Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Good morning. Yesterday’s storm was indeed a blizzard here although we didn’t receive that much new snow. The winds were horrific and there was a massive accident on I80 East of here. Today, the sun is out and the wind is definitely not as intense as yesterday.

    I did try to bring some life to the battery for my battery back up sump pump system. I found the special filler container, distilled water, my garden gloves, a big light and I went to work in the basement. Pulling the case out closer to me, figuring out how to open the container the battery lives in to start. One by one I opened the caps to the cells and added water and finally did the one with the sensor. Finished everything, put stuff away, reset the panel and all looked good. Briefly. Then one of the caution lights came back on later in the afternoon confirming the fact that a new battery is needed they have a new battery that doesn’t need to be refilled with distilled water. But my model is too old and cannot be connected to this newer, easier option. Wahoo.

    I was going to try to replace the whole house water filter as well. But I am not ready to try to find the proper shutoff that won’t drain the water out of the upstairs pipes, (with the right one, there will be no air in the lines to bleed out). And the filter holder has to be screwed off using a special tool, old filter out, container cleaned, new filter in, thread it properly and then tighten it and turn on the water again. Sounds really easy but I am certain I can mess something up. But it is beyond time to change the filter. 🙃

    Fairly hopeless at most things.

    I have been tuning in on Zoom meetings and have another one this afternoon. During yesterday’s hour and a half meeting I listened and did this.


    A number of my friends received their first shot yesterday and more today. Thousands of doses of vaccine were released from their intended use for nursing homes as supposedly everyone who wanted the vaccine have received it. I have friends swinging off the ceiling with happiness.

    One interesting story is a friend and her husband who were beyond frustrated at not being able to get their shot. They found a private medical clinic. It is for people who pay the clinic an annual fee to be members. So no long waits to see a doctor, etc. Anyway, they were taking non-members for the vaccine in order to best use each vial. They were able to call and were accepted immediately—in the blizzard. And off they went in their SUV, got their shots and returned home along with an appointment for their second dose.

    Annsie, don’t blow away. And take good care of your back. Snow shoveling isn’t all that much fun. I did a littlest bit again yesterday. Enough! Sorry meeting your friend was not that happy an occasion. But people have to have something to talk about even if it seems sort of odd. Congrats on your new regime. Wahoo.

    Jackie, your clinic sounds so incredibly organized. How wonderful! Is your new car performing well without trips to a shop o have things tweaked? I need to get both of my vehicles in for service as soon as I can manage it. Hoping to make it until spring weather where I can spend time outside rather than in a packed waiting room.

    Patsy, I am sorry that John cannot gain weight. I hope he can find some things to eat that will keep his strength up? Unsalted nuts or hulled sunflower seeds? I don’t have a need to gain weight but I keep organic unsalted walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds on hand. They are pretty good and very healthy.

    Sandy, please share all your comments regarding your new car. I need to start keeping track a bit. I see the possibility of a new vehicle within 2 years. We will see. Hope you are well and that this mess missed your area.

    Jeri, hello, our daily walker.

    Barbie, what are you knitting now? Another daily walker!

    Bob, hello to you and Jean.

    Be safe.




  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is going and next cleaning the house. I needed a couple of birthday cards so I texted Bryanna and asked her if there was a Dollar Tree near where she is going to Cosmetology school. Score! There is one in the same shopping center so she will save me from going out in the cold and bring them after school. My cousin who's cancer went to her brain has finished her radiation treatments and her birthday is Wednesday. One of the ladies from my meeting who I sponsor was 95 January 28 and I completely forgot. I feel awful but had it written in a book and forgot to transfer to my calendar. Bryanna will be 26 on the 20th. and her mother invited me to join them for dinner but I declined until my bubble is vaccinated. I told Bryanna I would take her out when things are normal just her and I, a tradition we started a few years ago.

