Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    JACKIE I've only got Netflix because I'm on Derek's account, otherwise I wouldn't bother. The Stranger is a murder mystery that's different to the norm and certainly had a different ending to the norm. With apologies to SANDY none of us liked The Vanished I think it was named? Far too many loose ends and a very unsatisfactory ending. I did watch to the bitter end but the rest of the family gave up half way through. Having said that I can't see The Dig appealing to an American/Canadian audience, far too slow paced but it appealed to me because apart from being set in 1939 when I was four years old I recognized a Britain I remember.
    Hey I've become a critic, but ignore me. Different strokes for different folks!! Lol.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited February 2021
    Happy Wednesday! :) Long day of sitting yesterday so kind of lazy today. I will be picking up my groceries when ready and then going to America's Best to look at new glasses. I just don't know how to order online with my prescription since I want two different glasses and only have one prescription. We are expecting more snow tomorrow but hopefully not a lot. So I had two different things happen to me on my way home last night. First I was hearing a weird sound from my car which seemed to come from the front of the car. I thought maybe I had snagged a branch or something under the car and then I worried about a critter in the engine. I stopped to get gas for the first time and put the nozzle in and went to sit back in my warm car when I heard the click that it was filled but then heard gas hitting the pavement. I jumped out and stopped the pump but there was a lot of gas on the pavement which I paid for, but I was so afraid the station would blow up. I went to the clerk inside but all the doors were locked and I had no idea what to do. Finally he came to the door and I explained what happened but he just gave me paper towels to wipe up my car and told me they would take care of the pavement. I told him I just didn't want him to blow up but he was as calm as a cucumber. The noise stopped but I did check under my hood but saw nothing. I hope it was just something under the car but if I hear it again I will take the car to the dealer. Never a dull moment in my life.

    Annsie, don't worry about your critic, my daughter hated The Vanished and even was snotty and asked me how much wine I drank to enjoy that movie. (she posted that on Facebook, brat) I liked it and as you say different strokes for different folks. More people did liked The Next 3 Days which I also liked. I will check out the Stranger although at first I thought you were talking about the series Stranger Things which I love. I do hope Jilly is feeling better soon.

    Jackie, they keep opening new sites for the vaccine but it is impossible to get an appointment. Now the government is going to send vaccines to pharmacies so hopefully it is getting closer. I just don't want to leave my bubble until we are all vaccinated do to Lisa's father cancer diagnosis. We waited this long so what's a little longer??

    Before this turns into a book, I will just say hello to everyone else and stay safe and healthy.

    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    SANDY, the Stranger is very long. Be prepared for a marathon but I thought worth it. Anne.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Sandy that is my granddaughter Heather in the first picture I posted. Here's a few others.


    We've been looking for programs to watch too. We have subscriptions to Netflix, Prime Video and Acorn, all of which have given us good shows to watch.

    We have had quite a few favourites - Shetland, Rebus, Brokenwood Mysteries, Seachange. When the series are over I'm always disappointed.

    Right now we are enjoying Longmire. It has got much better the last couple of series. A little slow at first but really good right now.

    We had a snow fall warning but it has stopped now and the sun is out and it is beautiful. I will be going out to fulfill my #walk365 challenge after lunch.

    Have a great day everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A good job I had my mobile in my pocket while gardening because smithy Robbie phoned to tell me he’ll be here Friday morning to start work on replacing the damaged chimney liner then our main hospital in Plymouth called with an appointment for me to see a dermatologist about the mole on my arm Friday afternoon. After weeks of nothing happening I get 2 the same day! Best of all, as I walked up my garden to come in to make a cup of tea, my GP practice sent a text invitation to attend a local community hall tomorrow evening for my first vaccination.
    Sandy, We’re very lucky in Britain to have our NHS set up to ensure everyone entitled to a jab gets an invitation so all care home residents and carers as well as 80+ ages have. I do hope you can soon get yours and perhaps pharmacies will be your best option.

