Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    I am like Lin when it comes to showers, shampoo and conditioner for my hair and Dove soap for my body.
    I didn't want to say anything but I did find another car and weather permitting Wednesday my son will go with me to look at it. It has the bells and whistles I like so I am excited. I did tell the girl that I am driving 45 minutes to view this car and if it sells before my appointment to let me know because it is the only car I am interested in. So we shall see, if this ones falls through then I will trust my Higher Power and put things on hold for a while.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! We have rain, ice, sun, clouds and damp cold. Soooo that about covers it. I see we have a week of the same. It is winter, I keep reminding myself. Instead, I keep thinking of daffodils. How silly is that?

    As far as doggie birthdays, Katie’s birthday is March 4th. She will also be 5 years old. In truth it terrifies me. Big dogs have a shorter life span. I am not sure I can survive another loss like Mazzie and MOMo. But then before that was Molly, Rosie and Peggie, all Old English Sheepdogs. We have always been a doggie family.

    Jackie: I love poetry and have had a go at writing some from time to time. Our college sponsored a poetry festival called The Poet Fishermen Festival each feb. It has become a huge international event now. Some of the poems were pretty “randy” but the whole event is fun and quite bawdy, indeed! Some were poems of tragedy and supernatural. It is possible to pick your entertainment and the subject of the poems from the program. Beer and greasy fish and chips are served liberally.

    Sandy: there is a lovely poem about the passing of loved one. Something about they are not gone but just in the next room. I wish I could remember more to find the title. It was lovely and comforting and the sentiment felt right and true.

    Anne: when I was growing up on the ranch, we used an awful gritty soap called Lava. It was green and I swear it had rocks ground up in it. Because of that soap, I only use lovely perfumed soap. However, I do think shower gels in general are great! I choose whatever smells nice!

    Lin: so glad you are staying home during the bad weather. There is nothing so terrifying as an emergency and being out in bad weather trying to find help and transportation back home. That has happened to me before.

    Laundry ready to fold, bathrooms cleaned, Turkey sandwiches and veggie soup for dinner.
    You are all in my thoughts and my heart....
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    I braved it outside today for my walk. It was quite chilly, windy with a touch of snow on the ground. I decided to walk up to the grocery store to buy a cantaloupe as the one Ed bought wasn't ripe. Same problem at the first grocery store - they are on sale so all the good ones are gone. Luckily the next grocery store was very close and I was able to buy a container of cut up cantaloupe. Not my favourite but it will do. I really enjoy having fruit with my meals so I get into panic mode when everything has disappeared from the fridge. I have a big cantaloupe and 2 mangos on the cupboard softening up so it's wait wait mode.



    Jackie the puzzle looks great. What caught my eye was the name Bissell as it was the maiden name of my great grandmother.

    Bob - I think lots of people are exercising more with the advent of COVID.

    It's fun to see kids and families out having fun.

    Sandy - how frustrating when it comes to getting a new car. We had been looking at trading ours in and had started the process. Then COVID came along and we put it on hold. With all the strong restrictions that are in place, looking for a new one is on hold for awhile for sure.

    Lin - that puzzle with the book pictures looks lots of fun.

    Anne - I am like Lin, shampoo and conditioner and just plain old soap.

    Also, Can't remember when I put on any makeup. LOL My hair is so long, but luckily I have an appointment in 2 weeks for a cut. Hairdressers had been shut down for about a month and the back log was huge getting an appointment.

    Well, it's time to go downstairs where I can do a zoom meeting with some friends for a book club.

    Be well, enjoy yourselves,


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Jackie, I have fond memories of imperial leather soap. However, alas, I've never seen it over here.
    Thanks for all the tips which I will copy and like you all just stick to my (pears) soap and shampoo which the family also use despite buying me stuff that had me smelling like a faded rose garden.

