Senior Golden Sneakers



  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Mornin’ Mornin’ – an early quick check-in as not sure how the day will unfold. Got to gym at 5am and had a nice 3 mile walk. Temp was in the 20’s and headed for 35 high. Here is a bit of weather humor:


    DestinyUSA Mall: A friend told me today - BestBuy at is closing on March 7th. It hasn’t hit the news yet. Last week I told Jean I had noticed poorly stocked / organized shelves and wondered if they were quietly planning to close. I had picked up a pair of shoes (I didn’t need) at Clarke’s for $18 that were $100.00 – they close this week. The mall is the largest in NYS at 2,400,000 square feet…but more and more there are empty spaces.

    We aren’t usually fixated on the mall except it has ended up being one of those places (when timed correctly) where we can go and feel somewhat “normal” during this Covid time. Far less people than anyone would think.

    Jean plans to take her 89 year old friend to a doctor’s appt late morning. To be honest, I think it is one of those unnecessary appts she sometimes makes… oh well.

    I’ll be off to run a couple errands. And maybe just enough walking to hit 10k steps. This must continue my computer file clean-up and then set up an additional external hard drive back-up. I have almost 2.5 terabyte used which is ridiculous! (1 terabyte (TB) is equal to 1000 Gigabytes (GB))

    Hope everyone has a great day…stay safe and healthy! Bob
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost my post trying to take a photo of George’s pack of food at the same time. Works on my iPad but apparently not on my phone. 😤
    Back after a cup of tea and episode of Escape to the Country.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hello friends. Bundling things up this morning for a lady who is to pick up my Valentines for Vets. I also put together some supplies for them to make more cards on Saturday. I burned out at 62 cards. With my Valentines, sympathy cards, birthday cards and the vets cards, January has been an exceptional card month at over 90 cards. Can I quit until February? 🤣🤣😂😂

    I made a card this morning for a little girl at church and here’s the inside. I made a little envelope and tucked money inside.


    Morning teapot. I hope no one is offended. Teepee teapot.


    Another overcast day with a little bit of something added overnight so the roads are slippery this morning. I need to get out and put down some de-icer/melting compound.

    Bob, I am sorry about your mall. It is very discouraging. We have a mall, relatively close to me, square footage unknown. Many stores have closed and the plans for the future of the structure is unknown at the moment. We were told it was going to be converted to residential space with some small amount of retail for restaurants, etc. We will see.

    Jackie, I am sorry you lost your post. That is very frustrating and darn, we miss out on what you have to share. ☹️

    Hello Barbie, Anne, Sandy, Patsy and all other Sneakers who may stop by.

    Laundry calling.


    P.S. my friend did talk to her doctor but no mono-clonal antibodies for her. Not sick enough to qualify. Her husband is being retested today. He now has symptoms.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Sitting early again so not a lot of time. Lisa's dad has to pause all treatment 4-6 weeks and have repeat surgery to determine if there is muscle involvement, right now they said it doesn't appear to be. It that's the case long term chemo 3 years. If not they might have to remove part of the bladder. It is high grade cancer, which is bad but has not moved to lymph nodes or prostate. So not great, not horrible, more waiting.
    (I copied her text to me) So those that pray, please keep him in your prayers.

    Lin, I am sorry about your friend, I also heard more bad news this morning from another friend, A lady in her 90's who husbands called bingo many years ago has died from a heart attack. Her daughter found her unresponsive, rushed to hospital but unable to revive her. She also tested positive for Covid so her daughter is in quarantine. Her other daughter is in the hospital with Covid and pneumonia and she has diabetes. She also started to drink, big time after she was diagnosed with liver disease. Not good news. This year is not starting out well I do pray it gets better.
    I love the card for the young girl with the envelope.

    Jackie, sorry you lost your post, I hope it had some happy news to share.

    Bob, funny joke, it did make me laugh.

