Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Just a quick note of caution here! I just heard from a friend in Colorado who received her second virus shot on Friday. The first went off fine, very little reaction. Then the second shot....different story. Friday after shot she had a very sore arm. Then later that night, a headache that lasted all night. Woke up with fever, chills, huge body aches and continued fever and chills. Sunday she started feeling better. This evening she was weak and extremely exhausted but not in pain or feverish. No chills. Her doc said that was a common reaction to second moderna vaccine shot. She said in Colorado, people really don’t get a choice. Whatever Covid vaccine they have, you get that kind of shot. Not sure if Pfizer has the same reaction.

    Our state has the worse vaccine plan ever! It is a total mess. Some day we will get a shot but the disorganization of this vaccination plan is just mind blowing. Anyway, I just wanted to warn everyone to make your plans when it is time for shot #2. You might be in for a rocky road.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh my goodness PATSY, thanks for the warning because I am not good with stuff pumped into me.

    Nothing to report here except it is still bitterly cold, the worst for years apparently. At least the homeless are being housed in hotels etc. We won't be going any walkies today for sure. It's the sort of cold you pray your furnace won't conk out. I shall make a nice coat your ribs stew for dinner/lunch.

    So unless something mind boggling happens, and I cross fingers it won't, all for now.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It’s a very cold but bright so I ventured out with George and Betty together with one of my neighbours and walked to the next village and beyond. Robbie is here to replace the chimney liner while George, who adores him, sits and watches every move! Lots of dust in spite of every effort to contain it but I’ve said it’s nothing compared to the mess the electrician created with his hammer drill. As with all older properties, nothing is straightforward but Robbie is used to the sort of hiccups popping up.

    Patsy, thank you for telling me about your friend’s reaction to the 2nd jab; it’s always good to be aware just in case. Sounds like she suffered a short burst of most COVID symptoms which can’t have been pleasant. The scientific App I contribute to daily that updates how I’m feeling generally has now added an extra tick box list for those of us who have been vaccinated so they can monitor bad reactions and make adjustments where necessary. All my friends that have been vaccinated were given the Pfizer jab which surprises me with the refrigeration restrictions. We must have more freezers lying around than I’d have guessed!!

    Good for you Barbie asking for more effort in the freezer section especially as it worked. I’ve only tried one click and collect grocery collection since the start of lockdowns and do remember finding in my bags every variety of French bean packs available when something like broccoli wasn’t available!

    Robbie and his mate have gone back to the forge to make a plate to attach to the new liner so I’m in the conservatory with the pooches warming up after all the windows and doors had been open while they worked. The wind factor is taking us below freezing and it’s a strong wind too. The rest of the job shouldn’t be too messy and they hope to finish today which will be wonderful if they can.

    Have a happy and safe Monday.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Bryanna is sleeping in my guest room, she came after I was asleep so when I woke up I noticed her shoes in the hallway and in checking my phone she had texted me she was sleeping here. My house must be quiet compared to hers or I was closer to where ever she drove from.
    Lisa's mom and dad have appointments for their first vaccine. She gave me all the information but I was unable to get an appointment as I am not part of their hospital group. I have tried numerous places but to no avail. I will keep trying but it just seems hopeless at this time.
    I have read that the second shot can cause some symptoms of covid because our immune system has to accept the virus which is very low compared to actually getting covid. I can handle a couple of days of not feeling well compared to the actual covid virus. I just want our lives to go back to normal if that is even possible.

    Jackie, I am glad Robbie is there and hopefully finishes today. Does that mean you will have heat once he is done?

    Lisa texted me last night that Max had a temp of 101 so she said I didn't have to come Tuesday. I told her to see how he is today and tomorrow and today the fever is gone so I will just go for my regular Tuesday.

    Not much going on today, might just be another pajama day with it being so cold and possibly a little more snow.

    Have a great day and you know the rest.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hello, as predicted, colder today and light snow again. I trekked down to the mailbox in my snow boots and parka to pick up a couple days worth of mail and to start mailing Valentine’s Day cards. I was able to shove about 11 (2 at a time) through the little slot. More to mail tomorrow.