    Sandy, I don't think I'd buy a used car in a pandemic if my old one is running well. Mike seems to have got himself a super deal but then he is friends with the manager who phoned him to tell him a great little car was for sale. Owned by a lady just starting a family who wanted something bigger and not a gear shift. So far, so good! He's yet to test it driving over in snow which is drifting towards us from Lin and your area.

    We will never forget how old our little furry friends are Patsy and Jackie with all three having similar dates! I'm so used to having long chats with Bean, her sitting with her head to one side obviously trying to understand that I simply can't imagine life without the dear little thing. I survived Jenny who was the same but I was younger and working which helped a little. Must banish such thoughts and enjoy the moment!

    Robbie Burns. I always liked his wee mouse poem, not so keen on the red red rose.

    Leftover stew today. The days are beginning to feel like one long day with a snooze every so often.
    I have a banana every day Jeri. Cut it into small pieces, pop into the blender with 3/4 cup cold water, whizz for a bit, and drink before I have tea/coffee and porridge/oatmeal.
    Mustn't omit Barbie and Bob. Morning Barbie and Jake, Bob and Jean.
    Anne ❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Even my trips to the supermarket seem to come round sooner as like you Anne, days drift into days, weeks into weeks. I was in the store early and bought lots of fresh fruit, all on offer. British apples and pears, oranges from Seville and bananas from Costa Rica so although it’s wet and windy outside my fruit bowl gives me a view of exotic places!
    Our morning walk was a short one because we were all soaked before we even reached the road so as soon as George and Betty had done what was needed we turned back towards home. Both were then given a rub down with a warm towel before their monthly Nextguard chew in a dollop of farmhouse pate and I made myself a toasted pate sandwich for lunch. I watched the lunchtime news but very quickly gave myself indigestion shouting at the tv as reporters seemed to do their best to find negative responses to stories... back to my favourite music station!
    There’s housework to be done as well as a pile of papers needing a sort and that will probably be my afternoon.

    Patsy, keep thinking daffodils as I’m sure they’ll soon be up and bobbing about in the breeze.
    Your local poetry festival sounds great fun and definitely an event I’d enjoy. When I first moved to this parish an annual beer festival was held at one of the pubs where over a weekend singers, poets and storytellers performed for what very quickly turned into a friendly but rowdy audience. At closing time a lock-in took place when even the local Bobby could be found sipping beer. Great times but unfortunately the pub has since been converted into a large residence.

    Jeri, you always manage to make the snowy scenes look inviting! Since your great grandmother was a Bissell I’ll order the jigsaw in her memory. 😊

    Anne, Pears soap is gentle so seems a good idea to stay with what you know. Patsy’s Lava soap sounds familiar as if I came upon it at some point in my life but if I did it must have been discarded pretty quickly! I remember my mother using Imperial Leather with that small square label set in the bar of soap which is maybe why I gravitate towards their shower creme.
    I’m sure Mike knows that a gear shift car is easier to handle on snow and ice than an automatic. When I was looking for a new car last year my brother did his best to persuade me to get an automatic one but I told him I wouldn’t be able to take it out of the garage in the Winter on our ungritted roads. Of course that was before any of us knew of such things as lockdowns and restrictions!

    Sandy, I’m so pleased you managed to get to the mass and talked to the family as well. I hope it gave you closure even as you miss him.

    Hello Lin, Bob and Barbie. Enjoy your day.
    Everyone stay safe.
    Jackie 😍

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hello, 13 1/2 inches of snow and still accumulating but at a slower rate now. The gent with the snowblower did the sidewalks and the drive so I ventured out and scooped/shoveled along my overhead garage door. When I opened the door, it hesitated but finally went up. Wow, lots of snow had piled against the door. So cleaned it out so the trash cart could go to the curb. Have no idea if they will try to collect today but just in case. Most of my neighbors put their carts out last night so they had yo dig them out this morning. Anyway, all cleaned and salted around the overhead door so if I would have to go out, it should work.

