Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Happy Valentine day, dear sneaker sweethearts! We are also cold and wet. But I have high hopes that down deep in the mud, little daffodils are getting set to send up those beginning green shoots. I will watch for them daily now.

    The day will be busy because I am fixing that salmon for John, also potato’s, tossed salad, citrus sauce for the salmon, chocolates and champagne for after our movie. I will call Damon and our daughter, Andrea. John had an enormous Bouquet of flowers delivered for me. Hummmm...this guy might be a keeper. What do you think?

    Anne: those tulips are wonderful! Have you ever noticed how flowers just lighten up a whole house, our mood, and bring gladness? I am thinking that maybe they are to be considered necessities during cold winter days.

    Jackie: oh my! Replacing inside plaster sounds extraordinarily messy and time consuming. Would there be any chance of asbestos? As far as George being grumpy, we all have our bad days and we live those scripts given to us by life’s circumstances. Katie isn’t grumpy, she just gets totally crazy at times...for no good reason. Doc calls them the flakies. She gets shy and acts like she is afraid of us. She will not come when called and hides under the bedspread. Doc says just remain calm, don’t yell at her, just carry on and she will get over it. She isn’t in pain or seem sick, just crazy. After a couple of hours she comes to us and everything is fine. Do dogs go through menopause? Anyway, what is life without a few challenges and the occasional treat?

    Sandy: glad your glasses are working for you. John was diagnosed with dry eye. He must add artificial tears in drops three times a day and before bedtime. Another common condition of aging. He is annoyed because he has to remember to do it and he hates to stop what he is doing to put in drops.

    Bob: your sister really loves to cook and have gatherings. I can do it once or twice a year but a big gathering drives me crazy. I have trouble pulling that off, I can never get every thing ready and properly served in a timely manner. I do better with small elegant dinners. We never serve family style. Although family style is more fun and makes for lively conversations.

    Sending you all a kiss and a hug. You are all sweethearts🌹
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Good afternoon, in the heat of the day now at -8 degrees F. Wind chill, I am ignoring -29 degrees F. Cannot compute how cold that is!

    All of my snowmen now have red caps, red scarves and little bits of blue shadow. On with other opportunities to make messes. I colored something else that I had stamped a long time ago. I made a bad decision for the paper that had been used. Nothing like little bits of paper rolls and other nastiness. I tried to add some glittery shine but it did not help. It is a nice stamp and unfortunately I stamped a few more on this same paper. Maybe I will try other types of inks/pencils.


    And for today a Happy Valentine’s Day teapot. 💗💗


    Yesterday afternoon it seemed balmy as the breeze stopped so I started both vehicles again. My handyman was here shoveling out the end of my drive after the city plow had been by. I talked him into filling the tires of the SUV for me (didn’t take any persuasion, he said sure). I got out all my equipment, the Stanley Fat Max power pack, the new inflator with quick tach and the just taken out of the package digital tire tester. He had all tires fixed in a jiffy, and they did need it. I am relieved. Wiper fluid up to the top as well. Later on he also said if I took the vehicle in for service, he would give me a ride home. A really good guy.

    The online church service today was very good. It is so cold here that many churches were closed. This church does not close for weather problems, pandemics, or natural disasters. Well, for the most part.

    Anne, love the tulips. A touch of spring and color. ❤️ A lady posted a photo of her Valentine’s Day gift this morning. A good thought. But not yet.


    Sandy, I haven’t seen that movie but I did see a new to me movie last evening. “Brave”. A Disney/Pixar production perhaps. I missed the start of the movie and a few bits as I am a channel flipper. But I liked it. Glad you had a good time and that the kids enjoyed their gifts. Happy that the new glasses are working well for you.

    Bob, lovely photos and today and I adore that cartoon. I saw it recently somewhere on Facebook. It makes me laugh each time. And makes me hungry for spaghetti.

    Jackie, it would be great to get all the work done as quickly as possible. I hope he able to do what you want relatively quickly and that the result will be fabulous. Little George is a bit of a Prince 👑 in your home. He is lovely but I didn’t know he had sort of grumpy moments even with you. Does he still pick up little rocks and pebbles?

    Patsy, what a lovely Valentine for dear John. ❤️❤️ Just keep on adoring Valentine’s Day and we adore you as well. What a great day and wow, loads of flowers. Yes, keep him.

    Barbie, hello 🙋🏼‍♀️ Knit on my friend.

    Jeri and Diane, best wishes to you as well.

    Back to playing with with pens, colored pencils and maybe water colors. Love them.