    If the weather is better on Wednesday, I have several errands. Fingers crossed it will be a bit better and that my vehicles will ru and not have nearly flat tires from this extended cold weather.

    Patsy, thanks for the information. I have heard from my friends. All have received Moderna but so far, no one has received a second shot. It is good to know of this reaction though. If we get to the point of a second injection at least we will know what’s going on if these symptoms appear.

    Annsie, sorry I did not see your post yesterday. Poor Jilly. So sad to have her company leave. Awwww. My friend who adopted the senior cat and had all the angst that the cat didn’t love her that much? Well when she fell and was out of the house for an extended period of time, the cat had a change in attitude. The darling bonded with the lady’s son and just adores him. Now that she is home, she is a bit miffed that the cat loves someone else! Oh my. Well, a 1,000 piece puzzle. Best wishes and try to not let it drive you crazy if it takes a while to finish it. Unless you are doing competitive puzzle solving, it really is not a race. And I am not kidding, I watched a bit of a competition online. They were intent on finishing their puzzle (everyone had the same one) and they called out and hit their timer when they completed the puzzle. And no, I did not watch for long.

    Sandy, wow, what a surprise. I assume Bryanna was at a Super Bowl event somewhere. Which reminds me, how did your bets come out? I didn’t watch any of the hoopla, game or half time show. Found other interesting programs instead. On another topic—In this area, the vaccine program is also a mess. But, several of the larger clinics are organizing. The clinic I am with apparently will take your phone call at the location where your primary care physician is located. They put your name in the computer and it spits out an appointment for the shot. I do not know how the second shot scheduling is accomplished. But I spent a few hours trying to get scheduled (as I did not know the procedure) and finally did get an appointment for February 20th. First thing in the morning and a long way from where I live. They have a designated vaccination clinic. That’s as much as I know right now. Have you tried your primary doctor?

    Jackie, that photo looked like a large area of your arm to me. I hope it is feeling okay. So out with the dogs and enduring work on the house. I hope you did get warmed up! And also that the job is indeed finished by now. ❤️❤️

    Barbie, I tried to get several things added at a store. I had to fill out a form online. But no one ever contacted me so I assumed they had other things that required their attention but I thought it a bit rude to offer to add things but to give no response. Congrats on your success!

    I need to get to work. Things to do!

    Artsy Teapot!


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Almost but not quite, the stove was placed back in its position on the hearth only for Robbie to discover the old steel chimney piece that connects it to the chimney liner wasn’t long enough. It was nearly 5pm so he’ll be back tomorrow with a new one for what’s less than a five minute job.

    Sandy, I have electric heaters on the walls as well as the stoves so it will be warm enough in the dining room and right now I’m in the snug, feet up in front of the log fire! Took a while for my feet to warm up though. 😨 You must sleep well not to have been disturbed by Bryanna coming into your apartment. Sign of a clear conscience! 😎

    Haha Lin, your friend’s cat knows, as all cats do, who likes them so she will have to be on best behaviour to prove to pusscat she really does like it! Wow, that teapot looks wobbly. Fun though!

    I read a New York Times article today about a group of volunteer youngsters helping seniors to book their vaccination appointments online basically because they don’t mind spending hours at a computer. Their advice is to wait until after midnight when few seniors are still up so it’s easier to get through.... just a thought!

    ❤️ Jackie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited February 2021
    Just to let JACKIE know I finally watched Fred properly after Michael fixed the sound on the iPad. What a character, and brave. Mind you characters are 10 a penny "oop north" but it was lovely hearing the accent again. Thanks so much, Annsie.

    PS. Forgot to say I LOVED the ending. What a super job blowing up old mill chimneys! I'll watch the rest of the episodes tomorrow. A real treat.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2021
    Anne, the country was fascinated to watch his series as one chimney after another was taken down in the 80’s and 90’s but like all so-called progress a sense of history has been wiped out. Not Fred’s fault of course! He was a wonderfully articulate and knowledgeable man and I was sure you would enjoy the series. 😊

    It’s still very cold by Cornish standards so I delayed the morning walk. Just as well as Robbie phoned to ask if he could drop in to attach the liner to the stove then, while he was here the window cleaner arrived. Crazy to be doing that job in below freezing temperatures but I suppose he needs the money so I told him to carry on then watched the water freeze on the outside of the glass! Once he and Robbie left I wrapped up in several layers to take the pooches out for a quick trip to the nearest letter box as I had a letter to post. The outside of the door handle was covered in ice left by the window cleaner so slippy slidey! Once we got home I took warm water down to the hens because their drinks feeder was frozen solid then watched the sweet little things savour their water as if connnoisseurs of a favourite wine!

