Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning. I hope to make it a better is cold and misty out. Very unpleasant. Kaitie looked at me when I offered her the back yard, “mom! Have lost your mind? It is wet outside and cold and damp. I am curling up in my bed and blanket for another hour at least”. And so we now begin the morning at half speed and much grumbling.

    Sandy: will you plan a springtime adventure? You new car is cute and sporty. Good for you, my friend. This is the time to live and enjoy as much of life as possible, even in the pandemic.

    Barbie: I think knitting and crochet is some kind of magic. I can not do either. I love the soft cuddly look of the little blankets and hats. You really did a wonderful job.

    Anne: as ever, our girl with a twinkle in her eye as she hands out giggles.

    Lin: what a winter misery...time for a nice smoothie or a hot cup of tea or coffee. Something to soothe the nerves after dealing with Mr. Winter’s mean visit. Take care, dear.

    Bob: I love YouTube and I have my favorite channels. I usually head for those self actualizing channels like The late Dr. Wayne Dyer. I watch some food prep channels because John is such a foodie. What would we do without youtube? I don’t do Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I am old school because I am helpless around my computer. On/off and email and google...that it for me.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2021
    Hi, working on St. Patrick’s Day cards today. Once again I have selected something that is going to take lots of time. Duh.

    Teapots! Here is a photo of the poster’s teapot collection. Wow!


    The sun is out!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Golly, one wouldn't have to wash a teapot for months with that lot Lin.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Jackie, sorry you lost your posts and also sorry that making appointments is so difficult these days. Maybe they are as jammed up with calls about vaccinations as we are here? Wow, you have seeds and will be able to plant them soon? Goodness. We have a very short growing season compared to yours.

    Patsy, good morning to you. I get on streaks of YouTube and last night I happened across a Soviet (is that still permissible) figure skater and lurched from one video to the next. I am subscribed to a number of channels but I still only watch selected videos.

    Now I think I am caught up on the posts.


    Me again
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Another frosty snowy morning here. The same as yesterday. This is what I saw as I left for my afternoon walk yesterday.

    Sandy - what a nice looking car!! Glad it all worked out for you. 👍👍

    Barbie - impressed with your knitting skills. Great work.

    Love the jokes - Bob, Annie and Jackie and anyone else I missed. Puts a smile in my face.

    Lin - always love your pictures

    Jackie - yes order the Bissel puzzle. Looked good.

    Sandy - yes things are definitely worse here. Oh how I would love to go out to a restaurant and have a meal. We order in from time to time, but not the same. Thinking of Ed and I at our favorite restaurant with a nice glass of wine and a nice meal.

    Ed and I just walked for 45 minutes. He is downstairs doing weights right now. I need to start that again. I think I’ll make a goal to do leg presses next week. See how that goes. We had a great lady trainer who set up a workout plan for us years ago. She had the nerve to move away. LOL. Still have the plan but my focus has changed and I should get a fresh look at things. Just prior to COVID I was diagnosed with osteoporosis and I would like to do exercises that would work well around that. There are resources here in Calgary to support that but with COVID gyms are closed right now and besides I’m going out.

    Here’s a picture of some goofy grands to make you smile.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Thank you for the good wishes, I am very happy. I have groceries to pick up at Walmart this afternoon and then will take a ride to show Lisa and the kiddos my new car. I took care of the insurance needs so I am all set with a temporary card until the official one arrives in the mail. I also want to study the book because there is so much to learn. I am not telling Babe I bought a new car as I am sure you understand why.

    Lin, that is quite a collection of teapots, I wouldn't want to dust them. Does that mean you are done with your Valentine's day cards now that you are working on St. Patrick? Yes, it is exciting, I am so happy to have an SUV and not feel like I am driving on the ground.

    Patsy, the only road trip I will take once the pandemic is over is to my son's who is about 4 hours away from me.
    I have taken the Amtrak as well and that was also fun.