    Lin, I do love my new car, I love the push button start, the heated seats and I know I will love the moon roof once it is warm enough. I love sitting up high and have driven a SUV most of my time with Babe so I really missed it. I did tell him I bought a car. He had a computer appointment with his doctor and she told him she thinks he might have early signs of alzheimer's and put him on a pill he claims doesn't let him sleep. I asked if that meant I was in danger of not getting my checks but he said no. So I told him about the car and how I can't survive without that money.
    I am not going to worry about it as there is no sense in worrying about the future. It sounds like you might be able to get your vaccine soon. Please leave those big jobs to repairmen, we don't want to see you hurt.

    Annsie, I'm with you, I really hope I don't end up in a nursing home. I have seen none as nice as Buzz described with hers, usually they are dark and dingy and smell horrible. You are doing great on your new routine and will lose those unwanted pounds soon. Sorry, you had to listen to negativity from Janice and poor Jilly had to be abused by the bigger dog.

    Jackie, I don't think you lost your post as the one I read was from today. Happy you got your first vaccination and I can imagine it takes a big weight off your shoulders. Now good luck with the dermatologist and come back with good news. And can you define per lava for me??

    Patsy, will John listen to his doctor and eat three meals a day? I am hungry all the time and could eat all day long but no better cause I would gain John's 5 pounds in a day. I would have kept my car if it were an SUV but so many things were going wrong and I hated that Ford. I needed something for myself thus the expense of a new car.

    Barbie, keep up the good work.

    Jeri, how is the 365 day challenge going? Does it have to be outside?

    Bob, are you buried in snow??

    Have a great, safe and healthy day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    JACKIE, your post wasn't there earlier but I can read it now. Weird.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just had a thought which I must share with PATSY. When our friend Bill was diagnosed with diabetes he was given diet sheets and Ellen his wife started eating exactly the same as him at mealtimes. She lost an awful lot of weight and the doctor told her she mustn't follow Bills diet but eat as she'd always done. This she did and was soon back to her old self. I believe you have diabetes? Could this possibly apply in your case and account for Johns weight loss. Hope you don't mind me mentioning but it's a thought I thought I would share. Anne.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) We got the first dose of the vaccine today as part of our visit to our primary care doctor to discuss prescription renewals. We got the jab before seeing the doctor so we could do the 15 minute wait after the vaccine while talking to the doctor. We left the clinic with appointments to come back in four weeks for the second dose.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning sneakers. A beautiful frosty start to the day but my neighbours have just gone off with George and Betty for their walk. Another exciting day yesterday, this time at the hospital. The first doctor I saw very quickly said she wanted her “boss doctor” to look at the messy mole and he arrived with special all seeing equipment. I ran through the mole’s history then he asked what I thought it was. A melanoma I said so he asked what I thought that meant. As ever with such authoritative people I felt I was being tested by teacher! Anyway I said skin cancer and got a nod then he asked who I live with! It seemed totally out of context so I know I frowned before replying 2 dogs and a cat!! No response to that! A surgeon came into the room and after looking at my arm they had a conflab and agreed it had to be urgently removed, checked if that was ok by me then suggested I get a couple more hours parking arranged. While outside I phoned my neighbours who were letting the pooches into my garden to let them know I’d be home later than anticipated then back in through the COVID secure doors to wait. An hour later the procedure was carried out and the nasty thing has gone off to a lab to confirm it was cancerous. For more excitement I drove home in the dark via a small store for fresh fruit and veggies and came into the cottage to find Debs had lit my coal fire so it was cosy and inviting. I’m not to lift or pull much for a couple of days hence the dogs going out with the girls. It’s naturally sore but so far not bad enough to consider paracetamol but after the last 2 days I’m thoroughly relieved to have been jabbed and sliced!!

