Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    And just as things are looking up concerning the virus, bad news concerning China and Taiwan and of course Hong Kong. China is getting very aggressive and its worrying.

    My groceries arrived and plonked on the doorstep by a nice lad of about 16 looking remarkably like Dorio above the mask. As they drove off Dorio poked his head out of the cab and yelled "good morning Mrs B......." so I'm wondering if the lad was his son helping out as the kids have been out of school until this coming Monday. Everything arrived except for a bottle of shampoo.

    Then Mike turned up after us not seeing him for two weeks. Bean almost had a heart attack with excitement. He cut his visit in half and we kept our distance. He did take Bean to the mailboxes and she actually asked to come home! It's bitterly cold out. Talking of mail, 250 odd postal workers at the depot have the virus and sadly one has died.

    And so I finish where I began. China!!

    Hey ho,
    Take care everyone,

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Puzzle finished for puzzle day. 🧩🧩


    The Zoom call is over. The loud ladies kept interrupting each other. 😂🙃😂

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I had an eye appointment today for my macular and asked to have an eye exam as well. So the tech dilated my eyes for the doctor to check my macular which was the same and is not changing but with my eyes dilated it was too hard to take an eye exam. I have to go back Monday because the doctor thinks my prescription has changed. On the way home I got stuck in a traffic jam that crawled for 30 minutes and I didn't see what caused the problem except a truck was on the side of the road so maybe it got stuck in the middle and had to be moved.
    I started the laundry but had to finish the towels when I got home. Rode the bike for 81 minutes and now it is dinner time.
    We have movie afternoon tomorrow at 3:00 because we are expecting a snow storm of 9 inches Saturday night through Sunday. Now I am really glad I bought an SUV with 4 wheel drive. And how was your day??

    I do have to mention that I love Jeri's grandchildren's picture, it is precious and made me smile as well. Love the snow picture Jeri and Bob, yours is amazing.

    I will be back in the morning because the day is half over and I need to make dinner and relax.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We got a note that iPads and iPhones are being hacked. We were to update to 14+. We did that but just wanted to say that on this forum, the posts are often very garbled and there are huge dropouts. Not sure what causes that. Doesn’t sound like it is hacked but strange none the less.
    Back to work,
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Another friend organized a Zoom meet-up this afternoon so she and I and several other friends could all be together when my friend opened the package with the blanket and hat I knitted. She was thrilled that not only was there a newborn blanket, but also a larger blanket and two hats.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Raining so another jigsaw morning

    My neighbour passed it over and I gave her a nightmare one where colours merge throughout, so much so that she messaged me with a photo of half finished border checking if I knew all the pieces were in the box. It’s one I gave up on last summer but haven’t admitted that yet! 🤫

    Walked locally and the pooches are now snoozing so won’t be happy when my vacuum cleaner is switched on.

    Hooray for Zoom Barbie so you could enjoy seeing your friend’s delight when she received the knitted baby items!

    My window cleaner brought his son a couple of visits during last year’s lockdown Anne. Said he was giving his wife a break so perhaps Dorio has a similar plan.

    Once on to our forum I don’t have problems reading the posts Patsy. No dropouts or gobble-de-gook at my end but it’s always good to know if hacking reports are out there.

    Ok, time to prepare lunch... cottage cheese and pineapple slices in their juice rather than syrup. No preparation really other than opening a tin and carton!

    Have a safe Saturday.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Day three of my fitness campaign. On track so far. I've just done my half hour trot around the house and will make the Mexican and bean casserole again which is low in calories but surprisingly filling.
    More later, but trying to report accountability early in the day to keep me motivated.
    Watched The Dig on Netflix JACKIE. Not for everyone's taste, it's about the find of the Viking ship and treasures in 1939.
    Off for Breakfast etc.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, this morning I read a review of The Dig on the BBC website and thought it was a movie I’d like to see. I was going to mention it to you as I know you have Netflix but you beat me to it! I might have to get it myself! Another film that looks very interesting but perhaps heartbreaking is The Father but I think it’s going to be released this year when cinemas reopen.

