decided to wait until Tuesday to go again.

    :)Anne and Patsy, I'm glad you are back on MFP and sharing with us again. I love hearing your adventures.

    <3 Barbie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Saturday morning, up early so doing a big, big wash to catch the cheap electricity rate between 7am and 7pm. Do you get that in the States and the UK? One thing we are short of is soldiers. Apparently there are more soldiers over at the Capitol than in the whole of the entire Canadian armed forces. Let's hope nobody gets any ideas about Ottawa! Mind you we can't really assemble to attack anyone up here being in shutdown and who would want to storm Ottawa in the winter anyway.
    Deciding what to do with myself today. I rarely get bored but today could be a challenge. It's the sort of day to get online and order stuff I can live without. Maybe a day to hack at the hair? I'll probably end up wearing a tuque for the rest of January and February as the tufts grow back in.
    Well the machine can be heard faintly from the basement grinding to a halt so must away and get 10 minutes cheap drying time.
    No adventures today BARBIE unless I trip going down the stairs.
    Bye and hope Saturday is less quiet in a nice way for everyone!
    Anne. ❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Early rain drifted away so after nothing more than a banana for breakfast I took the dogs on one of our longer walks. Only saw one dog walker and another severely overweight lady jogging. Good for her I thought but just waved and said good morning.

    Sorry to read the queue was so long for the vaccine Barbie. Seems a shame it can’t be more organised so you could book ahead. At least the 2 of you had a great anniversary.

    Your Mexican dish sounds yummy Anne, especially with the mozzarella cheese addition. I love the flavour of cumin but am always wary of 🌶!!

    Oh dear I can hear a neighbour’s dog barking some way off and the sound of her food bowl being tapped. She’s a Labrador so an offer of food should bring her home! Interesting that the spellcheck only offers Labradoodle; a sign of the times!
    Anne, Are you and Mike completely locked down now or do you have a bubble between you? Even with our bubble my neighbours stay well away now these variants are spreading so quickly so we only converse outdoors or by text. Thank goodness you have Dorio and Co. to keep your cupboards stocked.

    Can’t wait to see what video Bob comes up with next! 😁

    No set plans today but I might attempt to plant a few bulbs that should have gone in before Christmas when the ground was too wet. A few Alliums called purple sensation and Russian snowdrops called “Puschkinia” (of course!!) that have a pretty blue and white striped flower. Too late for this year because snowdrops are already surfacing but a long term plan. 🤞

    If we can believe what we’re told the over 70’s should now get a vaccine by mid February but not holding my breath since our Boris has a habit of being over optimistic.
    Another weekend already and halfway through the month. Doing very little seems to speed up my clock!!

    Hello to all sneakers. Take care and as ever, stay safe.
    👩🏼‍🌾🥰 Jackie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Qyickie for JACKIE, I don't expect to see Mike for two weeks if we do as we are told. Fat chance of that happening with folks still out at work including Mike. I think the loud foghorn and red message saying STAY HOME shocked everyone initially. The street was unnaturally quiet yesterday. I'll be taking Bean out soon but better wear my mask should I encounter another dog walker. I haven't seen Dorio for two weeks and hope he's okay on a different shift. Anne.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Happy Saturday Morning. No idea what today entails. Guess a little snow and colder temp this morning was inevitable (morning pic). Pit stopped at grocery store for side dishes to go with planned afternoon steak.


    Got home from gym and Jean had her boom-box playing loudly while she showered. Kinda cute, if you know what I mean. Reminds me of the Blake Shelton song: Who Are You When I'm Not Looking - “Who are you when I'm not around? When the door is locked and the shades are down?...”

    Sandy – What a kind thing to do – checking in on those who might not be doing too well. So easy for anyone to get into a funk, between weather, news, Covid or life in general. Sometimes it only takes a call from a caring person to turn things positive…even if the laundry is delayed. LOL

    As for the new mat – I would never “scold” – I have it too good. We also love the Olive Garden salad and probably the main reason we occasionally go. We had a gift card for another restaurant… but saving it for warmer weather and outdoor dining. Again – warm wishes that all works out for Lisa’s dad.

    Jackie – Glad the “Anne” video brought back memories. It was only last week Jean and I were talking about “younger” days and something surfaced and I said… OMG that was 50 yrs ago! My older brother’s wife is in her early 80’s and told me she wanted to be a teen again…I told her she didn’t dream big enough and that I wanted to go back to the day my mother heard the doctor say “It’s a boy!” LOL

    If I had known you were going to say: “Can’t wait to see what video Bob comes up with next!” I would have dug up something more entertaining. As it was my pick for the treadmill this morning was just over and hour – a bit more cerebral: The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast - Season 4 Episode 1: Matthew McConaughey

    Anne – Glad the meal turned out great. I looked up “The Lighthearted Cookbook: Recipes for Healthy Heart Cooking” and there are lots of used copies for only $3.00 so I might pick one up. All the reviews were good. I go both ways re: meat ingredient (but I do like the hot spices). My meat consumption is Waaay below what it was in the old days at a mere 2-3 oz range normally down from “bring me the cow.” Keep on dancing!

    Time to check with Jean on the plans for today… maybe just a ride. Who knows?

    Be safe, be good (not too good) and enjoy your day! Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,127 Member
    Good morning. An overcast weekend with bits of snow expected. I need to try to get to the mailbox this morning. We had temps slightly above freezing yesterday afternoon so we were warned of re-freeze overnight.