    Sorry but again I have to rush, the change of time in sitting is two hours earlier than I am used too.
    Please stay safe, I can't handle anymore bad news.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Oh my! A cold, cold day. Ice on the deck AND the French doors were frozen shut. This is the door to the fenced in back yard for Katie. I was almost panicked. However John forced it into submission and all is well now. Katie has been out at least 20 or 30 times. She does this each morning before her ball game, either inside or outside, depending on the weather. She hates being wet.

    Yes, winter and Covid and riots and unrest, closing of shops and restaurants, isolation, vaccine unavailable, economic problems looming. The new administration will certainly have big challenges. God Bless them! “Call me a Pie-eyed optimist,” I truly believe we can slowly pull out of this. At least some vaccine is available, however inefficiently, spring is eventually coming, there is a few more minutes of sunlight, shops are closing but more internet sites are cropping up. We are becoming more self reliant because we have to be. Take heart, dear ones. We will support each other when one of us needs it.

    I have a some creative projects in the wind and intermittently I am clearing out the junk I seem to oddly collect. Why do I keep some of these things? I remember clearing out Mom’s house and coming up on a huge nest of empty plastic food containers. Enough to fill several enormous garden debris bags. These were not the regular food storage .Tupperware. These were like the containers cookies come in. Why? What was she planning? Did I inherit some weird garbage collecting gene?

    Lin: not being of Native American heritage, I have no clear understanding of their issues. I understand their resentment of ill treatment, but the little teapot is charming from my point of view. Being of Irissh descent, I never object to Irish jokes and comments. I love things that remind me of my Irish American background.
    Take care everyone, I am depending on you!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well today I am in a lethargic nothing mood and therefore i have nothing to say. Makes a change.
    Things should change tomorrow as the 20th January 2021 looms.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Now where was I? I can’t repeat what I’d started earlier so suffice to say I was lucky to walk the dogs in a relatively dry window although George still managed to collect rain, mud and leaves off the road. My effort to divert away from the windy field didn’t work but when George became distracted by a beautiful white Retriever I walked on with Betty but turned back about half way and collected George on the way out! I love this sign on the gate at the entrance!

    Later I prepared a large pot of bean and chorizo casserole then decided to relax as wind and rain increased with storm Christoph’s arrival.

    What a fabulous collection of cards Lin. The recipients will love them I’m sure. Love the teepee teapot too and would hope it would be taken as a compliment.

    So much occurring right now Patsy but wouldn’t dear Buzz have been relieved and delighted about future changes. I’ve thought of her a lot recently because she would have had so much to say. I do miss her as we all do.

    Anne, George’s raw food is actually pet food and includes ground up bones for calcium and phosphorus. It’s supposed to be human quality but I haven’t tested that theory!

    Your story about your works hockey team reminded me of my experiences playing in the baseball team of a company in Toronto. It seemed rather genteel compared to rounders so I think my enthusiasm for wacking the ball out of the park surprised some of my colleagues!

    Sandy, I’m sorry you are hearing more sad news. It’s bound to get you down but try not to worry. My cancer was high grade and here I am 5 years later feeling very grateful for each day. So much can be done for cancer sufferers these days.

    Take care everyone. I’m off to bed hoping I’ll sleep while the wind howls down the chimney!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    This one’s for Patsy! 😁
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Lin, your cards are amazing. what a great thing you are doing.

    :) Today we went to the post office so I could send off my friend's mail (I've been doing this for her for a few years) and mail two books to others through Paperback Swap, then to the curbside pickup at the library to return one book and pick up four more.

    :) Otherwise all is the same, dog walking, exercise bike, knitting, watching TV.

    :) Since I walk early morning and early evening every day, I am enjoying watching the days get gradually lighter.

    <3 Barbie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm sure everyone will be glued to their TV sets as Donald frolics in the surf in Florida. Pray for a peaceful, happy day and a bright and shining future.🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷🇱🇷
    So I'll wander off but must congratulate LIN on her wonderful cards first! Happy recipients!
    In case PATSYs email is wonky again, I've sent a small note about our next endeavour.
    God bless everyone,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hello, praying for a safe day today.