    Anne, thanks for confirming it wasn’t me going mad when that post disappeared for a while. Your weight loss must be so encouraging so keep up the brilliant work. Some people like the sound of their own voice and don’t realise how depressing it can be for the listener. My ex gardener lives and breaths Facebook misinformation and thinks no other opinion is worth listening to so like you, I used to say little or nothing. Now she’s moved away it’s confined to her emails so easy to ignore! 😁

    Crikey Lin, and you tell me I make you feel exhausted at times! It sounds to me you do know what’s needed and how to do it but I’d be wary to delve too deep into waterworks as well, especially this time of year with your storms. What ifs would be in my mind should an emergency plumber be required maybe don’t tinker too much!

    Sandy, do you think perhaps the onset of Dementia could explain Babe’s recent behaviour? It must be a worry knowing the situation he’s got himself in but your loving family will look after you should it ever come to it.
    Predictive text came up with per lava and I don’t know what that means!! 🤔 I typed palaver that’s one of our slang words for hassle or a lot of bother. Sorry should have checked my post!

    I agree about care homes. Good ones with caring staff are few and far between in England and to be frank, I’d rather be dead! None of us is inclined to sit and wait for a need to enter such places as we all keep our minds and bodies active so we’ll keep going til we drop... that’s my plan anyway.

    Pooches back and George muddy so needs to step in his baby bath for a wash down!

    Happy Saturday y’all. (That’s in an American accent as strong as dear Buzz’s! 😄)

    Stay warm, safe and well.
    😘 Jackie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    JACKIE, JACKIE, JACKIE, I'm SO relieved you had the mole removed! It's funny but I rarely look at my old shilling size mole it being towards the back of the upper arm. Anyway, peering at it today it's still its normal golden brown colour. Well done being concerned enough to check it out despite the pandemic. I've known two people over here who had the same problem. A friend and a man I knew who had an apple orchard, I just can't tell you how happy I am for you. I'll carry on covering it up in the hot summer sun - a lesson learned.
    No sign of any vaccine jabs being given here. I'm pretty isolated unless I meet Janice on a dog walk so I can wait. My blue box did blow away in yesterday's high wind but one of the neighbours must have found it because it arrived back in my garage and it hasn't got feet. Mark must be feeling better. He didn't come in but waved at me through the window as he slid past on my ice rink of a drive with a huge container of ice melter. I'm beginning to feel like the sort of mascot of the street. Aged mascot. I'm quite surprised at how many people seem to keep an eye on me, especially as I'm pretty fit except for the eyesight, the hearing, tooth loss etc. Mmm, maybe not so fit. Anyway, I really appreciate being noticed. With Maria I have to open my bedroom blinds early! The only people who live in their own bubble are Harry and Joyce on the other side. The Christmas decorations are still up as always but no longer twinkling away,
    Well this was supposed to be short on a very, very cold day. Minus 9 centigrade. A good day to stay in and wash the sheets and towels.
    Like Jackie, happy Saturday y'all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It is 11degrees here with a little snow in the forecast. Our movie night is still on and my turn to buy so we are having gyros. Eating at 4:00 so we can get home early.

    Jackie, what a brave soul you are, having that procedure done with no warning. I presume they froze your arm to do this where I probably would want to be put to sleep. lol Did you get the results already or will they call you? How wonderful your neighbor had a fire for you and remember no heavy pulling or lifting and that means the critters as well. I am glad that is done and you cans top worrying. Heal quickly and stay safe.

    Annsie, be flattered that so many people watch out for you especially your sons. I also washed my sheets and hope to ride my bike before leaving in the cold. Good advice for Patsy, I wondered the same thing about if John is following Patsy's diabetes diet.

    Barbie, happy that you and Jake got your vaccines, I keep looking everyday, trying to make an appointment but no luck. My health care group does send updated emails but so far they have no vaccines.

    Hello to everyone but time to go once again. Stay warm and cozy and most of all safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Gloomy Saturday morning. Wet and cold! Thanks for the advice on John’s diet. I will add more carbs and meat to his meals. He doesn’t eat red meat but there is chicken and fish! Like a lot of men, he isn’t too fond of veggies. I have to disguise them but it truth, he is picky. Aaaaaaaargh!