    Looking forward to the weekly Saturday morning Facebook Live. I have all the bits and pieces finished so I can assemble cards while listening and watching once in a while.

    Now for a very different teapot. Well, teapot in form but not in function.

    Woven teapot “..."her sculptural basket forms made by twining waxed linen..reflect her background as a traditional basket maker..she also uses coiling..knotting and random weave"...lois russell...fiber 1951...”


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited January 2021
    Just wanted to say BOB, if you can find The Lighthearted cookbook all the recipes I've tried have turned out well. It's chock full of interesting info. as well. A section on diabetes as well and if you are a Canadian male you should be eating 2300 cals a day and seeing you live just over the border I guess it applies as well, lol. I like how it compares home cooked to takeout or restaurant etc.
    Well worth $3 !
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! We are supposed to have a week of sun. Not wanting to be pessimistic, but sun in the PNW in winter? I tend to doubt that prediction. It would be welcome, no doubt.

    We bought a series call Big little lies, staring EVERYONE! Including Streep. Should be a rollicking good time. Nasty women going at one another. In a sort of funny but not so funny way.

    Packing a picnic lunch and heading out to the beach to look at the past winter storm beach erosion. We have a shipwreck from the 1800s that has been appearing and disappearing on one of our beaches for years. The only thing left is a metal skeleton. It was called he Peter Iredale. It is the subject of millions of photos. I know John has taken several hundred, in truth. We don’t get out of the car in most cases. Katie barks at the seagulls and eats pieces of chicken as we eat our chicken sandwich. I know! It sounds like a senior citizen picnic but that’s how we roll these days.

    I have a load of laundry going and I am fixing a stir fry veggie dinner over rice or noodles...I must confer with John on that. He is choosey and I don’t mind cooking for his moods. He is my spoiled brat!

    I had a very short night’s sleep so I will nap after dinner or opt for an early bedtime. My eyes just droop and shut...then I wake up a half hour later. What? How did that happen?
    I know I don’t have to say it...stay safe dear ones!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,080 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I did clean the house and this morning did the sheets for my bed. Waiting to hear from Lisa on whether she is coming here or I am going there for movie afternoon/night. Her dad has a catheter so doesn't want to take a chance on kids jumping on him. I asked if she wanted to get out of the house and come here but neither of us can make a decision. As I type she texted and said Robby would like me to come there since he has a new bed tent and wants to be near it. ?????? Kids minds are different then ours. lol So I better get the bed made, ride the bike and get ready.
    Sorry I don't have time to answer each of you, but know that I want you safe and happy.

    One Day at a Time

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Late afternoon “check-in”.

    Just got back from Michaels “Going out of business” sale! Nothing will really be left by closing. ******* Instead of $171.68 we paid $11.94 for some beautiful frames ****** Of course we were there 2 hours just in line outside and inside the store (6ft distancing etc.). People had multiple carts loaded up with craft items, frames etc. We bought nothing compared to others in line.


    We only ate our first meal a minute ago: NY Strip- Grilled & Boneless - Steak, Spaghetti Squash, Grilled Vegetables, Lilllie's - Zero Sugar Carolina Bbq Sauce


    Lin – Looks like we are experiencing similar weather today. Thought of you at Michaels – you would have had a field day! As for the “woven” tea pot – it’s a first for me. I Googled “Lois Russell-Basketry” and found more work on Pinterest.

    Anne – Will definitely check into picking up a copy of that book. There has to be a joke in that Canadian male calorie count. LOL I do like that it compares home-cooked vs restaurant. There was a time I didn’t pay attention to labels…but do now. While I prefer homemade sauce I do occasionally buy Rao's jar sauce. What a difference there can be.


    Patsy – Yes - Big Little Lies- we watched and enjoyed Season 1 and 2. Not sure when Season 3 is scheduled. I know they took their time in renewing it and imagine Covid has had an impact. I must say, I really loved a lot of the music they play. In fact, I downloaded some from iTunes and made a cd.

    Sandy – Don’t blame Lisa’s dad at all when it comes to a catheter ad jumping kids. Be honest, you can’t wait to climb into that new bed tent with Robby. LOL.

    Enjoy the evening everyone. Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,127 Member
    edited January 2021
    Lots of phone calls and messages today. A close friend has tested positive for Covid and is somewhat unwell. Her husband tested and is negative. They have split up the house for quarantine for the next several weeks. She is checking her blood oxygen level every few hours. She apparently was unable to contact her doctor’s office to ask about monoclonal antibodies.

    And a friend was very upset about a situation and we talked for a long time. I don’t know that it helped at all but I tried. And I am tired.

    Called a friend to wish her a happy birthday tomorrow. She will be busy all day tomorrow.

    But I did finish my Valentines. Will wait a while to address them. A couple will go out of state so will send those sooner than the rest.


    I have started on the cards for the veterans. Just a small start. But a start.

    Going to watch a movie. The episodes of Spenser for Hire Seasons 2 and 3, are now listed as unavailable in my area. Growl. Are you able to watch them Bob?

    Did I say how much I adored Allan Sherman when I was younger? I did. Loved his comedy.

    Sandy, enjoy the tent!

    Patsy, your picnic sounds lovely to me.

    Barbie, I am sorry you did not receive the vaccine.

    Jackie, sorry you have to pass on planting some of your bulbs. Interested about that variety of snowdrops. I saw a photo today and the person said these were lily of the valley. Didn’t look like that to me. I thought they were snowdrops. Opinion?


    Off I go.