    Jackie, losing a post is the worst, I am sorry. I do hope they return your call soon to ease your mind about the mole. Is your winter that short? Ours last for three months and sometimes longer. At least this car has 4 wheel drive which is much better in the snow, but I will drive careful regardless.

    Barbie, love the blanket and hat sets, your friend is going to love them. You are very talented. And yes, patience paid off and I got the car I always wanted.

    Annsie, love your jokes and yes I did groan. How nice of Darrens girls to shovel for you, they must be great girls.
    What kind of car did Mike buy?

    Bob, my granddaughter did a solo to Walking on Broken Glass when she was in competition. I can't remember what she scored but I do remember I wasn't fond of the rhythm of the song for her dance movements. Such a long time ago. I have to wrap my Valentine's presents soon, time is moving too fast.

    Guess I should get dressed and ready for my grocery pickup. Have a safe and warm day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Here are the 2 small Bissell puzzles I did earlier on.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2021
    Ah-ha Lin, that bear is the same in the Bissell puzzle I’m going to order, the only difference being 900 extra pieces in mine! As for the seeds, I start off some of them indoors in February, veggies like tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers and on the whole March onwards doesn’t tend to be icy cold. That’s an eclectic mix of teapots but it’s funny how we all think of the cleaning and dusting required! 😁

    Sandy, is your new car a plug-in hybrid? We are moving in that direction in the UK because before we know it only electric cars will be available to buy. Mine isn’t hybrid because living in a rural area there are very few charging stations at the moment so I couldn’t see the point (no pun intended! 😆) but if I buy another before I get too old I’ll have to go electric.

    Jeri, I’m convinced I can feel the freezing, frosty air in your street. The trees do look beautiful though. Love the photo of the grandchildren. Those kids always look so happy!

    Time for this Goldilocks to get herself to bed and dream of a steaming bowl of breakfast porridge!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    No Jackie, no hybrid. I thought about it but decided I would wait and hope they aren't required until I am gone.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It was 18 degrees and beautiful driving home from the gym this morning…should be a good day (pic).


    Enjoyed some videos from my daughter this week of the grand kids… both girls had “dance demos” but people weren’t allowed in lobby to see video screens…only 2 adults allowed to attend. One does acro & jazz the other hip-hop and jazz. So cute. Grandson got airplay working on TV so the girls actually got to see themselves on TV. The plus side of tech.

    Been keeping busy with all the usual.

    Anne – You have to know I just stole that joke…. Loved it! What a kind thing for Darren’s girls to do. Love when I see young kids being so kind… hope for the future.

    Barbie – You are one talented lady! That soon to be born baby is going to be warm, as well as loved.

    Sandy – What a GREAT buy!! That is a gorgeous 2021 Honda HV-R EX… So glad you took the leap. Looks like it has some generous passenger room and no doubt great fuel economy. Again… CONGRATS! Sorry about the rhythm of “Walking on Broken Glass” for your granddaughters completion. It can certainly have an impact. I’ll be driving out to my daughter’s house Monday to deliver the Valentine’s Day presents. We always include “window gels” for each holiday and they get excited putting them up before the holiday. I am positive they will love the bling shirts too. They really are great kids and VERY appreciative of everything they get. In a day of “emails” they normally call or send a hand written thank you via regular mail (love those the most).

    Lin – I feel your “end of driveway” pain. Nothing like shoveling out only to have the most important part filled back in by the city plow. Sounds like you got a good work-out. Stay warm!

    Jackie – Hope you are able to get that telephone consultation concerning your arm issue. You have a good attitude with regards to patience. Enjoyed the teapot riddle…and will be sharing it!

    Patsy – Absolutely agree on YouTube. I am on it daily… everything from podcasts to documentaries to “how-to” video’s. Must say, I never read directions on new products anymore. I always head for YouTube – show & tell is so much easier.

