Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Post script. The groceries - scheduled delivery between 10 - 12 - arrived at Obviously dodging later snow. Good job I was up and scooting!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sandy, Jake had a similar experience when he ordered some samples of a product that he thought he might like. When it came, he realized that it would conflict with his medications so he gave it away and didn't realize that he had to cancel in 14 days or they'd send a full order. There were two products and each was about 98 dollars. I spotted it on the credit card bill before the products arrived and when he called, they explained that by not cancelling in 14 days he had agreed to the shipment. All they were willing to do was to cancel further shipments and refund half what they had charged.

    :) I am a shameless fan of "Jeopardy" and of Ken Jennings. I watched all his appearances on the show and have listened to over 200 episodes of his podcast "The Omnibus". I have loved watching him as the guest host and will be sad when someone else takes the role of guest host even though there are some impressive choices for guest host.

    :) Sasha and Bessie love the snow and bounce around in it joyfully.

    <3 Barbie
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Just a quick check-in to say “Hello & Good Morning” – Had someone from out of state ask me last Tues night to do a half dozen photo restorations "they need by tomorrow afternoon."

    … so will likely be absent til the weekend!

    Hope everyone is healthy and happy. Freezing here but nothing atrocious snow-wise. So no complaints. Bob :)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Snowing here and adding to the already snow we have, here is my balcony.
    I might go out and try and shovel it after my meeting, I would hate to see it collapse.
    Staying in and staying warm unless I shovel. I had my car washed yesterday to get all the dirt and salt off so hope the streets are clear tomorrow for my eye exam. I took glasses back and they suggested a new eye exam for free to see if it differs from the tech who did it at my eye doctor. As long as it is free I am good with that.
    My friend's surgery went well and she should be coming home today. I got my ashes yesterday and they came to my car, opened window and he sprinkled my head with ashes.

    Bob, glad you checked in and all is okay and that you are just busy.

    No time left, I am chairing the meeting so must get in shower. Have a good day and stay dry.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Crazy busy day. Sorry. Just a minute between things right now.

    We have sunshine and temperatures above Zero F. Wahoo.

    Two days of Zoom meetings. All agricultural in nature. Very interesting.



    Be well.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello again. It is cold and rainy, so all is normal for a winter day on the north Oregon coast. There is something calming about the word “normal.” Hope it comes around again on our health situation.

    Still waiting for our vaccine appointment. We are in the group that is being offered the vaccine but it is only offered by appointment. Our county is in charge of identifying and arranging appointments. Hum...They don’t have a very great track record but maybe there has been added assistance.

    I think even the small increase in daylight even if it is cloudy and rainy, has a good effect on my SAD. I feel much better and with my happy light, i am feeling almost NORMAL!

    I am still thinking I want to refresh our decor. It feels bedraggled here and some new and different chair cushions and throw pillows etc could spark things up a bit. A new and different houseplant or two. I think I am dealing with cabin fever and my cabin needs a bit of a change.

    Went into town to post office and was struck with a weird other worldly sight. It was Wednesday afternoon and the whole town was empty. No cars, no people, the ports were empty of ships, most of the cafes and restaurants were closed, and the traffic lights were not working properly. They were just flashing red. It felt like we were involved in a sort of alien abduction. Scenes from the Twilight Zone.

    Reading about Texas and the ranch where I grew up that is now owned by a cousin. Water can be pumped by the windmill and there is a fireplace, and a wood stove and a big BBQ on the back patio. It is a big old ranch house, so I guess they are okay. They gathered a lot of relatives from the Ft.Worth area to stay there until the power is back on. Sadly, none of these folks have had the vaccine. Suddenly they are all living together in one big old house. Everyone is trying to distance but it isn’t easy huddling around the fireplace and wood stove.

    Treasure our good luck and pray for those in need.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A sunny day here although cool so windows and doors were open for a few hours and heaters turned off to air the place for the first time in months. Washing was hung out to dry before I drove to the moors with George and Betty but it was cold up there so our walk wasn’t as long as I’d hoped. I did cross paths with the gentleman I’ve met before who cares for his bedridden wife and says walking their Westie each day is his only break from a difficult situation. He told me he doesn’t believe in the vaccination, in fact insisted Covid is nothing more than flu and although I suggested an awful lot of people have died his expression was one that said he didn’t believe that either so I changed the subject! He’s about to turn 80 so I can only hope he doesn’t become infected although the highest percentage of infections in England are amongst children now so he should be safe.
    Apart from dropping off painkillers for Ollie the Labrador that I order online for my friends then a quick trip into town to buy a few frozen packs of George’s raw meat I stayed home, did some housework then, encouraged by the sunshine, looked through my packs of vegetable seeds with a view to potting up the tomatoes and peppers. Of course by 5pm clouds rolled in and the wind picked up so perhaps I’m being premature!