    Jackie: I understand your doctor’s questions. It seems our body has a way to whisper to us....take care of this. It is interesting how most of us know when things need attention. Others know but refuse to act and things get worse. I love that you have a lovely group of caring friends. But it is totally understandable. You are very thoughtful and caring concerning your friends.

    Anne: the same goes for you, my dear. People care about you care about them! It is wonderful to know your neighbors are looking out for you. Since we don’t have any close neighbors, I can relate to that notion of wanting to feel connected. It has been over a year since I have seen our son. We talk on the phone twice a week. I saw our daughter on our front porch several months ago. There is a terrible feeling of loneliness that accompanies this virus. However! There is phone calls, vaccine is rolling out! I have been registered as well as John, we are eligible to get our shots when vaccine is available, more vaccine is heading our way. Lots to be thankful for regardless of the isolation.

    Barbie: I am so glad you and Jake had your shots. And it went to easily! I have heard about horror tales of waiting in long lines and then having to just aandon the whole thing and go home.

    Tonight will be salmon patties, tossed salad and a baked potato. I will put cheese on John’s potato. I will make rice pudding for John. He loves it.
    I also need to groom Katie but maybe not until next week.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good afternoon. Another very cold and snowy day. Apparently we have 3 days of snow in the forecast. A few inches each day. And a bit colder each day. I am not loving this trend. I am trying to figure out how to get my Valentines in the mail. The tiny box for outgoing mail will only take 4 or 5 envelopes. I hope my neighbors will not be mailing next week! 🤣😂🤣

    I accidentally got caught up this morning in online conversations and a phone call. Zap, time has disappeared. I do have one hand colored birthday card finished and made some progress on some little bunnies for my second Easter card design.

    Late yesterday my new Apple Watch arrived. I got to play with it for a while to figure out how to proceed. I did find out I could add a second watch without unpairing the first which preserved all the data. It is interesting that there are minimal directions available.

    Today is problems with my old MacBook Pro day. It will not update, keeps freezing up and generally won’t work. Fingers crossed that it will straighten out or I will be more clever.

    Jackie, oh my goodness, I am so happy that you got that appointment and had that growth removed. I hope it was completely removed and no further treatment is needed. Tell George and Betty to let you recover! And your first vaccine shot as well. You have had a very busy time of it. I hope you are feeling well.

    Patsy, fingers crossed that the bit of extra protein will in time bring about some extra pounds for John. I am so sorry that you are missing your children. I am certain it is beyond difficult to tolerate these separations.

    Sandy, I hope you have a good movie night and do not have our weather headed your way. Enjoy the evening. Did you tell us which movie you plan to watch? Are Lisa’s parents joining you?

    Annsie, you are fortunate to have some folks looking out for you. Unless you think they are hovering over you. I hope Mike and Mark and Derek are the ones doing the looking out for you. Is Jilly feeling better?

    Jeri, are you still doing the very cold walks? It makes me shiver to think of it.

    Bob, happy weekend. I think I missed your post.

    Barbie, congrats on getting your first shot and obtaining an appointment for a second shot. That is a problem here apparently. Once people get a first injection they once again have to fight to obtain a second appointment. I hope things straighten out soon.

    I need to check on my battery for the sump pump in the basement. There were no warning lights on this morning, fingers crossed that that trend continues. 🤞🏻

    And I need to get back to my cards.

    Teapot of the day. A very amusing teapot and another piece, some type of mug perhaps?


    Be safe everyone.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cold day, rather overcast and definitely not inviting me to step outside unless I absolutely have to. My neighbours offered to take the pooches for their morning walk while I enjoyed my bowl of porridge mixed with a slight feeling of guilt! Apart from a zoom meeting with friends in Ontario there’s nothing else in my plans but I want to do some research into my dad’s family history and that sort of googling always makes the time fly!