    Jeri – Nice pic of your neighborhood during your afternoon walk topped off with a picture of some “goofy grands.” It did bring a smile!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Bob
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well I'm not sure about a good day BOB but off to a good start. I'm horrified at how much weight Ive put on over Christmas and pandemics don't help. Anyway something HAS to be today I'm on a fitness campaign. I've just done a serious brisk 30 minute trot around the old homestead, ate a subdued amount of porridge and now raring to go. I figure I've got three months of winter up here so if I'm a very good old girl I should at least be back to my old weight, and hopefully less by 1st May. No more mucking about doing pleasurable things like jigsaws, writing, watching gruesome shows from Iceland, reading etc unless I've got leftover time. This is a fitness group so please hold me accountable.

    Good news, apparently new cases of Covid are going down. Not just here but in the States as well. If I survive I want to get into my summer pants with no straining of the seams. Jilly Bean slept through me galloping around the house. So all gung ho if you use that expression in the States.

    I'm very glad you are having the mole checked out Jackie. I was born with quite a big one on my arm near the elbow and try to keep it covered when out gardening.

    Mike bought a gear shift Mazda Sandy, Derek bought a new Mazda before the virus hit. Both seem to be happy with their purchases. Me, I can't tell one car from another.

    We don't bother with Valentine cards or gifts, but I think it's lovely that you all do. In my youth it was a celebration for only lovers and would be lovers. Much anticipation waiting for the mailman in my youth. Much gloating from those who received a card. I think Jilly loves me these days but she's not into card sending. I was sort of shocked when arriving here I found even little kids sending cards to each other at school!

    Well must away and get my pears soap shower.

    Have a great day from puffy, panting old Annsie. ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, a very cold day here. But the sun is out which is lovely. ☀️

    It occurs to me this morning that I cannot remember when I last actually spoke to someone. I haven’t called anyone this week. Just not in the mood I guess. As people are always saying, when this is over....maybe I won’t feel like coming out of my house at all.

    Well let’s see what I found for a morning teapot. I’m one of the groups, a gent posted all sorts of photos of teapots from Pinterest. But no descriptions. I like the color of this one.


    Wishing everyone a great day.

    Another ag economics Zoom call today.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost another post.... back when I’ve calmed down! 😤😡🤬
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting is over, so catching up on computer. Have a call into my car salesman as I am not understanding some of the paper work. I am sure there is a simple explanation but need it explained.
    I got my stimulus debit card yesterday and it was just $600 for me, not the $1200 I thought it would be. They must be mailing Babe his own or something but whatever I am happy. I hope they do the same if the other one goes through.

    Jackie, sorry you lost another post, what the heck is going on???

    Lin, pretty teapot, I love the color. Will you be speaking on your zoom call or just listening?

    Annsie, you are a day early for the pound a week club but no problem I will catch up tomorrow. When I was a kid we all exchanged Valentines in school. I think they stopped that practice because some kids either couldn't afford to buy them and/or some kids were left out in getting them. I give the young grandkids Valentine's gifts because they are the love of my life. I did the same when the older ones were young but not now they are adults. Mazda is a good car, my ex had one when I was dating him a hundred years ago.

    Bob, you brought back lots of memories of Bryanna in dance. She started when she was two and we pulled her out when she was 16. She was devastated but the expense was just too much for competition dance with the tuition, costumes and fees. I was sharing the cost with my son and his ex wife but they never seemed to have the money so I said enough is enough when the bill for one month came to almost $5000. Bryanna did forgive us, but it was hard for a while. She said she has no regrets now that she is almost 26 and still loves me. <3

    Hello to everyone else this day is moving way to fast. Stay warm healthy and safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Midnight so I’m off to bed. You didn’t miss much from the lost post. Grey day, The GP emailed an appointment to chat on the phone next Tuesday and Betty got her booster at the vet practice but we’re both in trouble because she’s gained a kilo since last weigh in which must have been a year ago before the first lockdown. I’ll have to break her treats in half and register her on the pound a week group! 🐶

    Will be back tomorrow when hopefully the Sneakers page won’t fly off before my eyes into the ether!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Happy Thursday,

    Another cold and frosty day here. But I did get out #walk365 and enjoyed it as well. It is supposed to warm up tomorrow. I'm pleased about that for sure.