    I received an email from a flower seed supplier. I loved these - Aquilegia 'Blue Butterflies'.


    I have never seen Columbines like these. Maybe they. Aught my eyebecause they are blue?

    Morning teapot, well more than just a teapot. Looks cozy to me.


    I am going to do little today. Some fussing around the house and an eye on the television. Last evening was quite moving with the tribute to those lost to Covid.

    Oh, my Zoom meeting last evening was a book club discussion of the first Nancy Drew book. I read the original from the 1930’s and the librarian was discussing a newer revised version where much was changed. I finally just left.

    Oh, I did attend an extra Zoom meeting over the weekend given by the County Conservation personnel. The topic - squirrels. It was interesting but I did not care for the taxidermy examples. Lots of lovely photos

    And an author Zoom meeting on Monday evening. A local author and I found it interesting although it wasn’t sort of sad that not many people attended. It was a good conversation.

    Well, onward my friends.

    Barbie, it is kind of you to make the post office trips for your friend. I need to check my library account, I think I have some books to pick up as well. I am still reading books for my last trip.

    Jackie, another great joke. Love it. 🤣😂🤣

    Anne, hopefully a day with no unpleasant surprises.

    Sandy, I am sorry for the illness of Lisa’s father. It makes life more difficult.

    Patsy, hopefully a good day today. No frozen doors or other problems.

    Bob, are you still working on photographic projects for family/friends?

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Storm Christoph is hanging around so it was a very short local dog walk and we didn’t meet a soul. All 3 pets are snoozing while I’m researching home insurance. My current insurance company has increased my premium, not by much but since I can’t remember the last time I made a claim I shall look around.

    Lin, my garden is covered in Aquilegia in the Spring but mostly pink, white and purple. I do see the occasional blue flower but dark rather than the royal blue in your photo. A few years ago I tried to introduce multi coloured varieties but the bees had other ideas and cross pollinated them back to the established plant colours!

    Horizontal rain rushing past the window like a train and just as noisy. Rather than watch the tv I shall start my next jigsaw... kittens in a basket. Of course I hope everything goes smoothly and peacefully in Washington. I have strong opinions about matey’s executive pardons for the corrupt but not my problem so what do we do Bob? Keep schtum! 🤫😆

    An early cup of tea I think. That’s a fancy tea set Lin. Looks like a dancing nymphs decoration but not sure what’s floating in the tea. My favourites in the basket... strawberry and vanilla cream tarts!!

    Take care everyone and stay safe.
    Peace and love. 🇺🇸
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well we've got a new president and it was a very nice ceremony. I was doing this jigsaw whilst I watched and believe me this is the hardest jigsaw of my entire life! In fact I don't want to see another jigsaw for some time!

    Don't do it Sneakers.
    Anne, off to do something with crossed eyes.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Just as you might expect...I am awash in emotion. Having watched the swearing-in. I confess at one time actually sobbing. Not sure if I can articulate my feelings. Pride, hope, relief, patriotism, and acknowledging the challenges ahead for the new administration and our country. I sent a mental spirit sent message to Buzz, our dear wise outspoken departed friend. I think she would have been pleased at the diversity and symbolism today.

    The power went off early this morning. No storm, no rain, no snow, no wind....I wondered if we were having some sort of demonstration. Oregon and Washington have had protest demonstrations. Power is back and I could watch the inauguration. It will be nice to think of other more uplifting things for a change.
    Whatever your politics, hoping everyone has a peaceful and healthy day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited January 2021
    Happy Wednesday!! :) I for one am a very happy person today. I cried like Patsy through a lot of the inauguration, especially when Kamala Harris was sworn in as the first black, Asian American woman and Vice President of the United States. Again, when Joe Biden was sworn in, I cried with the music and lastly with the wreath at the Unknown soldier. It is a great day in America and I am once again proud to be an American.