    Lin, I find Apple phones and iPads come with little or no instructions as if they assume we all know what we’re doing! Probably the same with your watch so well done for figuring things out. Love, love the teapot and mug. They look like the sort of exaggerated character found in an Aardman movie (Wallace and Gromit)... hilarious! Did you mention Easter cards somewhere in a post? HELP, another year flying by!!

    Anne, I do think our glorious sunny weather during lockdown last year kicked off my mole problems but hopefully caught early enough. My lymph glands were examined and all normal but you’re right, lesson learned! Considerate and caring neighbours are a godsend so we can maintain our independence but know someone will notice if we can’t get up one morning or disappear down a hole in the garden! Of course your neighbours care about you!

    Sandy, a letter confirming my Friday appointment arrived in the post yesterday explaining what might occur and I’m glad I wasn’t aware. As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss! The medical staff were friendly and on first name basis so I didn’t ever feel overwhelmed because I barely had time to think! I’ll get the biopsy Results in a few weeks and that will tell me if they need to dig deeper! I’m going to have to look Gyros up as I haven’t a clue! Let us know what movie you saw. 😃

    Patsy, isolation can be a terrible thing and I’m sure governments round the world that insisted we shut ourselves away to stifle the virus didn’t realise what a damaging affect it could have on our mental health. Before lockdown I could jump in my car and drive 200 miles to new unknown places and not give a fig but now every small journey gets overthought and analysed so I know my confidence Is dented before it’s time. It’s taking longer than we hoped but get there we will! Pile the cheese on John’s spuds!

    Sitting still is making me feel chilled so time to move and do something gently constructive.

    Happy and safe Sunday
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Looked up gyros... we call them wraps! 😋
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited February 2021
    Happy Sunday! :) Superbowl Sunday, I will be watching as I am in three pools. lol Before the game I will have a zoom call with my kids and then ride my bike and either watch the puppy super bowl on the animal channel or another episode of Bridgerton on Netflix. A little spicy and some naked butts of men but still a good series.
    Our movie last night was Minions, first of four in a series. It was cute and all three kids sat still to watch the whole movie, a first!! Our food was good and we would go there again since they had an extensive menu.
    Bryanna was here when I got home, she considers this a second home which I love, so she took a shower and made herself some veggie pasta for dinner. She wears her mask while in my house just to be safe and keeps her distance. She has a virtual reality set and wanted me to try it, it was amazing. I just can't understand how they do it, but Robby would love it. I do think he is too young and his siblings would break it so I don't see it in his future for a while. I have to admit I was in awe of the scenery and beautiful rooms it showed. Just took me a while to pick up items off a table knowing none of it was real. If you ever get the chance to look through the goggles do it.

    Jackie, we also have wraps but those are different than gyros. Gyros are usually made with lamb but now they offer different types of meat. I also had a bowl with grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato cucumber, feta cheese and honey mustard dressing. It was really good. I still cringe a little when you say cut and slice, I definitely could never be a nurse or a doctor. Praying for good results and I am jealous of your medical in England, ours is so difficult at times. As an example Lisa found a great doctor for Robby's OCD but her insurance won't pay because she is out of network. She was told to use another doctor they suggested but Lisa said she is for addictions not OCD so she once again is fighting for approval. Being on medicare I can go to any doctor I want but some insurance for working people is just plain awful.

    Lin, quite an interesting teapot and cup, not sure I would like to drink from it but to each his own. Lisa's parents did join us and her father is just waiting for another procedure at the end of this month. He is doing fine for now but I can tell he is really tired even if he won't admit it. I think we are getting some of your weather as of now it is 3 degrees with more snow tomorrow. It snowed more than predicted last night but my four wheel drive did a great job, so I am very happy with this purchase.

    Patsy, I am sure more carbs will do the trick and have him eat three meals a day even if you don't. Our pharmacies are getting some vaccines but it is impossible to make an appointment. Someone suggested going late in the day to see if they used all the vaccine and if not you might be able to get a shot.