    Lin, A beautiful teapot that reminds me St Petersburg is on my bucket list with it’s beautiful architecture and history. I’m not ready to even plan foreign travel yet... just too normal!!

    Yes Patsy, the days are definitely getting longer and that’s positive. I had a similar experience in my local town of empty streets although I did spot my hairdresser walking along and was tempted to stop and kidnap her until she agreed to cut my hair. A friend refers to Liskeard as the one horse town where they shot the horse and that was before lockdown!

    I watched news coverage of the rescue of hundreds of frozen sea turtles in Texas as well as the problems being faced by so many with empty supermarket shelves and burst pipes. My first winter in this cottage there was a big freeze and power cuts which had me very quickly planning to install log burners and stock up on candles.

    It’s gone midnight and George has come to ask why we aren’t all in bed, but first a trip into the garden.
    The wind is howling outside!!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Snowing.......again.........long sigh. Please send your lovely rain up here PATSY. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Rain again in Cornwall... I knew yesterday’s sun wouldn’t last! We got soaked during our walk round the block so back home the pooches were towelled down and are now snoozing while I finish a mug of coffee.
    Yesterday evening I baked cod loin in melted butter with lemon juice and garlic that was delicious but am sure I would need to wear a mask before breathing on anyone today! 😷
    It’s a kitchen sort of day as wind and rain sweep round my cottage and I’m going to make carrot and orange soup as both ingredients need using up before they turn then I might even wash cupboard doors. White was never a good idea for kitchen units but at the time they looked bright and cheery in the store when I bought them.
    A letter from our NHS arrived this morning so my heart was in my mouth as I thought it was my biopsy result but no, it’s reminding me to get vaccinated if I haven’t already.

    Just had a phone call from an Indian call centre pretending to be Amazon so I pressed #1 as requested and told “Mike Stevens” he’s a thief preying on vulnerable people. He hung up!!

    Another Friday and finally a sign of my weight dropping so I’m going to give myself until end April to get down to where I feel comfortable.... I know, another groundhog moment!!

    Have a healthy and safe Friday everyone.
    😘 Jackie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    One of those videos to warm the heart... Clever boy Max!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Spring must be in the air with all this cleaning and cushion buying. It doesn't LOOK as if springs in the air here but Jilly Bean is shedding. Right now I'm polishing furniture and just having a break. Then I'll polish the sideboard and kitchen table and wash my cupboards down. Mine are wood. The good thing about white at least you can see what's splashed on them whilst with wood the end result can be quite a revelation.

    Continuing the fitness campaign although I'm not thinking of it as a weight loss plan so much as a lifelong change. Actually 2018 and 2019 were not good years for me health-wise and I got into the doldrums you might say. This year, so far, I feel like my old shovelling snow self again. Hope it continues. Never got the cataracts fixed because of the virus, but guess what, I've chucked the glasses away more or less and I'm living in a rosy world! If anything I feel my eyes have strengthened a bit if that's possible. The family haven't mentioned that the place is festooned with cobwebs anyway and they don't seem to want to cart me off to the old folks home like poor Flo's family.

    Well I hope JACKIE and PATSY don't develop webbed feet with all the rain, and us snow birds don't develop hairy chests and beards to combat the cold! Not us females anyway. When I was living in the old world a survey was carried out to find out how the British viewed Canadians. One question was:
    "What do you think of Canadian men?" One person replied, "big and hairy"
    The next question was "what do you think of Canadian women?" and the same person replied,
    "Big, but not quite so hairy".

    On that note I better buzz off and tackle the housework.
    Stay indoors and doing so hopefully stay healthy! Thinking ice rink outside.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    pinkperil wrote: »

    One of those videos to warm the heart... Clever boy Max!