    Be safe.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Not sure if I did that right. Trying to show you my Valentine’s from John.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Patsy, lovely! ❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Amazing Patsy... those wonderful pictures ooze love and of course John sees you as his sparkling ✨Minnie!!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Definitely a keeper PATSY. What a sweetheart! You are a much loved girl for sure!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Good morning everyone on Canada family day. I thought of you BOB as I did my half hour trot around the house. Wondered if you were doing the same trotting around the mall between 5:30 and 6:00.
    We are expecting snow yet again. I still don't know who cleared my drive. Whoever didn't do the paths or the stairs up to the front door and small deck with a snow blower, so I did. It was very powdery snow so no big deal.

    It was announced on the 6 am news that the next people in line for the vaccine will be the over 80s. No mention how or where to go to get it should you want it. I'm still not sure what to do. I don't want the usual bad reaction to vaccines but the new virus variant is much deadlier than the original. Now THAT could interfere with my plans to become a dear old thing of 100 years. Meanwhile, it was Beans 5th birthday yesterday. She celebrated by barking at passing dogs as Anne shovelled.

    Nothing else to report. The Christmas poinsettia is still with me and looking like me a little worse for wear. The red leaves are dropping off, but the green are still healthy and I've great hopes the nodules on the stems will start budding soon. Can't complain at the original cost of $5.

    So another day of no importance in the Annsie/Bean household passed for which I am very grateful.
    Wonder what today will bring, well, wash the sheets day for sure.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Phew, 11c temperature as we walked this morning so I soon felt overdressed with bobble hat and fleece lined jacket. Too mucky for the moors so we walked the 2 mile route to and round the Quoit. Not a soul about although we did glimpse the rear end of a couple of horses!

    Bob, your sister is an absolute star to put on such a brilliant spread but then you know that already! The cartoon did make me laugh and I had images of Patsy’s John reading out something similar in response to hers!
    Here’s a coincidence... you mentioned the Deer Hunter movie the other day which I watched in the 70’s but never a glimpse of it since but Saturday night, late, the BBC showed it on one of their main channels. Too depressing for me I’m afraid although we were all agog at the time.

    Lin, grumpiness is in a Lhasa’s genes so nothing to be done but accept George as he is although there are times.... 😤. Stones are still his obsession which is why he was in seventh heaven when Robbie was releasing the clay beads insulation from my chimney! Wasn’t allowed to touch for obvious reasons. He is currently standing outside the door waiting for a stone to be thrown down the garden for him to find. 🐶 Fabulous teapots as ever!

    I’m jealous of your Poinsettia Anne although I know we’ve already established you are the green fingered goddess! The vaccine is a very personal choice that no one else can make for you. You know I’ve never been inclined to get a flu jab but like you feel the variants are more than a challenge for us all and probably something we have to live with. Last night I watched a 2017 British movie entitled Edie about an 85 year old lady who, after escaping a miserable marriage when her controlling husband dies, decides on a whim to climb in the Scottish Highlands, something her father always wanted her to do with him. Once I tuned my brain into some of the Scottish accents ( just warning Patsy!!) I loved its humour, poignancy and her gritty determination. I’m sure you’ll love it too if you can find it.

    Patsy, sounds like Katie reads your minds as George does mine. The slightest tension in me is met with aggression so I’ve learnt to concentrate on relaxing then he calms down. Seven years this week we’ve been together!
    The wall plaster is over 160 years old and mostly lime render so nothing too nasty and the builder will replace like with like. I’m hoping the weather will be dry and warm while he works, enough to be outside so I can take the pooches for long walks and do some gardening.

    Sandy, you’re on the previous page and I’ve slept since reading your post so will wave 🙋🏻‍♀️ and wish you a happy Monday.

    Off to do some grocery shopping at the supermarket against my better judgement but if it looks busy I’ll leave it and just pick up milk at the farm shop for my afternoon cuppas.

    Take care everyone.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited February 2021
    No green fingered goddess here JACKIE! I've just got a south facing window which plants love. Sometimes Mary Jo will bring over a plant from her darker home so it can have a Florida like vacation. I really hope Poinsy survives.

    Will try and find "Edie". She sounds like a gal after my own heart. I'd love to stride the moors again and why not if the knees are up to it. Talking of knees, as my weight recedes a bit I'm finding my aches and pains are disappearing. I crawl out of bed stiff as old boots but I immediately start walking round the house, glass of water at hand, and within 5 minutes the creaks are all gone and half hour later, so far, I'm leaping around like a mountain goat. Bean is not amused. A quick pee and she goes back to bed. I don't think I've ever seen her grumpy and in fact I wish my nature was a little more like hers.