    Ansie, in watching our weather this morning, the weatherman said it is so cold in Canada that the minus degrees doesn't even show up anymore because it is so cold. I hope you are keeping warm and cozy. Missed you this morning so I hope all is well.

    Time to shower for the zoom call. Have a good day, stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yes, everything is more than well SANDY, but like you posted very cold up here indeed. Michael showed up this morning. Jilly Bean all wrapped up in her fleecy jacket wheedled two long walks out of him. When he left around one am, she gave him lots of attitude because she didn't want him to leave. Whimpered, barked at him, threw her baby rubber bone at him, ran backwards and forwards trying to get him to chase her etc. He said it puts him on a real guilt trip! All 12 inches of the little madam.
    He bought and brought me a one thousand piece jigsaw puzzle as a gift. It looks dreadfully complicated and will probably take me until Christmas to complete. A city landscape brand new from Amazon.

    I've just had a pasta, chick pea, and lots of veggies salad for lunch. Mike won't eat with me until this virus is under control.

    Oh and I got a message from Roots saying their summer stock is arriving. Roots is expensive but the clothes are so well made they last forever. I seem to have spent the winter so far in a fleecy lined hoodie, one polo neck sweater, and three comfy plaid shirts bought for me by Mark and Mary Jo for two past Christmas's and two past birthdays. Casual, but I'm hooked on feeling comfy and warm. Oh and I mustn't forget my "cabin socks". Anyway I've ordered two tees for summer. If they are okay I will order more. I can't see me going to any dress up do's in the near future.

    I miss the good old medical care in the UK. It's better here than in the USA but somehow not the same. As an old friend over here said "if you want to live to be a hundred keep away from doctors".

    And that's about it. Just incredibly cold. We are under an arctic vortex whatever that is. The amazing thing is when one looks out of the window at the Sunshine one would think spring has arrived. Only 10 weeks or thereabouts to wear my cabin socks!

    Happy Sunday afternoon or evening everyone! Hope JACKIE isn't too sore,

    Anne thinking "the flowers that bloom in the spring tra la!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hello. Cold, sunny and light snow. More expected later this afternoon and evening. And tomorrow morning. Colder tomorrow as well. I have my Dysom heater plugged in and turn it on once in a while when my feet get cold.

    I attended church online this morning. I finished my half dozen bunny Easter cards. Now back to the 2 dozen more precise difficult ones. I have only put one of those together. I guess it is going to take a while. When finishing the bunny cards, I found I did not have the right shade of pink for the backing of the sentiment strips. My eye is drawn to the color clash each time I look at them. I hope those receiving the cards will be forgiving! Or maybe they are color blind? 🤣😂

    Jackie, another good day to stay indoors and do as the doctors recommended. Will it take weeks to get the biopsy results back? That is quite a wait. Did you require any stitches? I hope not. And yes, you can spend hours hunting and researching online. I find it quite pleasant though unless I am in a rush to find answers. My problem is finding too many interesting things to read on my way to findings answers and information.

    Sandy, last night sounds like a good time. Minions are fun! I like them although I am not certain I could watch all of the movies. And happy that your car is working out so well for you. Wahoo! I would freak out at someone being in my house when I got home but no one is ever expected inside my home. Big difference. Glad you enjoyed the virtual reality goggles. I think you are right in thinking the children are not old enough to play responsibly with that technology.

    Hello to Annsie, Jeri, Barbie, Patsy, Bob and all our Sneaker pals.

    Back to fussing with my cards. Hoping for no further disappointments.

    Sunday teapots. This person posted a photo of two of her 1 cup teapots.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! It is to be very cold here all next week. We will have some sun mixed in with the frigid cold. Good with the bad....