    Mexican beans sound good. Italian bean casserole is a staple for me.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Do to predicted snowstorm we are meeting at noon today for movie afternoon. The snow is supposed to start at 3:00 and last through tomorrow morning with totals of 6 to 10 inches. Needless to say I have to get ready as it is already 10:30.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good morning. The forecast of precipitation has been moved back a bit. Rain/freezing rain to start in the next couple of hours turning to snow by evening. Glad I am staying home. I wish I could get my packages from the mailbox before it gets slippery but they won’t be delivered until sometime this afternoon/early evening.

    I have been texting with a friend who is very upset. She cannot get an appointment for a vaccination for herself or for her older husband. I didn’t find that extraordinary as we have such limited supply in this state. But a number of her ‘friends’ have gotten their shots apparently as they told her, they knew someone who got them on a schedule. If that is true, and I have no reason to believe that it is untrue as money and influence always get you what you want in this country right? But she is just enraged. So after lots of texts, I think she is calmed down just a bit. You would think if you cheated to get a shot, you would keep it to yourself.

    My friends, the couple with Covid, are doing a bit better. Actually he is doing quite well, she is not making much progress but some and thankfully her oxygen level has stayed okay. She is using her oximeter every couple of hours.

    Patsy, on my iPhone all is well here. On my iPad almost every longer post has odd columns and breaks and jumbles. And I have updated my apps religiously. The update made no difference.

    Jackie, I love that puzzle. What a lot of cats! Yesterday was National puzzle day here. Was it International as well? Do you like the work of Sandra Boynton? She announced yesterday that she of her illustrations are going to be released as jigsaw puzzles in late June. They went on pre-sale yesterday at Barnes and Noble.

    Back later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Back again. A friend actually called and I took her call because it was likely she wouldn’t try again for quite a while.

    She and her husband are doing all right. Her granddaughter has Covid and has been quite ill but has stayed at home. She has three children under 18 and none have become ill. The 13 year old has been making sandwiches and easy things for his siblings. My friend has been taking cooked food and baked goods over to the house each day. She leaves them on the porch, calls, gets in her vehicle and by the time she has backed up her car, the food has disappeared. She is a great mom, grandma and great grandma.

    So back again. I was going to post a teapot. Here it is. Again, no description.


    I hope everyone is safe and sound.

    Back to making lunch and then cards. I missed my Facebook Live program so will look for it on replay or on YouTube.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! We had about 30 minutes of sunshine and for that 30 minutes, it was just lovely! Now back to cold rain and clouds and subdued light. Ugh! Not my favorite.

    Oddly I am still getting huge dropouts on the posts here. Wonder what causes that? I see in the news there is still warnings about our iPads and iPhones needing to update to 14.4.

    I am struggling with my ever present neuropathy and it is very worrisome. It gets in my way! I am uping my weight lifting reps by 3. I have a 10 position routine. 8 lbs weights, It is boring but it keeps me going.

    We will be having soup tonight. The weather is so cold and damp, it requires something comforting like veggie soup. I seem to make gallons of it.

    Our entertainment options are currently back to our re-runs. We are re-watching Successions. It is a very smart but dark series. Well done but, got to warn isn’t a feel good series.

    We are supposed to be able to get our shot after Feb 6. Hahahahaha....except that we don’t have any vaccine or any designated place to get the shot if there was any vaccine. I love Oregon! We seem to still be that funny place where all the old hippies come to live in retirement. Thus we are a bit disorganized and we all have our opinions, and we don’t exactly cooperate with each other.

    I made tea with my teapot this afternoon. Thinking of Lin, Sandy, Jackie and Anne. Normally I would just use a tea bag in my cup but decided I needed a refill of hot tea today.
    Take care, my friends,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A miserable wet day and after waiting until 11am for a walk in the hope it might brighten I had to give in. I found dog coats I haven’t used in years then dressed George, Betty and myself in waterproofs and tried to set off but George decided he couldn’t move, in fact wouldn’t be seen dead in a tartan jacket while Betty placed her 4 paws solidly on to the ground and wouldn’t budge! I had to laugh and decided if we could just get moving they would fall in behind me so a few tugs on leads and we were off. You never saw 2 such miserable dogs with me standing in the middle of the road, rain pouring, telling them it was the last place I wanted to be too so let’s get a move on then we can get home! Luckily no other walkers had ventured out, no cars either, so we could walk our silly walk and not be seen. 😅 At least when we finally got home I only had to wipe their paws and heads!