    Anne, My Canadian friends that live in London, Ontario love British humour and watch all our tv comedy but also read out of the ordinary British novels, in fact Laurie often tells me about a book or programme she thinks I’d enjoy. Did you ever see the series about Fred Dibnah, a Yorkshire steeplejack who could talk in such a fascinating way about his job and traction engines back in the 90’s? It’s being repeated at the moment on a BBC channel and he’s chugging along somewhere in Wales and stopping off to look at the closed Victorian mines with a friend. I could watch him for hours and think it would be a great history lesson for today’s kids who don’t get taught the subject now.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    A different kind of morning. Up at 4:30 to be at gym by 5am so I would be home before 6:30 am to greet our nephew (#1 school bus driver) – today is his birthday. We knew he couldn’t stop the bus but had a sign to hold up. Got home before 6:30 and Jean had shoveled the driveway! What a woman!


    As it turned out, we didn’t connect but did get to wave at another bus driver – who no doubt called the mental health authorities. LOL. We found out later he is taking classes this week for another training certificate (he trains new drivers).

    Cleaned up – went for a 30 min mall walk, a stop at “Big Lots” and then McDonalds drive-thru for Jean to get a small meal. My lunch is yet to be determined.

    Lin – Glad Costco worked out for you. I love being able to check reviews on line. There will always be good and bad experiences and I try to sift through. If a business, doctor etc has 4 or 5 stars they make the list – if they have 1 or 2 I disregard. The tough ones are the 3 start. 

    Jeri – GREAT SMILE!!!!!! And a beautiful family

    Sandy – Glad you decided on a place for new glasses. What an experience with the car… I would have been concerned as well and it sounds like you have a good plan. With regards to movies, everyone is different – I just don’t understand why people have to criticize others. I have a friend that loves horror pics, but with few exceptions – not my taste. Others loves “The Joker” – I didn’t think it was as good as some reviews. We also liked - The Next 3 Days.

    Going to go make some lunch now. Tomorrow morning it’s time for the rheumatologist appointment and methotrexate renewal, blood work etc.

    Have a great Wednesday everyone! Bob

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Good evening. The day did not go as I had hoped. I went out to run a couple of errands and surprise. The SUV would not start. Totally out of the blue. So I transferred my books and letters to my Prius and off I went, brain in high gear. Completed the errands, came home tried to think of options.

    I placed a call to my service rep at the dealership. They do not answer the phone so I left a voicemail message. And repeated my name and phone number twice to make sure he got it!

    Dug out my battery charger and an extension cord and my trouble light popped the hood and got the charger in place. Oops, really dead battery. I waited a while and saw little improvement. I called the battery store to see if they had any home service options. Nope. But they did have an appropriate battery for my vehicle. Waited a bit longer. Shifted to quick charge on the car. Still not looking good. Finally I hit the “start the vehicle” option and by then, thankfully, it started. I called the battery store again to see if we could do this without me going into the store. They said yes, and off I went.

    Luckily when I arrived there was only one other car there. Wahoo! I called, they answered the phone immediately and before long a guy came out with tools and a new battery. I had popped the hood and just waited for him to install the new battery. He took his stuff in after installing the new battery.

    I called him again and we finished the name, phone number, credit card info all by phone. Totally touchless. I was thrilled.

    Drove home and hunted for the proper codes for both the GPS system and the radio/CD system. All done so I have entertainment and maps again. I put away all the stuff I used, which for me, is pretty good.

    Made a snack. And then it was above freezing so I went out and scooped snow and ice in advance of tomorrow’s storm. I think we are just out of the blizzard warning and just in winter storm. After the snow, the temperatures are headed down, down, down. I won’t be going out or receiving grocery deliveries for a few days. Maybe sometime next week.

    I never did get a callback from my service rep at the dealership. Maybe he wasn’t working today? When it warms up a bit, I need to get something in mind for service for that vehicle. Actually for both of them. Fingers crossed that something will work out.

    So now you know every tiny detail of my day. Sandy, I was thinking of buying a new vehicle today. 🤣😂🤣 I did purchase a battery with a shorter guaranteed life. That SUV is a 2007 Honda Pilot. Still under 100,000 miles.

    I ran across this early this morning and thought of Buzz. ❤️❤️


    And an evening teapot.