    I then went to the bank, to the dollar store and picked up my groceries from Walmart. It is already time to ride my bike so this day has whizzed by. Anne, you are awfully quiet lately and I really hope I didn't offend you about the vaccine. It is a individual choice and I meant no harm. I miss your wonderful posts and your great sense of humor.

    Hello to everyone else but I really have to get some exercise in today as I did not yesterday because of sitting.

    Have a wonderful day but keep safe and keep wearing those masks.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Of course you didn't offend me SANDY. I've got a skin like a rhinoceros anyway. Golly, if I got offended by some of the much worse things said to me in the past I'd be a lonely little petunia by now. I've been busy doing very hard jigsaws, walking little dogs, watching inaugurations and PATSY I've sent you another chapter. All out of ideas in that department now so hopefully back to chatty Annie tomorrow. There aren't enough hours in the day, or maybe I'm just getting old, slow and doddery.

    Thought the inauguration went off splendidly and echo everyone's sentiments except for one thing what on earth was lady gaga wearing? Wonderful voice, nicely made up, but I couldn't take my eyes off the huge, red felt parachute.

    How are we going to survive without the antics of the ghost of Christmas past! I had to smile when he took off in the presidential plane to the strains of Frank Sinatra singing "I did it my way". Defiant to the end, what a lad!

    Anyway I'm sure BUZZ is beaming down on us, bless her and I'm convinced it will be a much quieter year and won't that be a relief for poor America AND the rest of us.

    Very, very happy for my USA friends,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Today is a very happy day for the USA and for the world. I, too, shed a few tears. I especially love the Vice President.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My morning has been taken up with a drive to leave some eggs at a friend’s door, a cold blustery walk on the moors then to drop off a new prescription painkillers arrival for Ollie the Labrador. We stood in the porch for a few minutes and caught up on news.
    The dogs loved their run but George picked up so much mud and muck on his feet and tummy I’ve had to stand him in his baby bath of warm water to wash it all off.

    Already lunchtime for the household then, if it remains dry I will attempt to tidy a flower bed or two.

    Thursday already... have a good one.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Shades of Wuthering Heights in your photo Jackie, brrrr. Funny how memory goes back in time to blue skies and heather and discards the wellies, scarves and rain gear. I need a jolt now and then when a touch of home sickness occurs! Mind you it WAS nice getting home to a blazing fire!
    Thanks for the memory,
    Hugs from Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2021
    A busy day for you Jackie. Glad you are home. 🤞🏻🤞🏻for okay weather.

    Anne, good morning. How are you and Jilly? Is it grocery day? I put in another small order for things I couldn’t get earlier in the week. I guess my fingers are crossed too.

    I watched some of the evening program. Flawlessly executed and oh my, the best fireworks I have seen in a very long time. I was cruising through some stations and the Fox News commentator was ridiculing and demeaning the events of the day. I flipped on by. As usual, politics are not for me.

    So today, small grocery delivery, economic Zoom meeting, trip to the library to drop off books and pick up some more, maybe a call to my friend who is still recuperating from the broken femur. Tonight there’s another Zoom meeting, the origins of the President’s cabinet. Should be interesting.

    I spoke with a friend yesterday afternoon. Some problems in her life, I am not certain I was of much help.

    I exchanged some messages with my friend trying to recover from Covid. She says it is unrelenting and she is sleeping up to 18 hours a day. Apparently all the over the counter medicines she is taking is allowing her to sleep. But she is not eating and is hardly sipping water. That part bothers me. She needs fluids. Her husband is unwell, not as bad as she is feeling, but he isn’t very tuned in to how to help. He brought her a double helping of biscuits with sausage gravy for breakfast yesterday. Oh dear.

    Well, I had best move along.

    Best wishes everyone.


    Ha, thought I forgot the teapot? (No description.)