    I hope everyone stays safe and warm..... Spring just round the corner! 🌻🌼🌸🍃☀️
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    What happened to earth warming! My spring tees should arrive today! Snow outside but my tee shirts should arrive in the snow. Never mind, like Jackie's snowdrops, sweet harbingers of spring.
    Annsie the red nosed pensioner.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    As Mark Twain said: "The rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated?"

    Been working on a couple projects, still walking daily and eating low-carb etc. Today will be some kind of taco salad concoction. It’s a 30 degree kind of day with an 18 degree “feel like” temp and 2-3 inches of snow expected. All and all not too bad. ONLY 38 days until Spring!


    Back at ya Lin – Hope you have dug out from your blizzard. Your sump pump comment had me thinking back to our old home before we downsized. We were out of town and the sump pump failed – what a mess in the basement. Lost all our old vinyl albums etc. Oh well…just a memory now.

    Glad all your friends are moving along on shots. Cardiologist appointment is next week and I am sure the advice will be to get it. I’m not necessarily anxious for it, but will take it. To be honest, I have never been healthier than the last 2 years, at least as it relates to cold/flu/sore throat kind of illnesses. I have had none. Often wonder if having been on D3 (4-5000 iu) for years and diet change has been a hidden blessing. Knock on wood.

    Sandy – Aren’t those heated car seats awesome. I never thought they would matter, but they do! Before the car is completely heated at least my butt is…and it feels good on the lower back. Ditto on a sun roof… Jean always loved them. I didn’t have one until my last car and now love it!

    Like your style on worrying about the future. I have changed a lot in recent years when it comes to worrying and have been able to block out a lot of things that I have no control over. Often hope Jean doesn’t think it’s that I don’t care, I just don’t want to waste time. I have also eliminated a lot of external drama from some family/friends. I will listen and sympathize etc., but if it’s the same stuff they have been complaining about for decades and they are over 50....not much I can do.

    Jackie – Glad you got that mole situation taken care of. We seem to have similar approaches to those things by meeting them head-on and doing what is necessary. I had a good appointment with the rheumatologist last week …said I was going to be his easiest patient of the day. I gave him a quick status and said I was there to get my bloodwork and methotrexate renewal etc and let him get on with his day. It was all tongue in cheek and we were laughing. Give my best to George & Betty.

    Off and running for now … have a great Tuesday !!! Bob
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Welcome back BOB. I wondered if you were okay.
    Anyway I've just spent 45 minutes on call waiting with my grocery order people. Had to smile though. I put in my order for Thursday and the confirmation order had included a free pear compliments from some orchard in the States. Nice, except I then find a SECOND order for just ONE order of one free pear plus delivery charge! I could just see Dorio's face when he he drove up and walked up the path holding one pear by its stalk to be delivered! AND a delivery charge on it. Hope it's sorted out but not sure judging by the voice on the other end of the line!
    Hope the above brightens your day, I found it very funny (except for my depleting pension).
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited February 2021
    Happy Tuesday! :) I am not sitting today as Lisa texted me Sunday and said that Max had a temperature of 101. Yesterday his fever was gone but he complained of a headache. Today he is a little better but Lisa and Rob thought it best not for me to come incase they were infected by covid. The only place Lisa goes is shopping and with a mask but you never know. I think she is going to try and get him tested today but we will see. Hopefully it is just a bug, but in today's world you can't be too careful. I always feel guilty when I don't sit, it comes with my defect of having a hard time saying no. I am a work in progress.
    So I will get my grocery order together for Walmart and have another lazy day with the exception of the bike.
    I am a little frustrated because I have been riding my bike, counting my calories and I seem to be gaining instead of losing. I have no idea why.