    I got a note from our county health department. They are handling all the vaccines here in our area until more is available for the pharmacies. I am registered and I should be able to get the shot soon. Not sure when or where. Just to be brutally frank, I cannot wait in line for hours at a time. My knee will not hold up that long. I also take a diuretic and you know that means I can’t ever be too far from a bathroom. I know....TMI. However, these little hiccups with be worked out somehow.

    Sandy: this is a first! John said he will keep an eye on the game but cannot get excited about it. These are not his favorite teams and NFL just isn’t the same anymore. He used to know all the players and coaches as well as stats etc. he seems to be more interested in basketball and hockey.

    Jackie: gyros are wild ! They put the meat on a sort of rotating stand and cut the meat in wafer thin sheets. Not only that, there is traditionally a huge dollop of sour cream right in the center. This Greek sandwich requires a change of clothes and maybe a shower after eating. One of life’s odd coincidences is that in Cheyenne, Wyoming, where John was the Dean at the college, there was a large Greek community. They had a Greek festival once a year and sold handcrafts and baked goods. Gyros were a huge hit there.

    So cold now, I think I will make veggie soup again but some sort of dip and chips for John to eat as he watches the game. He doesn’t like chicken wings, so no traditional super bowl food. Smoked Salmon dip and whole grain chips and maybe a beer. Isn’t this just crazy? I am trying to think of food to help John gain weight while I try to avoid rich food and try to lose weight. Part of the crazy circumstances we all find ourselves in.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Lin, just to clarify, Bryanna did text me to tell me she was at my house so I wouldn't have a heart attack when I walked in. She in fact gave me notice as I was still at her dad's when she texted.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Sandy, sorry! I read too quickly.

    Enjoy the game. Good luck on your bets.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A cold day here too although nothing like you experience in North America. My London Ontario friends I had a zoom chat with this afternoon told me it was minus 20 outside in spite of it being sunny!

    My arm is already feeling less sore so I should be able to remove the top dressing tomorrow.

    Lin, The incision is about 3” long so dissolvable stitches were used.
    Pretty picture! 😛
    The biopsy result will take awhile because labs are so busy with Covid work but the doctor was as confident as he could be all was removed.

    Your description of a Gyros sounds like what we know as Doner Kebab that Greek restaurants sell as take away food. I’m still a bit old fashioned about eating as I walk along a street which is what a lot of the kids do with their kebabs after a night out at clubs or cinema. Chips (French fries) in a fold of old newspaper splashed with malt vinegar was as far as I ever went. You could imagine I led a sheltered life!

    Patsy, before my visit to the community hall for my jab I drank a glass of water and cup of tea and only just made it home to the safety of my loo! 😳 I know I can’t compare our set up with how yours will be run but hopefully you’d be given a time for your appointment. We were each given a ten minute window and that kept the queue moving.

    A new jigsaw puzzle is a perfect gift Anne so how sweet of Mike. I tell myself there’s no rush to complete them what with lockdown but still get frustrated at times... keeps the old grey matter working though.

    I’ve not heard Robbie won’t be here tomorrow to climb my chimney and replace the old liner so will get myself to bed in case he gets here early.
    Keep warm and cosy everyone.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) My county was especially fortunate in getting so many doses of the vaccine especially since we have such a large senior population. When we told our doctor how much we appreciated what the they had done, she said she had no idea how they had pulled it off and she didn't want to know. The plan here started with long lines and people waiting for hours, then went to an online appointment system that filled up in 30 minutes and finally a system that allowed people without internet access to make an appointment by phone. So far the vaccine here started with "essential" workers like health care, then ages 70+ and by the end of the month will move down to ages 65+. Other places in Washington are not nearly as far along in the process.

    :) We had another successful grocery pickup today including something that hadn't been available for months. I'd included a note for the shopper to ask the frozen food person to try harder to get it and today they had it.

    :)Jackie what a shock for you with that immediate surgery. I'm glad to hear that you're taking it easy.

    :)Sandy, I've seen all the Minions movies and like them a lot.

    <3 Barbie