    I’ve run out of jigsaws for now so after lunch I’ll get the fires lit and finish the book about lay lines another dog walker lent me ages ago. We rarely bump into each other but I’ll leave it in my car just in case.

    Lin, I understand we did enjoy National puzzle day and it would appear everyone in the country, whatever their age, is indulging in jigsaws and crosswords. I have to admit I had to search Sandra Boynton as I didn’t know her work. Her illustrations will make fun jigsaws so thanks for pointing me in her direction.

    Patsy mentioning her teapot had me searching for an antique copper kettle that could sit on my multi fuel stove and supply constant hot water. Found 2 on eBay I like the look of and am waiting for responses to my enquiries about size.
    Today is a fruity one! A small banana, Conference pear and some summer fruits from the freezer with a dollop of yogurt for breakfast and lunch will be cottage cheese with pineapple. Anne, thanks for motivating me to get back to thinking more about what I’m eating. I find the slippery slide in the direction of comfort food too easy this time of year and your efforts to ease out of doldrums has got me going too.

    Time to move towards the kitchen.
    Take care everyone. Just heard we might stay in lockdown until end of May... help!! 😦😲
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Glad to have company JACKIE! Today is day four for me and I find after four days the deprivation eases off and it becomes my normal routine. I tell myself I did it once before on MFP and I can do it again but not go so low this time! Anyway I did my half hour trot and had a slightly different breakfast from my usual oatmeal. Half cup of cornflakes, half glass of 1% milk on them and tea and one banana.
    Haven't had cornflakes in years so made a nice change. Seems early days but I already feel lighter.
    Leftover Mexican casserole and a green veg for lunch.
    Despite our late start to spring it said on the news this morning veggie seed suppliers are already being overwhelmed with orders. New trend I think. Mark grew quite a successful veggie plot from leftover seeds last year.
    Well, Mike just text to say he's on his way for a drop in. I better wash our breakfast dishes and make the bed seeing we live in a bungalow.
    Enjoy Sunday everybody. See you later,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2021
    Good morning Sneakers

    We had ice accumulation overnight but virtually no snow. Although apparently the ice is, of course, causing problems on the roads. I am very fortunate to be able to stay home in bad weather. I don’t know if more precipitation is forecast. I stopped watching the news. I woke up the other night and made a trot to the restroom and when I went to settle in again, I put on a news channel and the stories made me so anxious I couldn’t go back to sleep, even after shutting off the news. Hard to feel rested after ma couple of sleepless hours.

    Church is on my schedule this morning.

    My St.Patrick’s Day cards are mostly finished. Each needs a bit of tweaking but I am relieved to be put them aside for now. Moving on to Easter!

    Jackie, I am sorry you have run out of puzzles. I hope you find some again soon. My goodness, what a walk! I can understand why the dogs really didn’t want to go. Yipes!

    Anne, enjoy your day. And good for you. Excellent new habits!

    I have to say that these posts are appearing so garbled today, I really cannot get the full sense of what you’ve written. I will come back later and see if it is better on my phone.

    Must try to work with my iPad. It has stopped charging once again. Must hope for a miracle.

    Best safe.


    Oooh, teapot.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Been busy running around for a couple days. Beautiful (freezing) morning on the way to gym today. Yesterday we were able to watch the kids skate in 6 degree weather! So resilient! Already prepared todays lunch. Photos pretty much say it all. I took the group shot of Jean, my daughter/husb, along with ex and her husb…so I had to photoshop myself into that one. LOL




    Lin – Love the teapots. Glad you didn’t get buried in snow and can avoid those icy roads. Your St Patty’s Day cards reminded me that they already cancelled the parade. Jean and I participated for years. Our parish would build a float etc. and it was generally a very good time.

    Anne – You mentioned “cornflakes” and that reminded me of a YouTube video I watched this week on the 1950’s TV serial – The Adventures of Superman. I never missed an episode. Anyhow, they noted Kellogg’s Corn Flakes was a sponsor and the studio had a rule that under no circumstances were Superman (George Reeves) and Lois Lane to be shown eating a Cornflakes breakfast together – as it would seem too sexually charged. Whoa… they’d have a heart attack today!