    Lin - your teapots are so pretty. This one especially.

    Anne - good for you with your fitness goals. I had fallen into trouble early last year after my sister's death and the onset of COVID. I gave my head a shake and I've been on track ever since. It's a slow process but that's okay. If you are like me, losing -.5 lbs. a week is a break through but the important part is keeping at it. I know you can do it.

    Bob - what a beautiful picture. The picture of the grandsons was a result of me asking for photos to make me smile. In Alberta we can't visit family unless it is outside so we are missing the grands. We hope to go walking with our daughter and 2 granddaughters on Monday. Hope the weather is nice as per the weather forecast.

    Hello to everyone else. Enjoy your day.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well at almost 7:30 I've just completed my half hour walk. Thanks JERI for the encouraging post. I'm determined to get back to normal by our spring. I've even hidden the enormous tin of Walkers shortbread I was given at Christmas and that was a real sacrifice I can tell you. LOVE Walkers shortbread. It is freezingingly cold here so please blow some of your warmer air over! Loved the photo of the kids and yes, they made me smile back.

    Poor Betty JACKIE. Maybe just a bit of puppy fat to withstand the cold and damp on them thar moors?

    I did post on the pound a week site yesterday SANDY. Deliberately to get me going. I guess I weigh the same today as I did yesterday and will be back to Fridays next week. So your ex had a Mazda when dating him? Mine had a bike. Lol. Luckily so did I.

    10 degrees Fahrenheit feeling like 3 here BOB. Our temperatures are very similar. Maybe we should join Barbie and Patsy on the west coast who are already thinking daffodils! Vaguely remember daffodils, lol.

    Hello LIN! I think if all the teapots in the world where collected together we'd have a mound like Everest! Who would have guessed so many, and so many designs!

    Well must away. Michael might be over today. He likes taking Bean out for a longer walk. Hope her feet don't freeze in the snow.

    Annsie. ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited January 2021
    Friday. Laundry day after a lovely use up all the hot water shower. 🤣🙃🤣

    I got a little grocery order today. We have the potential for freezing rain and snow this weekend so I decided to get a few things. More snow again by mid-week longer term. Yes, winter, ho-ho-ho.

    I have another Zoom Declutter class this afternoon. That class allows people to have their microphone unmuted although I do not unmute. If I have a question, I go to chat and address it to the moderator. Most of my Zoom meetings have the controls set somehow to allow only the presenters to share their camera and microphone. Everyone else — just there to listen and may ask questions through a chat or Q/A option. I actually prefer this as people open their microphone and have background noise, talk to others, take phone calls, yell at the dog....very distracting. And there are people, especially in this declutter class, who cannot shut up.

    So Sandy, nope, almost all my calls are silent. The notable exception was the Christmas carol get together when the last song was unmuted and total chaos!

    Jeri, beautiful grandchildren and definitely brought a smile. Thanks! We can always use that.

    Bob, was the sky that lovely color or did you amp it up? Love it. But I am a sucker for blues.

    Ann, chilly here as well. Good job on the walk my friend. Did you get a grocery order this week? Hello Michael (if you are there).

    Sandy, you must still be riding high with your wonderful purchase. Did you get the explanation you were looking for? I hope the paperwork is all okay. And yes my Valentines just need to be addressed. I am working on the St. Patrick’s Day cards with Easter in my mind. And February birthday cards.

    Jackie, well darn, I am not sure you should be in lots of trouble over Betty’s weight. You feed her appropriately and she gets exercise. Maybe she’s just like many of us who, as my grandmother told me as a child, honey you are an easy keeper.

    Teapot again. Another photo with no information.


    Off to check on the laundry.