    Well time to do something on "everything closed down for Family Day" here.

    PS. Just eaten my free very juicy pear. Thank you unknown orchard in the States. Delicious.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Monday! :) President Day here but I like Family Day as well. It is six degrees with another snow storm this afternoon through tomorrow with totals from 6 to 12 inches. Will this ever end? I am feeling that there is something off with my new glasses. My doctor told me my PD was 64 but the tech at America's Best said it was 63. So is this in my mind? My right eye seems a little blurry to me and my eye gets tired. Do I give them a chance for my eyes to get used to new prescription? Inquiring minds want to know. I thought about going to the eye place today but I think I will wait a few days and hope this weather improves.
    Still no word on a vaccination, they are moving other people up such as teachers so my wait will be longer. I do want the teachers to get theirs before me since they are adamant about opening schools in some areas.
    Babe did call me yesterday to wish me a Happy Valentine's Day which I wasn't expecting. He also said he was sorry he couldn't bring me yellow roses like he used to do every year. I have to admit I did get teary eyed after that call.

    Annsie, I am discouraged with my weight, but will continue forward. I have been riding my bike for 80 minutes to gain 400 calories but Fitbit takes half of those away so I feel like I am exercising for nothing. So do you walk in circles for 30 minutes? I am glad it is working for you and hope to be here to celebrate your 100th with you. We were just talking about people who don't have access to computers and how are they to make appointments for the vaccine? Do you have a family doctor who might notify you when available?

    Jackie, love the picture of the horse riders. I love horse back riding but of course haven't done it in many years. I see Elli who was on here long ago rides often. She is on Facebook and her pictures are amazing. Do any of you remember Elli? Thank you for making me feel better about Brutus, I do hope he got a good home.

    Patsy, love all of the beautiful cards John made for you, really shows his love for you. How did he like your poem?

    Lin, love the doves, beautiful. There are many good movies on Disney+ and even better family movies. I will check out Brave to see if it would be good for movie night. Epic was very cute with leaves and bugs looking like little people.

    Bob, how great that you still have a card for your mom from when you were so young. Your sister's spread is amazing and I hope you enjoyed some of those treats. Funny cartoon.

    Hi Barbie and Jeri.

    Have a good day while I decide whether to take a ride to the eyeglasses place or stay home. Keep warm.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hi everyone. Still very cold here. Keeping lower cabinet doors open where I have a sink on an outside wall. That would be two of them. Also trying to run the heat a bit higher, and a space heater is running a few hours a time in the garage. Also putting boiling water down the drain in my kitchen. The poor plants in that window may well be goners. It is very cold and they look quite unhappy.

    Well, they say we should see a bit better weather on Wednesday. That is a long time. Hearing reports of lot of broken furnaces, frozen pipes as well as drain problems.

    I just received a call, the Toyota dealership will collect my car sometime on Thursday morning and it should be back by 6pm. All they need is a credit card. 🤣😂🤣

    My sinuses are unhappy so I am going to just try to stay warm and hope the sinus headache goes away rather than getting a hold on me as it usually tries to.

    Sandy, I am sorry to hear of your expected snowfall. I would stay home and go to see about the glasses another day. I know they say you have to adjust to new glasses but I have never had them get better. Just my experience. The only exception was learning to live with bifocals.

    Annsie, happy to hear of the improvement with your joints. That is fabulous. Well, green thumb for certain, having a good window can’t explain all of your success.

    Jackie, I too loved the photo. I do miss seeing horses. When I was married we had a couple of horses for years and it was common to see horses in little pastures. But I have not seen a live horse since the last time I went to the fair. There are so many lovely horses at those shows. (Just reminiscing.). I just love George, he has his unique personality and his fascination with stones is adorable. I hope it never causes him any problems, like a cracked tooth!

    Let’s see what I have to share today I’m the teapot department. Interesting that several people waited until today to post Valentine teapot photos. Must have been busy celebrating. I liked these curvy teapots quite a bit.


    Intent on completing coloring pencil work for Christmas cards. I have finished a few over the last couple of years but would like to finish all of them and use them! Again, a very slow project for me. I need to look, I think there are 8 left to tackle. Didn’t get around to the watercolor yesterday. I have a panel stamped, that’s a start.

    I hope everyone is safe. Best wishes.