    Annsie, I do hope you got them to understand about your order especially when you have free delivery. Won't it be wonderful to be able to shop again and actually pick our our own groceries? Good luck with your new Tee's, I hope you love them.

    Bob, I was just waiting for someone to ask for ransom so glad you are ok. I do love those heated seats especially since my old car had a remote start that I could use from in my house. I can't wait to use the sun roof but unfortunately that won't be soon.

    Jackie, it does seem like a futile effort to wash windows as they freeze. I am glad your hens were happy with warm water and it probably warmed them up. Is Robbie all done now?? I did not think I slept sound but evidently I do, since I never heard her come in. I do have a floor fan, a table humidifier and a defuser running so it is not really quiet in my bedroom. Good thing I live on the second floor.

    Lin, Bryanna was at her friend's house playing virtual reality, she is not a football fan. I did not win anything on any of my pools but my friends did so at least a couple of people I know won. Good for you on getting an appointment, I am very discouraged. The good news is that I had a talk with my daughter yesterday and I think she will be getting the vaccine after all, at least I hope so. I know her husband is getting one so as I told her I think it would be for both of our protection. We will see.

    I am watching the impeachment so I am distracted so I will close with have a good and safe day.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow zowie! It is cold but clear. Not sure about this. Which is the most uncomfortable? Wet and dreary or clear and very cold? Both kinds of weather drives Katie and me inside pretty quickly. We are hot house flowers, absolutely!

    Anne: remember that old saying, never look a gift horse in the mouth. Hummmm, free pears are wonderful with your cottage cheese but never with a delivery charge.

    I have been searching for a really good, well written mystery. I love Lee Child, John Sanford etc. I have read all their books. I am not as fond of period mysteries. On the writers group I belong to, we are reviewing and critiquing a new mystery novel, as yet unpublished. I don’t hold out much hope on this unique but poorly written novel. It seems to me there are very few new books that grab you and refuse to let you go until you finish reading the entire book. Those are real treasures.

    Jackie: when it was bitter cold, when I loved on the ranch, we would turn on a heat lamp for our feathered ladies. The lamp was in a big cage-like thing for safety. They would cluster around the lamp and almost coo. They loved that lamp. I have mentioned my pet hen, named Penny, of course. Had a special cluck that she made when the heat lamp was turned on. Take care of that arm. No infections! John always warns me that I better not get such or injure myself. Katie depends on my skill as a ball player.

    Lin: I am now seeing that teapot collecting is a big special hobby. So many of the teapots you have introduced are actually sculptures. Do you collect or mainly enjoy looking at the illustrations? I am impressed that you decided to tackle those repairs yourself. Honestly, I would be so intimidated, I would be tempted to sell and move out. I scare easily!

    I am going for some sort of veggie pasta dish tonight. I will stir fry a lot of veggies and toss them on the pasta. John will try to eat “around the veggies” but I will find a way to defeat that effort! Bwahaha
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Good afternoon everyone. Another cold day and sunshine today which is bringing a bit of a temperature increase this afternoon. I went out this morning and got the rest of my cards to the outgoing mailbox for our block. Then I went about getting both vehicles started to warm up and run for around 20 minutes. As expected, the Prius Hybrid shut itself off within a few minutes as I was not driving. So, I found my printed instructions and got it started in maintenance mode, set the parking brake and let it run. Shut both down after the allocated time, let the garage air out from all the exhaust, and finally shut the overhead garage door.

    I got a call back, finally, from my service rep at Honda. He said, sorry, they are busy and the dealership has cut way back on personnel. So what was that, a week? Anyway, he said if I need work done on the vehicle, plan on a moderate wait. If the vehicle breaks down, he suggested I have AAA tow it out there and they will get to it whenever they can. Otherwise, if no problem, I can call again and try to get a service appointment for an oil change with full check of fluids, belts, etc. So fingers crossed all will be well for a few more months.

    Meanwhile, I am getting an antifreeze tester and also a tire inflator where you can preset the desired pressure. Also ordered an add on so I don’t have to screw on the hose, just clamp it on. We will see how that works out in a few days when all arrives. I did glance at the hoses the other day when I had the charger on the vehicle, they looked okay at a glance but who knows?