    Be safe my friends.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    And something wonderful did happen for you LIN, maybe Buzz was watching over you especially after you finding her message to us all.❤️

    PATSY, just in case of wonky machines this is also to let you know I mailed an email to your slug address. ❤️
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited February 2021
    Just done my half hour trek around the house watched by one small dog who no doubt thinks I'm nuts. (Just you wait until spring Bean when I gallop you down the street - as though that's going to happen).
    Still on the 1200 calorie diet so have great hopes for tomorrow's weigh in. Will be very disappointed if I haven't lost half a pound!

    You know what - I welcome criticism. Keeps me on my toes. Without the critics we'd all be still viewing cave paintings. A few years back I mentioned I was painting again and someone asked me to show it on Sneakers. Reluctantly I did because I knew something wasn't quite right. I asked for everyone's opinion and everyone was very kind except Buzz who said "Anne, there's something wrong with that tree branch" and she was so right. I repainted it and now the not very good painting is on my bedroom wall and not in the dump. We need criticism from teachers when young right up to world leaders to keep them in check. Just my opinion, feel free to criticize it, lol.

    JERI you have to be the luckiest lady alive with such a big, lovely family. When I was a kid the family next door but one had nine children, two sets of twins. I still write at Christmas to Dawn the eldest. Sadly her twin Ann passed away in Australia a few years ago. I so envied them especially being an only child, but never a spoilt one. Actually criticized quite a lot, "what are we going to do with your hair" sort of thing - I'm still wondering. Trying to be positive on that topic, it's still with me sort of thing, unlike last years pulled out molars.

    Well I'd better stop philosophizing and go and wash the salt and pepper mop.
    Annsie baby.
    P.S. No JACKIE, I've never heard of Frank Dibnah. Interesting.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hello❄️❄️❄️❄️ And yes, the forecast snow and wind have arrived. All sorts of things are cancelling and closing already. No one wants to get out on the roads and have any sort of issue since there is also a tow ban in place.

    Well, today I have a broken Apple Watch. I am waaaaay past the end of my Apple Care warranty. I have decided to get a new watch that has features that were not available on my old watch. Now to get it delivered during the upcoming subzero temperatures. And to figure out how to unpair the old watch and get the new one set up. See, I am being hopeful that a new one will arrive in the next couple of days.

    I know I will lose all of my data. Or at least that is what happened when I had a problem with this watch and had to do a reset with Apple Care on the phone telling me what to do to get it going again.

    I actually have a fairly long list of things that have broken and need to be replaced but I cannot do garbage disposals or replacement batteries (for battery backup sump pumps). You have to order the acid separately and put it in the battery at your home. Nope, I can’t do that either.

    Well, I have a friend with a leaky bathroom and a broken dishwasher. She hasn’t gone out to try to find a dishwasher yet. That isn’t a necessity. The leak in the bathroom is a bit more pressing. She lives in a condo building and water leaked out into the hall! Yipes!

    Well, must run along and try to catch up a bit since I got far off track. But first

    Barbie, knit on.

    Ann, galloping is fun of course but do think it over carefully this spring before you kick up your heels. But that makes me smile as I was watching some old episodes of ‘Miranda’ the other evening. She is such fun and does gallop (or canter) quite often. 🤣😂🤣

    Sandy, is your car okay now?

    Bob, doggone it. Out there with your very thoughtful banner and he didn’t drive by! Your wife is a darling. Shoveling snow is not the most entertaining activity.

    Jackie, how are you today? Are you having better weather? Did you get your garden seeds? Are you starting them in your garden room or in your greenhouse?

    Patsy, thinking of you. Also hoping your weather is not too inclement. And that John and Katie are well.

    Jeri, you have a lovely family. ❤️❤️ I don’t have any family and do enjoy your terrific photos.

    Stay safe.




  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Fred Dibnah Anne but my BIG mistake was referring to him as a Yorkshireman when in fact he's from Bolton!! Sorry about that but I know you'll still find him interesting... something for one of those wet or cold afternoon viewings!