    But my front porch is still piled full. The door scrapes over the snow when I try to open it. I will tackle that later. 🙃

    Patsy, I remember that poetry festival. You had mentioned it once before and I looked up some poems and photos from prior years. It looks quite a bit of fun. Poetry is sometimes a yes for me, sometimes a no. But I did attend a Robbie Burns dinner (online) yesterday with bagpipes, poetry reading, haggis, and several drams for the person hosting the event. Donations to buy him another dram were cheerfully accepted through PayPal. I did struggle mightily with the accent not to mention the words of Burns.

    Anne, I hope you don’t receive much snow. Actually the further south, the more the snow accumulation this time. Up North, much less snow so perhaps you wonder see much this time round. So the snow should stop around noon today but the streets aren’t expected to all be cleared until tomorrow at some point. More snow later in the week/weekend. Oh yes, it is winter. Keep puzzling.

    Sandy, it was kind of you to attend the funeral. I could not have done it in person. I am struggling with just getting through the online versions. Well, good luck on the next car. You seem very determined to get a different vehicle so I hope you find the right one and that is it a peach.

    Jackie, yipes, walking on ice. So glad you got onto more solid footing relatively quickly. Do you have cleats for your shoes/boots? Such as Yak Tracks? I love those when I know I have to slither across a slippery surface. Your grocery stores sound well stocked. Glad you get out to stay stocked up. I adore all Pomegranate puzzles! The one you pictured will be fun. Beautiful art puzzle.

    Jeri, lovely photos and great walks. I am in awe of how much you get outdoors. Happy fruit hunting. It is difficult to get just exactly what you prefer in terms of size, ripeness, etc. The cut up fruit doesn’t last too long does it?

    Bob, yes, good playlist. Annie Lennox, I think, was quite famous here from the start. I always think of “Walking on Broken Glass” — although why I think of that song first I can’t tell you.

    Barbie, I heard from my doctor’s practice and they don’t have any vaccine yet but have plans to contact patients (in the appropriate tier) as they have vaccine. Please do not call them. I am sure they must get hundreds of calls. So, I hope your plan works out and you have a multipurpose appointment! A friend told me yesterday, her sister in Colorado has already had both shots. She is quite jealous.

    And I grew up with Lava because it helped clean dirt and grease and such gunk from your hands. But that wasn’t the main soap. Always good with outdoor activities, gardening, etc. And in the shower, the only soap when I was growing up was Zest. I cannot tell you why, but I used what we had. My mom had her own facial soap but I do not remember what it was, it wasn’t mine to use. 😁

    Well, let’s see, a morning teapot I guess. Another one with no information. Looks like a decorative and expensive example.


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Washing up done, then dropped a couple of jigsaws round to my bored COVID neighbours, both doing ok and coming out of quarantine by end of week. Here’s my current puzzle that I should finish while I sip my afternoon tea.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited January 2021
    And we've got LINs snow. It's a blizzard out there, so for PATSYs information I've mailed another chapter of THE BOOK. It's winging its way to you right now. Lol.
    My memory never to be forgotten soap was carbolic. Originally used for scrubbing floors that's all we had in the war years. Yeuk!
    Trials start today in Toronto for Canada's own vaccine. Facilities have been bought in Calgary to manufacture our own.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    I’ll look at it for 24 hours then beak it up and move on.

    Goodness Lin, that’s far too much snow! Now Anne’s turn! 😱

    Pretty teapot. Don’t know but looks Oriental... full of Eastern promise, or is that Turkish Delight! 🙃

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) So far we have about six inches of snow but it is still falling. The good news is that I am not going to sit as I don't like driving in snow with my little car. Lisa's mom was there for another appointment Lisa had so she is staying for Robby's OCD therapy zoom appointment. I just hope it is all cleared up for tomorrow for my car appointment.
    Babe called last night to see if I went to funeral mass and asked if his other brother was there which he was not.
    I could not go to my own brothers funeral no matter how bad I felt, but that is just me. This funeral mass was not on live stream which would have been wonderful if it were for those who couldn't attend.