    Patsy, I get started with an author and maybe one series in particular and then I try to keep reading the new books as they are published. It is rough when you are looking for a new author. There are many books that do not attract me at all. Hey, I am eating leftovers from yesterday. I cooked some black bean pasta, added cooked broccoli, unsalted tomatoes and tomato paste, a bunch of spices and some unfortified nutritional yeast. Yum! I will have more tomorrow as well. 😉

    Sandy, don’t feel guilty about not sitting for the kids. It is best to keep your distance where illness is concerned right now. It could be nothing but why push it at this point? Happy grocery ordering. Sorry to have assumed it was a super bowl gathering. Lots of folks were doing that but just like Bryanna, I didn’t care but I unlike her, didn’t have anywhere to go at all! So your doctor’s office is not helping schedule shots? It will come together as more vaccine becomes available. I didn’t really want shots at all but with all the pressure from my friends, I caved. I am a wimp.

    Annie, I hope you enjoy that pear and that the delivery fee disappears. That will make it more tasty for certain. No sharing with Jilly.

    Bob, welcome back. I guess I assumed you were very busy and working on projects. I fully expected you back! I was not looking for a ransom note. 🤣😂🤣 more snow expected tomorrow by the way.

    Jackie, more cold weather. My, a worldwide phenomenon? Our cold wave here has no apparent end. My fingers were frozen after being in the garage this morning with a pair of gloves on my digits. When I was a kid and we were on an acreage, we had heat lamps for young chickens (no mature hens were kept over the winter) but my dad had a lot of water fowl so he kept some device in the pond to keep open water and he had some sort of heaters for the water fountains. When I was older and married, we had heaters for the hog waterers as well. They need fluids. So very good of you to take warm water to the girls.

    I am still working on Easter cards. I am apparently allergic to something again. The side of one hand has a nasty red rash and is quite painful. I am trying to decide if I should just keep at it and try to finish them, ignoring the rash or should I try to treat the rash and hopefully get it healed a bit before tackling more cards. Well, I would rather finish them but I am a changeable person.

    A cat teapot.


    I love looking at the teapots more than having a desire to collect them. I have a few, my mom had lots! I just find them interesting. I guess I am easily amused.

    Be safe everyone.

    Hi Jeri and Barbie.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The COVID scientific research App that I give daily updates on my health to has reported their findings so far on the effects people are experiencing from the Pfizer jab which most of us appear to be receiving. Seems to confirm Patsy’s recent warning

    Apparently those that already had the virus have the strongest reaction as the immune system gets busy but we’re told not to worry if we get no reaction, it just means our immune system doesn’t feel the need to rock and roll!

    Off to bed with the sound of the wind howling round the cottage. Our cold air is apparently Scandinavian! 😱🥶
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Morning all. Just done my half hour trot around the house and about to prepare me and Beans breakfast. Not much to report on yesterday. Just a frustrating day of dealing with banks, grocery stores customer "service" etc. Good day to do it though with the cold continuing.
    Finished the Fred Dibnah series. In some ways he reminded me so much of my dad, hard working, good humoured, forever tinkering with his models in his shed. If those days are gone of decent, hard working men it is so sad. I join Fred in being Victorian and remembering the wonderful engineering wonders they produced. Dad at 5ft 11ins was a little taller.
    Ah well, back to the days of dog nappers, telephone scams, internet bullying etc and bury my head under the duvet.
    Otherwise, hope everyone enjoys a chilly Wednesday,
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Mornin Mornin…. Hit close to 7000 steps at gym, grocery shopped and cooked lunch (pork chop, asparagus tips, broccoli, squash) for later. Loving there are only 37 days until Spring and have been SUPER FORTUNATE that we are roughly 35 inches UNDER our normal snowfall! YES!


    Sandy – Thanks for thinking of a possible ransom – some might have said “let the kidnappers keep him…once they know what they have…they’ll gladly let him go.” LOL. Hope Max is improving and that it was just the “bug.” Must say, I question some numbers because it is the first year where I am not hearing about flu numbers daily and I haven’t had one family member or friend say they had the flu…but do know a couple friends that have tested positive for Covid. Regardless, I will likely contact the county next week and get on the list for “the shot.” Have a great day bike riding and calorie monitoring. Amazing how those numbers can fluctuate a couple pounds without explanation.