    Cup of tea for me then off to receive my jab.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited February 2021
    Nothing against folks from the land of the red rose JACKIE. Lol. They are pretty much like us white rose lot except maybe a bit more free with their cash! I will certainly try and find the lad. Apologies to Fred for misnaming him. Hope you are enjoying your cuppa char. And good luck with the jab.
    Later, wow that's one job I don't think I could do when in my prime! Full of admiration for Fred.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited February 2021
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day but a good day to stay indoors as rain and snow are predicted. Could get another 5 inches but Iowa, where Lin lives is in for a lot more. I got my groceries with no substitutions or anything out of stock, first time I think. Then I went to America's Best for glasses and it was quite expensive but I ordered extra things such a no glare and transition for my driving glasses. I will let you know if they did a good job in two weeks when I pick them up. I do like my frames which were not so expensive but thank goodness for Care Credit which is a credit card for medical use and in this case eye care and has no interest for six months. I use it for dental as well.

    Lin, when I watch the weather they mention Iowa often with bad weather, stay in and stay safe. That is why I bought a Honda, their reputation is really great and look at your 2007 with under 100,000 miles. This should be my last car if things don't change and they inforce hybrids, which I hope doesn't happen for many years. I do want clean air and a good environment but I never see a charging station anywhere I go. Sorry your Apple Watch broke, I would really like one of those myself but I will stay with my fitbit for now. My car is fine now and when I looked at my engine during the day I found a leaf so maybe that was the noise or whatever it was it might have fallen out. I got my car washed yesterday to get rid of the gas smell and washed my jacket and gloves. BTW, I never heard of getting a battery without getting out of the car, what a great idea!!!

    Barbie, cute emoji, keep up the beautiful knitting.

    Annsie, still love this new name, good job on the walking and food choices. Sometimes it takes a while for our bodies to adjust to the new system and then one day a pound or two are gone. I do not mind hearing criticism as long as it is done with kindness. I had such low self esteem before I joined Al Anon it took a long time to feel good about myself and now I can handle most anything.

    Bob, what a great wife you have doing all that shoveling. I am sure the other bus driver thought you were both a little off holding him up a birthday banner but it made for good conversation for his family that night. I agree everyone's choice is different but I was more upset that my daughter made a rude remark on social network.
    I can understand if she didn't like it and could have just said that. I am a little sensitive and my kids seem to have this weird sense of humor that doesn't always make me laugh.

    Jackie, good luck with Robby tomorrow and even more good luck with the dermatologist. Bryanna;s mother works at a hospital and has had both vaccinations. She said they might open it up to family members and if so she will let me know if I can go there for a vaccination. Again, I am in no hurry.

    Jeri, tell your granddaughter I didn't think she was the mother but they all look so young including you it is hard to tell ages. You do indeed have a beautiful family and so glad you got a chance to meet outside.

    Patsy, hope all is well with you.

    Have a great day and once again stay safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello everyone. Very cloudy today but only a shower earlier. I am feeling a bit road weary personally. I have let silly things take on too much importance. The weather and forced isolation for so long has turned me into a weeping maniac. Right now criticism would, no matter how well intended, would upset me. I am suffering my own low esteem issues. Our whole family is suffering with this long isolation. Hopefully the shots will start happening for us here in Oregon soon!

    One thing that is helping me stop being such a wimp is worry about John. He is losing so much weight it is alarming. He never diets or needs to. He is one skinny old dude. Our doctor is concerned about that as well. He keeps saying he would like to see John gradually gain 5 lbs. and try to eat three balanced meals a day. We usually only eat twice a day. That works fine for me. But my sweet old boyfriend is disappearing. We now are checking his blood sugars daily like I do for my diabetes.

    Speaking of our dear departed Buzz, I remember the first time I heard her voice. I was startled. I expected a different sound and voice accent. I have kept many of the outrageous political cartoons she would send me. She told me she was a Jewish mama. She had all the answers, she had strong opinions, she had little to no patience, she loved all us sneakers.

    Sandy: we always name our cars and John keeps cars until they just rust away. His old sports car is at least 31 years old and is a member of the family. I am used to old cars. John also loves to tinker with cars. But! John says if you name your car and talk nice to it, it will give you better service. I can’t really say I would agree, just reporting John’s suggestions.

    Jackie: yea! You are getting your shot. Tell us how you feel afterwards. Any reactions? Your furry nurses will take care of you, I am sure.

    Take care my friends,
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning friends. Sunshine and showers for me so Robbie has understandably postponed climbing about on my roof today but hopes to visit Monday. I’m wondering if he’s seen Sunday’s snow forecast!