    Love this Jackie, sent to friends and will post on Facebook. Will be back later, have to go for eye test.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hey folks! Guess what! John and I finally got a message from our health department that we have an
    Appointment for a vaccine shot. We are so happy. In a couple of months we might actually be able to see our son. Maybe our daughter as well but as I have complained way too loudly and way too often, that is a strange and difficult situation.

    The day is cold and cloudy. We are to have showers again. Still cleaning the kitchen. There is a big ugly task waiting to be dealt with.....the oven! Oh my! It is a bad place right now.

    Oh by the way. We are going to have our small family over for a BBQ this spring. Our son said he will do kabobs on the grill. We will have ice cream sundaes for dessert. I might even celebrate and pour some Bristol cream sherry on my ice cream. That was my mom’s favorite. It will be almost two years since we saw our family in person. I think you can imagine how lonely I have been to see them. I am and always will be a mama.

    I am conditioning Katies’s hair right now with emu oil conditioner. It is great stuff by the way. A bit spendy but we all love our fur babies and want them to feel and look great. Katie will never look great. She loves mud and dirt and old sticks to chew on. She is, at heart, a construction worker. She can dig deep holes in a flash. Oh well. We live in the country and in Oregon. We are not very fashionable in any case.

    Hope we don’t get a bad reaction to the vaccine. We haven’t heard about any problems here, so that’s good.
    Spring is sneaking up on us.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Electricity, water, and internet were on my gratitude list this morning. I don't want to ever take those things for granted.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Good evening.

    The USDA Zoom meetings are over now. I also drove to the library to pick up my books on hold. The library is closing for a month to continue work on their renovations. Wow! That is a long closure.

    And no Covid vaccine for me tomorrow. Weather related shipping problems meant lots of phone calls and rescheduling. They called me this afternoon. I have an appointment in March now. Praying it is not a blizzard day. Really. We are well known for March blizzards.

    Teapot. Late but still Friday.


    Back tomorrow.


    P.S. I ADORE Max. Thank you Jackie. ❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2021
    The wind continues to howl and rain pour so this morning I am enjoying a second cup of coffee with my bowl of porridge. Both pooches have visited the garden and aren’t in any rush to go out again, in fact are snoozing so I’ll potter for a while.

    Great news for you and John Patsy so no wonder you’re already making Springtime plans. I was asked about any allergies I might have before I was given the vaccine so hopefully that’s being done where you are. All my friends have said how getting vaccinated has lifted their spirits and you and John are there already!

    Anne, what I eat this past week was normal before I let things slip so like you, I don’t consider it dieting as such because I’ve always loved plenty of veggies and fruit. You’ve obviously got your mojo back, just need things to warm up somewhat!

    Sandy, I’m hoping your eye appointment went ok so you can sort out your glasses issue. I’m glad you enjoyed the uplifting video about wonder dog Max. He’s a cutie isn’t he. 🤗

    Lin, Drat, a delay in vaccination but hang in there, March is just round the corner.
    A grand teapot that’s sitting on a crocheted mat with the same pattern my gran used to create while she sat in wartime bomb shelters. I’ve still got one tucked away in my airing cupboard!
    For some reason I thought of you when I spotted this photo of a book shop in China!! I think that’s you bottom right! 😁

    I’ve a feeling it’s going to be a day of jigsaws and gentle music... currently Nina Simone singing Feeling Good!

    Away to my kitchen to wash up breakfast dishes.... exciting times! 🤪

    PS I forgot to mention that I had a lovely note from Buzz’s friend Judy saying how much our dear Barbara is missed. They have received both vaccinations now so sounds like that community continues to be as caring and thoughtful as ever!

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    A lot of books! Thought. Does script in Chinese take up more room, thus double the book size?

    Still in two minds about the vaccine. I can't help thinking of that German "wonder" drug they gave pregnant women in the late fifties, early sixties. Thalidomide I think. It caused babies to be born without limbs. I was offered that drug and refused it. Mike was born intact if premature. There but for the grace of God etc etc.

    Never had the flu vaccine, never had the flu since 1957. The medical lot are talking of only giving one shot now of the virus vaccine so they can vaccinate more people.
    A conundrum for me. Anyway, I won't be first in line. I take after my mother with reactions. She never had the flu either after we all got the 1957 Asian flu.