    Anne – Thanks for the welcome back! Good luck with those grocery orders. Have a pear for me. As for the pension depletion – too bad we aren’t like the government…spend money we don’t have and just print more when we run out. LOL

    Patsy – Cold and clear sounds good to me, as long as there is little or no snow accumulation. I would also classify myself as a “hothouse” flower or perhaps a cactus. LOL.

    Lin – You were correct on having projects at hand and some “to do” items. Feel free to keep that extra snow. As mentioned to Patsy, at this point I will take cold/sunny for now. With regards to remote car starter, I miss the one I had on my old car with a longer time set. This car auto shuts off after 10 min and when it is sub-zero, I would like it to go 15-20 minutes. Your “cards in the mail” status reminds me that I need to get a Valentine for Jean “soon.” It took me a split second on the cat teapot.

    Jackie – Thanks for the Covid research information. Last night I was reading some information that on the surface appeared disturbing on CDC reporting that stated: “It is concerning that the CDC may have willfully failed to collect, analyze, and publish accurate data used by elected officials to develop public health policy for a nation in crisis. Further federal investigation is justified by the magnitude of the crisis and the collateral damage generated by policies based upon projection data that was unproven and never peer reviewed. If the data being reported was indeed compromised by the CDC’s perplexing decision to abandon proven data collection and reporting practices in favor of untested methods, then all public health policies based upon these inaccurate data must be reexamined.”

    I will be keeping an eye out for additional reports.

    Sorry about those Scandinavians. LOL

    Adios for now. Warm wishes to all! Bob :)
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Just ready to heat/eat - Wed Lunch (208 cal.) Asparagus Tips, Boneless Pork Chop-Top Loin, Spaghetti Squash, Broccoli, and Lilllie's - Zero Sugar Carolina BBQ Sauce, :)

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Won't be seeing Mike this week because somebody has tested positive in his small condo building. He won't be tested or have to isolate because no direct contact with the guy but he feels it's safer not to come over and breathe on me. Sad.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Howdy fellow campers! Today is clear and cold again. John had an early eye appointment so we both are sort of stumbling around from lack of sleep. One of life’s big crazy truths for us this: any unusual event can upset our schedule and make things uncomfortable and strange. In short, we don’t adapt very well. We don’t go with the flow! Yet we yearn for adventure!

    I understand Anne’s sadness about not seeing her son, Mike. We love all of our children but there is a stronger connection to one more than others, no matter how much we love them all. We miss our son Damon so much. He is the one that checks on us, comes when we are sick, brings his girl friends to visit and we suspect, get our approval.

    Lin: hahahaha! It took me a few minutes to see the cat on the teapot. Oddly, I usually spot those kind of things right away. I totally understand your rash. Many paints, glues, varnishes, various canvas prep solutions etc are not only toxic but outright corrosive! Some colors and specialty Acrylic inks are some of the worse. Wear gloves when you can and use some soothing cream or lotion on that rash. John rigged up a ventilator hood for me in my dungeon.

    Jackie: I guess the vaccine reaction to second shot is common. Also I read swollen lymph gland under arm is common. Scary but not a big issue it appears. If we know about possible reaction, we can plan ahead and be ready for a couple of days of feeling rocky. Tried to find the series you recommended to Anne but to no avail. Sounds like it was a hit!

    Bob: we have not eaten red meat in years but we always find the aroma so enticing. The photo of your meal looked wonderful. For Valentine dinner I am fixing John’s beloved salmon. Broccoli and a baked potato, sour cream and chives for John. Sugar-free dark chocolates and champagne for afters. That and calls to our grownup babies should be our Valentine party.

    Sandy: fingers crossed on dear little Max. Little ones are supposed to fare pretty well even if it is Covid. However, I know the worse is not being able to see them for awhile. Be brave and stay away until there is an all clear.

    Still checking for a chance to get my jab. It will happen when it is the most inconvenient, but we are registered and ready to trot happily for a jab in the arm.