    Jackie, nice job on the puzzle and I love the content. I especially like that George is supervising on his comfortable chair. I think we have all lost time especially if something happens to change our routine. Thanks for reminding me to place a grocery order.

    Lin, yes I am determined to change cars but we will see what happens tomorrow. I just prefer a SUV and feel safer driving one especially with all wheel drive. 13 1/2 inches of snow is a lot of snow, please be careful shoveling.
    I am sure my driveway has not been done yet so I am glad I am not driving over it to cause ice. I do have to go outside to retrieve my empty garbage cans so will bundle up for that chore.

    Barbie, thanks for reminding me to leave things in God's Hands. He has been extremely kind to me this week with different things to make me happy.

    Anne, that is one of my problems, my car doesn't run that great but it serves it's purpose. The dealerships are very cautious with Covid restrictions so I am comfortable, I even wore two masks at the last one. I thought Mike already had a car in your garage or is that Mark? I get so confused.

    Jeri, beautiful pictures but I would rather be inside looking out than walking in that cold weather. Our restrictions have been lifted as our positivity rate is down to 6%. Mostly everything is open with minimum seating and attendance. Now if only everyone keeps following the rules and we get our vaccines, life might return to some sort of normal this year.

    Patsy, I love that you had OES and love big dogs as I do although if I could I would have a little dog in my apartment.
    It is just too bad my DIL has such allergies and I love them staying with me. Of course I haven't seen them since last January but I will still honor her wishes.

    Have a great day, stay warm, dry and safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon! The weather was quiet this morning (backyard pic) with temp in the 20’s. Some occasional blustery snow with a nominal 1-3 “expected. I’ll take it. Hard to believe Monday is February 1st! Only 52 days until spring.


    Got wrapped up this morning watching a Dr Fung interview on YouTube. He was one of my primary intermittent fasting “go-to” references when I started. Not sure if anyone has any interested in the topic but here is the link:
    Patrick Bet-David has a virtual sit down with the Dr. Jason Fung to talk about obesity, dieting, intermittent fasting and healthy living.

    Sandy – So glad you were able to attend the funeral fir both closure and as support for the family. As you can see from the above, we aren’t expecting much snow – but starting Thursday we are in for a real cold spell with highs in the teens. I do dislike the cold! LOL

    Just read your post mentioning “Dove soap for my body.” It’s the only soap I use, as some others long ago gave me break-out issues and my dermatologist told me to stick with Dove. Of course I mock myself out with Jean telling her I am a “delicate flower.” So excited for you and the prospect of a new car!!! Look forward to details and a pic.

    Jackie - Yes, Jean and I are both Annie Lennox fans from way back. With regards to the Valentine’s Day gifts – I am blessed with Jean. She puts a lot of effort into it regardless of the occasion. The grandchildren really do LOVE the special touches and it’s my job to come up with a riddle for each card (they expect the riddle and read them openly to see if people can guess the answer).

    Give you 3 guesses what came to mind when my eyes closed in on the phrase “bowl of porridge” and then glanced down to see the Robert Bissell “bear” puzzle. HINT: “At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls of porridge.”

    Patsy – That’s some weather pattern! Hard to plan the day ahead. Like you, I will keep thinking daffodils (actually I will take any flowers at this point). As for doggie birthdays etc. it is hard not to think of our pets when they age. Even though our last 2 cats lived a long 20 years – tears still flowed when they passed. When Sabrina goes, we will likely take a break from pet ownership. We never boarded them anyplace when we went away and had Jeans dad come by daily (he loved it) – but he has also passed on.