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    HAPPY PRESIDENT’s DAY! – Temp in 20’s with 4-8 inches of snow expected between evening and and Tuesday morning. (Hope not too bad as Echocardiogram followed by cardiologist appt sched for 8am tomorrow.)

    Did some mall walking followed by a visit to the barber for a haircut. Lunch was: Shredded Chicken / drum stick, Broccoli, Organic - Riced Cauliflower, Grilled Vegetables, Spaghetti Squash, Zero Sugar BBQ Sauce, soy sauce splash.


    Anne – That’s cold - 17.6 °Fahrenheit… at least you have some sunshine to console you. Can’t say I have never experienced similar window issues…thank goodness for Mark (and cushions).

    Patsy – Hope you had a nice Valentine’s Day with John and that salmon dinner! Leave it to amorous John to provide a bouquet of flowers. You’re right about my sister. In normal times it is every Sunday with 30-40 people (after church services) made up of family and friends. This was close family only. We still managed to have a lot of lively conversations. Those Valentine’s from John are SUPER sweet.


    Lin – I guess all I can say is – try to keep warm. LOL. You really do have an awesome talent. That is one heck of a “handyman” you have… what a kind guy. Glad church services were good…we have one priest that does a great job relating to both adults and kids. That cartoon was especially for us as it was reminiscent of my Italian brother-in-law who passed away and had been married to the sister that has the weekly spaghetti/meatball dinners (Been doing it over 20 yrs).

    Jackie – LOVE the pic! You’re right about my 73 y/o sister (Anne). I have lost 2 sisters, but she is an absolute gem. She puts the “C” in Christian. Seriously – you could knock on her door and say you were in need of a bed or meal and you would get it. You’re not off the mark on Deer Hunter…it is depressing and I have only seen it twice.

    Sandy – That PD can be so important. I had a pair “many” years ago that were filled at 63 and my real PD as measured last year is 58! So long ago, I don’t remember everything except they had to be remade. Good luck with getting a shot when you can. I started to look into things yesterday and will be assessing options more this week.

    About half my family has received their shots (healthcare workers, teachers and police). As for the “lone” pic with my mom, it is fortunate. Lot’s of family photos – but with 7 kids it was normally group photos.

    Have a great day everyone. Bob
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy, rainy and cold! I fear this will be the weather here for a week at least. We are really getting bad weather all over the state . We are getting a year’s worth of snow in our mountains in one storm. The skiing here should be good but it is not! The lifts are not running, lodges are sort of open. But the snow is icy and there are mogles that just tear up the skis. So instead of going skiing, people are heading for the coast (our area) to play on the beaches in the rain. That is why we have continuing Covid spreading here. People come play on the beach then go into town for fish and chips and beer.

    Anne: as you remember, Katie is just a month younger than sweet Jilly. Katie’s birthday is March 4th. We are silly. We always give her birthday gifts and a special treat. Big dogs age sooner and have a shorter life span. I can’t let myself think about that. She has settled down a lot but she is still a big yellow puppy.

    Lin: your work to keep from freezing pipes and to keep your cars running is great. It shows you are a survivor. It takes thought and effort to deal with weather extremes.

    Bob: hope all your medical tests come out positive for continued good health. With your diet and exercise regimen, I can’t Imagine otherwise.

    Jackie: it is so true...our doggies can read minds, anticipate company, make judgements about various people upon seeing them for the first time, invent games and communicate in various ways. Your house has had a lot of tender loving reconstruction. Good for you! We normally take an easier way of dealing with repairs. It isn’t always kind or even ethical. I hate to say it, but it is a very American trait.

    Need to do a few more chores. Left over salmon for dinner with a tossed green salad. Yea! Very little prep. Full tilt boogie!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    It's warmed up to minus 10 centigrade feeling like minus 18 with the wind, BUT we have been snow dumped and it isn't going to stop snowing. I think 20 inches or so. So the kids who were going back to school today ain't with everything in sight being cancelled. Might have known, the Bean was very playful last evening.
    Annsie. More later if I'm not digging out!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    We don’t have any snow forecast until tomorrow. The wind chill is -31 degrees F. But it should warm up a bit later today. The power company that I have had not announced any scheduled power outages. We are asked to try to limit gas usage however.

    Stay safe everyone.

    Back later.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Don’t you dare dig yourself out Anne! Wait for the arrival of the snow fairy that cleared your drive last week.
    I’m so pleased for you that your weight loss is helping creaky knees. Walking is what keeps my joints operating I’m sure because if I have a quiet day I’m soon huffing and puffing out of the chair!