    My vaccination went without a hitch and how exciting to be out so late in the day; it must be a year! It was a very organised set up with volunteers guiding us off the road into the appropriate car park, checking if I required assistance then a short wait in a queue into the venue after the usual questions about who I’d been in contact with and if I’d travelled abroad. Someone took my temperature then in I went, collected an ID card already printed out with my details and which vaccine I would have, then across to a nurse with the needle! A waiting room was set up for us to pause for 15 minutes in case there was an immediate reaction and that was it. It was busy but everyone cheerful. I’ve had no reactions at all, in fact wouldn’t know I’d been vaccinated other than being aware of a very slight tenderness in my arm when I showered this morning. I’ll be contacted when I’m due for the 2nd.

    Patsy, hang in there sweetheart because I know once you and John get your jab you will feel a huge sense of relief. My lifestyle can’t change for some time but yesterday was affirmation of that light, now not too far along the tunnel. Extra worries for you what with John’s weight loss that will hopefully get resolved with answers soon. Big hugs to you both. ❤️

    Anne, I’m relieved another War of the Roses isn’t just round the corner! Fred is a reminder of how life was not that long ago and oh how I miss that gentle pace!

    What a per lava with your battery Lin and I admire your perseverance in sorting the problem. Living on my own I hate when unexpected problems with vehicles arise so I have to get into an adrenaline burst to deal with it. Stay home and safe if you get the anticipated amounts of snow.

    Sandy, like Patsy and John, my cars tendEd to be older and so long as they got from A to B without a problem I hung on to them. The new car I drive now is my first ever brand new so does give me concerns on our narrow lanes where some drivers come at me like mad things. Of course we’ve been in lockdown for most of the time I’ve driven it so not so much traffic... a good job I have a dash cam!

    Oh dear Bob, you couldn’t make up the story of your birthday greeting for the bus driver and must say you and Jean keep yourselves entertained in all sorts of ways. Oh goodness, Simon and Garfunkel Slip Sliding is playing on the radio!

    The rain has paused so I’ll get the pooches out, grab an apple and head for the hospital. Will check in once home.

    Take care and as ever, stay safe.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Typed the longest post, selected post reply and it disappeared 🤬🤬🤬😡
    No time to repeat. Back later.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Quickie from me for now, yeah! The diet is working plus the half hour morning walk. Annsie.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well I'm back. Full of porridge and showered. We are waiting for Dorio to show up with the groceries and I hope before the snow starts falling. It's a very dark morning and the clouds look laden.
    It's funny but I actually miss shovelling my driveway. Did it for 26 years before Darren and Barrie showed up with their snow blowers. Actually, I might sneak out and do the back path to the garage if we get dumped on. Just a gentle shovel to start with.

    I'm so glad I'm not in a senior home. Big row going on because the workers can only work part time in these privately run places because the rich owners don't want to provide the benefits that full time workers enjoy. Consequently, the poor workers have to move on to various homes daily two or three times to receive a liveable wage. That means the virus is spread around as well and it all came to light with the virus arrival. The owners were to told to clean up their act and of course six months later nothing's changed. It's quite disgusting and nothing like the lovely place Buzz lived in.
    Talk about the fittest survive and I aim to stay healthy and active, cross fingers, to stay out of them. Apparently that's what my family want as well. I'm very lucky to have them in my life.

    Other than that not much to report. I met Janice on our walk. She's become a dog walker for Peanuts since her dog Amy died. We loved Amy, Jilly and I. Peanuts owner is very obese and can't walk him anymore, another reason to keep shovelling the drive! Janice wasn't exactly a bundle of joy. We came home feeling quite depressed but it only lasted about 10 minutes. She was full of her view on American politics. Not sure why because she's a born Canadian and really nothing to do with us"furriners" who have enough to do keeping Justin and OUR politicians accountable. I was awfully good (for me) and just listened and said "really?" now and again. Anyway, a warm cup of coffee had me and Jilly Bean back to normal. Bean wasn't at all happy having a larger dog sticking his cold wet nose in the direction of her back end, lol.

    Annsie, full of the joys of spring regardless! ❤️

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Update, very, very strong winds here and everyone's blue box garbage contents floating past my window. So far, mines anchored down.