    Best wishes everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2021
    At last a sunny day and relatively mild so a long walk to our quoit and back. Once out of the shelter of the hills behind the village we got battered by a gale that tried to knock the 3 of us over so it was a relief to get home. The funniest thing was the postman who knocked at the door because he had a parcel for me then appeared to chat me up saying how much he liked my hair. I thought he meant the colour but no, he said he loved the style and it looked like I’d had it done this morning. A new postie on the block and a real charmer although young enough to be my son. I didn’t mention I’d just finished a walk in gale force winds!!
    The GP practice phoned to tell me the doctor that was to call me next Tuesday had gone off sick and the next available phone appointment wasn’t until the 17th but they felt I shouldn’t wait that long so booked me a call as an emergency this afternoon. A GP rang me around 3pm and suggested I go in so he could look at the mole so off I went and sat in the car park until he phoned my mobile and gave directions to the rear of the building. As I sat and waited I saw how organised they were for prescription pick ups but just how busy they were so was happy to take the quiet route! The upshot of all that was he didn’t think it’s a melanoma but because of Covid restrictions at the practice he couldn’t take a biopsy so will book an urgent appointment with a dermatologist at the hospital in Plymouth. Apart from that, not much got done except I loaded the log shelter with a new supply delivered last night.

    Haha Anne, poor Betty is spoilt rotten plus with our icy then very wet weather we haven’t been striding across them thar moors. When we got told off yesterday about the weight gain I was tempted to say haven’t we all in lockdown but the lad looked about 12 and was being terribly serious so I didn’t make light of it. Her sausage treats and denture sticks are now being broken in half! That’s Betty sorted, now I just have to get myself back on track! Great walks you’re achieving so I’m sure you’ll see improvements soon.

    Glad you got your stimulus card without having to ask Babe again Sandy. As for my lost posts, I think I’m still getting used to the light touch of iPads and perhaps I should have double clicked the button that brings different Apps on screen to see if it was still available... think before I swear next time!! I read yesterday that GM Motors will switch to electric cars by 2035. You’ll still be around I’m sure but perhaps not driving although I remember Buzz only sold her car a few years ago. ❤️

    I’ve a jacket potato baking in the oven that I’ll have with a couple of tempura fish gougons that are nothing more than expensive fish fingers. We live and learn! 😄

    Hello to everyone else. Stay warm and keep safe. Heard today another vaccine in the UK looking good to go very soon so that light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter. ☺️😊


    PS You did it again Lin and sneaked in as I typed! Beautiful teapot and I have to say your description of all the chatter, phone use and general noise during Zoom calls sounds like the last time I went to the cinema!! Haven’t been for years because of it.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! We have a sunny but cold morning. Kind of groggy all morning. I must not have slept well or enough. But the day begun and and all is well

    We exercise for strength and flexibility. We eat twice a day. I try to make interesting meals but smaller portions. We follow the philosophy of trying to live life to the fullest with good will and to enjoy good healthy food. John is adamant about not wanting to live with a feeling of I am dedicated to healthy substitution. Fruit instead of dessert, no frying of anything , I am sure you get the picture. We are never to use the word diet. “Better food choices” and appropriate portions. Good grief! Sounds a lot like a diet to me! But around here we are constantly working on maintaining our old wrinkled body.

    Watched the Irishman movie. I guess everyone has seen it but I would rate it as a B movie. Okay but not terrific. Di Nero as an Irishman is a hard sell. He needs more than makeup for that gig. Our evening entertainment is a big deal. Tonight we will dig through our film library and come up with something. I would like to watch Hugo again.

    I have lived in cold wintery places and to tell you the truth, I am glad to be away from snow. We do have rain and more rain. That can be a problem as well. So none of us, or maybe all of us, have perfect weather. There are daffodils hiding under mounds of snow.

    This is trash day. Veggie pizza night. Still using that cauliflower crust recipe. Awful! I don’t recommend it. John is proof reading my writing before sending it back to Anne. Ordered new. Bob’s slippers. I love Bob’s shoes and slippers. That is a great company. They support rescued animals. I will be trimming John’s hair, calling our daughter, folding two loads of laundry, and I will do the boring strength training with an 8 lb weight! Ooooomph! That’s my day. Not too bad really.