    Spring has hopefully sprung here in England so shoots that were frozen last week are recovering and the daffys should be flowering in a day or two.

    Yesterday afternoon went pear shaped before I stepped through my door to go shopping. My jacket was on and I was collecting car keys when a courier arrived with a packaged hifi unit I’d bought through Etsy from a seller in Turkey. He also presented me with an invoice for import duties and costs amounting to £136.93 and wanted a cash payment! Keep it I said since I had assumed such costs were included in the inflated price of the unit. He told me to contact their office, went away with the package and I drove to the supermarket but just as I arrived my car beeped a warning that a tyre needed inflating. Once parked up I saw it was the same tyre that had needed air a couple of weeks ago that my neighbour helped me with. Picked up fresh fruit and veggies noting how prices are going up, then drove to the tyre fitter where a tiny nail was found embedded. Wonderfully quiet due to lockdown and a good system of social distancing but I waited outside while the repair took place. Chatted to another customer who told me how her cancer treatment and a heart procedure had been delayed because of Covid so I’m even more grateful for my speedy little op on my arm.
    This is turning into a long story so feel free to skip and anyway you can probably guess how phoning the couriers number went. A message told me it was a 20 minute wait due to high volume of callers so I got on with my jigsaw puzzle while I waited..... 45 minutes!! Finally an Indian gentleman answered and I explained about their invoice but then got a minute’s silence before music cut in then a recording in an indecipherable accent running through numbers 1 to 14 to press depending what I wanted, at least I think that’s what was happening. At times like that I select any number just to reach a human being but haha, the joke was on me because it had taken so long to get to this point that yet another recording told me the office closed at 5pm and it was by then nearly 5.30!
    This morning I decided to copy the invoice, send to the seller of the unit and ask them to pay it or refund me.

    This morning we walked round the local woods where I kept a close eye on George and Betty because the river was fast flowing then on to my 95 year old friend Les to stand on his drive for a chat and also to let him fuss the pooches. He also handed over a large bag of shredded paper for my hens’ bedding that he’d got ready yesterday. It’s now raining heavily so I’ll scramble an egg to enjoy with locally produced ham from the farm shop then do some needed housework.

    Lin, Too late regarding a cracked tooth for Mr George! When he had his teeth cleaned a couple of years ago I was advised a tooth had to be removed for that exact reason. I was embarrassed because I knew why but didn’t own up to the vet but since then have always been careful to throw them away from him so he has to chase. Yesterday’s teapots are definitely doing the Cha cha together when nobody is looking! 😁

    Bob, I won’t say good luck (or even break a leg what with your snow forecast) but wish you well at your hospital appointment although I’m sure your healthy eating regime will hold you in good stead!

    Sandy, I don’t remember Elli but imagine her weight is good if she rides!

    Patsy, you are describing George when you mention Katie’s behaviour at times. Incredibly unpredictable but love him to bits!

    Lunchtime! Have a peaceful, warm and healthy day everyone and think positive.... this is the beginning of the end rather than end of the beginning. 😘
    Jackie (excuse any typos... too much to check through!)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) With all my walking this fall and winter, my shoes have begun to spring some leaks so my first job this morning (after walking dogs and fixing their breakfast) was to order new shoes. It was so kind of Amazon to have them at the top of the "suggestions" so I could click on the picture of the shoes, order them again, and have assurance that they would arrive by Saturday.

    :) Our snow and ice are gone and life is back to drizzly normal which makes all of us happy including the daffodils, tulips, and hyacinth that are starting to pop up.

    <3 Barbie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    No self respecting daffodil, tulip etc would dream of popping up. Went out and shovelled the front deck and stairs, measured the snow piled up at the front door - 8 inches! Came in and removed Christmas gift black tuque with its white Pom Pom and am now walking about with flattened hair.
    Will have another go later. Gotta keep moving! Jilly barked excitedly during the shovelling and I think she wanted to join in the "fun" but the snow would have been above her tummy and I didn't want her getting cold in her kidneys and therefore peeing every half hour. Funny, when you fall in love with a cute puppy you don't think of the hazards of living in Canada.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    So, did a little more shovelling. A path to the garage (and trash) from the back door. With no cars coming over I'm not bothered about the big drive and if the "snow fairy" shows up, great, and if not no big deal.
    Quite enjoyed a bit of manual labour, shows my roots I guess!
    Anne - the navvy, and there's a bit more English for you to figure out, Jackie will know.