    Jackie – Lockdown til May? Horrible for you. So many mixed emotions on the topic and so many different opinions based upon who, what, where and why. You have it so much worse than many. Wish you the best mentally and physically. As for “The Father” – I NEVER miss an Anthony Hopkins movie – so it will definitely be on my list!

    Patsy – Weather can make all the difference. Yesterday and today we have sunshine – and then it looks like only 1 or 2 days out of the next 10 when it will be making an appearance. You are doing so great with your attitude and efforts toward your neuropathy (and weight lifting) – awesome! I will be checking out Dyer on Youtube and I do love watching all the video’s from education to entertainment (movies, music videos, old live performances). I understand what you are saying re: social media. I do use it, but not as much as many people do. I love seeing what relatives are doing and I have ton that live out of state – AZ, NC, Florida, Colorado – the list goes on and if not for social media I would not have a clue about some of them.

    Sandy – Good luck with your eyes… As for the traffic jam – at least you were confined to a beautiful new car (and smell). LOL. As for the 9 inches of snow – no envy here. They keep making predictions and thank goodness their accumulation projections have mostly been wrong.

    Off and running for now. Enjoy the day everyone. Blessings to all. Bob :)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Forgot to mention re: Ice Rink – it was FUN – but -

    It took days to get our reservation. Rink occupancy will not exceed nine skaters at a time. Credit card only. Kids 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Everyone must have a reservation, people can no longer just walk up to the facility. Social distancing guidelines are in place. Masks must also be worn at all times and gloves must be worn on the ice. There are other rules – but at least it is open :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited January 2021
    Happy Sunday! :) Made it home before the snow came yesterday and so far I think we have had about 6-7 inches or more and it is still snowing. PJ day for me and had my family video call which was fun today as my son showed us how to do silly things like putting on hats and silly faces. I have another zoom call with friends at 4:30 but will ride my bike before that. Movie yesterday was Enchantment which I love and it was written by a friend of Babe's daughter. I do hope they get all the snow removed from the streets for my eye appointment tomorrow, I really think I need new glasses. Watched a good movie on Netflix yesterday called The Vanished and I highly recommend it especially if you like suspense movies. I started another recommended to me called The Next 3 Days and will finish today. Not much to do when it is too icky to go outside.

    Bob, looks like great fun for the grandchildren and I am sure they enjoyed it. I love those things to hold on to when skating, that is something I would need. So you are still friends with your ex? I am also as he is the father of my four children. I just can't live with him. lol He does join our family zoom calls to see his children and of course I am on with all of them. Good job on the photoshopping I wish I could do that but not that talented.

    LIn, have your tried signing out and shutting off your devices to fix the garbling situation? Sometimes the browser is the issue and you have to clear the browser. I have had no problems with the IPhone update at least not yet.
    I see Easter Cards in your future as you are moving full steam ahead on your cards. Glad to read your friends with Covid are doing much better.

    Annsie, have fun with Michael today, I know Jilly will. I think I lost all the holiday weight but now I am trying to maintain. I did change my goals on MFP and they increased my calorie intake so I hope that doesn't mess me up.

    Jackie, I don't think I blame the pups for not wanting to wear all those extra clothes but they were troupers. I hope everyone got to settle down by the fire and just relax.

    Patsy, I have no idea when I am able to get my vaccine. I am registered but will just wait until someone notifies me that I can get it. A lot of my friends and relatives have gotten their first shot so I am hoping it won't be long.

    Time to ride the bike. Have a safe day and stay warm and healthy.

    One Day at a Time

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member


    Ed and I got awfully bored and went for a drive yesterday. Ended up at Bow Valley Provincial Park west of Calgary. The wind was so cold but it was a beautiful day.

    Today I went for another walk in the neighborhood. It was great.

    Maggie is holding a picture she drew of Ed and I. LOL

    As,for vaccines, I’m sure it won’t be until the fall before we can get one. Alberta is opening up restaurants on a limited basis and gyms too. Not likely we’ll be going out much.

    Oops got to run. Ed wants to put an order in for groceries for pick up. I need to get my two cents in. LOL

    Have a great day.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member

    Lots of walking today even with a bit of rain all day.