    Jeri – Hope you enjoyed that walk to get a cantaloupe… which reminds me of all the lame cantaloupe jokes like: “What did the melon tell her boyfriend when he proposed? Yes but we cantaloupe.” I think you are correct about the exercising with the advent of COVID. I was at the gym around 5am today and still a very decent crowd. In past years, I always remember the gym being very busy with new members with New Years resolutions for a week or two and then slowly dissipate…by March most would be gone. I think more people are sticking with it this year.

    Lin – OMG --- 13 ½ inches of snow!!! PLEASE GOD – no thank you! LOL. We have been “extremely” fortunate so far this year with regards to accumulation. Far less than half the normal amount.

    I must say - “Walking on Broken Glass” is always the first song of hers that I think of as well. In fact, now I am singing it in my head – which I am sure Jean is thankful for – versus singing out loud. Your morning teapot reminds me of a Fabergé egg.

    Adios for now. Stay warm and healthy! Bob
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Sandy, Mike was going to put his purchased car in my garage, but then decided to give up the works car with things being so dicey at work. He can go back to a works car if he has to.
    Cantaloupe, oh Bob! Lol.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Play on words joke to match Bob. Maybe you know it? It's a very long-in-the-tooth joke.

    Man to friend........ my wife's flown to the islands.
    Friend............... ...Jamaica?
    Man to friend........No, she went of her own accord.

    Collective groan from all.

    Darrens girls who live across from me and returned from England this summer just shovelled my drive!
    13 and 10 years old. I'm so impressed! Must reward them because they shovelled Maria's drive as well AND their own! My drive is the longest.
    It's stopped snowing at the moment.
    Annsie and Jilly who enjoyed a good long yap.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) I finished knitting the baby blanket for my new friend's soon to be born grandson. I mailed it today. Here is what I sent:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Look what I bought tonight, with my son's help!! I am so excited!! Low payment just like I wanted. All the bells and whistles, just what I wanted. 2021 Honda HV-R EX!!!! I am so happy, God's Plan was good to me!!!!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited January 2021
    Very nice Sandy. Happy driving.

    Beautifully knitted Barbie. I'm very impressed.

    So from the land where the north wind blowsies
    And it sleets and it snowsies,
    We all sit here blowing noses,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Barbie, what lovely knitting. It looks so soft and cozy. Excellent.

    Sandy, oh my gosh! Look at that!! Woo-hoo! How exciting.

    It is cold here with even colder temps expected tonight and tomorrow morning. Staying inside as much as possible. I shoveled three times yesterday. That is more than enough for me. The city plow keeps filling the end of my driveway with snow and they hit my trash cart, flipped it over and covered it in snow while it was still full. Yes, I would like to resign now.

    Annsie, you are a hoot!! Love the poem.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sandy, glad you found what you wanted and didn't let one setback discourage you. Enjoy.

    :) It's not so cold here. Temps are hovering just above freezing so walking is pleasant early morning and early evening thus I'm getting lots of steps.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’m having one of those days! Just lost my post after having 2 long sessions online trying to communicate with my GP practice. Round and round in several circles but I have managed to finally complete a form asking for a telephone consultation concerning a mole on my arm that’s changing and itchy. It could be some time because they are apparently at the vaccine centre but that’s fine; at least I’ve made contact.

    It’s misty and damp but I took the dogs on the moors for an amble then into town for a few greetings cards and a bag of potting compost because seeds I ordered at the weekend have arrived in the post. I’ll be ready to get the seeds planted just as soon as I know the cold weather has disappeared for good.

    Beautiful blankets and hats Barbie and I love both the colour and pattern. Good to read your steps are up now it’s warmer.

    Congratulations Sandy, you got the car you wanted! It looks very sporty. 😁. Just go steady on the snow and ice.

    Oh Lin, so much snow AND you were being careful not to put your rubbish bin out when it was likely to get knocked over. Can’t win eh!

    Definitely cup of tea time which reminds me Bob of a riddle for you. What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it? A teapot!!

    Annsie is a poet and does know it!! 😆

    Jackie 😘