    Darren showed up and snow blowed my drive. Then Mark rolled up with chicken for Jilly because gateway delivery hadn't any. Presumably the poor organic chickens got a reprieve. And now we are in for a few days of warm up. Not a lot but...... above freezing. Hallelujah!

    Jilly Bean got me up early today so I'm staggering around with half shut eyes. Off for a shower to wake myself up.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, we have sunshine today AND warmer temperatures. Maybe snow again tomorrow but that’s another day. Also, we are not hearing regular messages about conserving natural gas by turning down the heat. Sounds good to me. I had a nice warm shower this morning and plan to wash my towels later. Gas hog!

    Jackie, what a book store! I cannot believe all the lighting. The books are being cooked by that wall of light although it would be a nice place to read, although I prefer cozy bookstores with lovely chairs. Those are virtually gone now around here. The best offers a few tables with straight back wood chairs. I loved the old days in so many ways! I did start to follow Max’s Facebook page. What wonderful dogs and very good human beings as well. I was thinking of setting up my new grow light. The pump on the old one perished long ago. But if I set it up, I will want to immediately plant something. Hummmm. I did damage several plants on my kitchen window sill this past week. It was just too cold for them.

    If finished this puzzle as I listened and sometimes peeked at the presentations. One slide can lead to a long discussion. 🤣😂🤣


    Sandy, how was your eye exam? Different result this time? Good job on your snow shoveling. I saw your photo on Facebook. Is it movie night tonight? Are you getting a break from the snow as well?

    Patsy, how wonderful that you are planning a spring family get together. I know you have really been looking forward to better days. A bit more sunshine, some new things in the house and scheduled for your shots. Altogether, many reasons to be happy.

    Annsie, I am certain you would prefer some nice warm rain to more snow and I am with you. Thinking of warm spring and summer rains. Maybe I will need to stand out in some of it this year. Oh gosh, glad you were up and dressed for that early grocery delivery. Yipes! That would not be a problem here though since everything is just left on the porch. I have a friend who no longer gets dressed most days. Cannot be bothered to take the time for it. 🤣😂🤣

    Barbie, I too am grateful for the necessities of life. This past week, I was so glad they did not cut the natural gas supply or the electricity.

    Well, I best get moving along. Stacks of things to do, all I need is motivation!

    Another day, another teapot. Alice in Wonderland design.


    Best wishes everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited February 2021
    Happy Saturday. :) The sun is shining and the temp is up. Movie night tonight but without Lisa's parents. Tom had his covid test for his surgery Monday so they have to isolate until then. I am making stew to bring for dinner, the kids probably won't eat it since they eat nothing. For the last couple of Tuesdays I have made pasta but they didn't like it, so I am giving up on trying to make something healthy for them. I know Rob and Lisa will like the stew and I love my stew. Will try to ride my bike for the extra calories before I leave.

    Lin, cute whimsical teapot. The story with my glasses is a nightmare. They did another test and it is completely different than the tech at my eye doctor. So America's Best said to take the glasses to my eye doctor and have them check them. I went to America's Best twice yesterday so it was a wasted day. I have an appointment with my eye doctor on Thursday. If this can't be fixed then I will just get a refund and start over. Aren't you sorry you asked?
    We have a break today from the snow but they are saying another 4 or 5 inches tomorrow. In the meantime the icicles hanging from my gutters are falling and making terrible crashing sounds on my balcony. Is Spring almost here?

    Annsie, how nice of Darren to do your driveway,do you have to pay him?? Mark worries about Jilly just like his mom.
    Glad he brought her some chicken. To each his own on the vaccine, but I really do want one just so we can get this herd immunity in place, I want to get on with my life and start doing things again.

    Jackie, sorry your weather is not co-operating but enjoy a quiet relaxing day. My mom crocheted as well and had little doilies under everything. How nice of Buzz's friend to keep in contact with you and glad they got their vaccines.

    Barbie, I also write at least one thing a day I am grateful, today it is sunshine.

    Patsy, happy for you on getting appointments for the vaccine. I have tried everywhere and to no avail. Monday I am going to make some calls instead of online appointments. It will be wonderful for you to see your children again, it has been too long.

    Bob, hope all is well with you and you are just busy with photos.

    Time to start the stew. Have a great day and I hope the sun is shining for all of you.

    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    It really has warmed up here. I mean anybody from Florida would say what's she talking about, but minus 2 is a huge improvement on minus 17!

    Jilly had a treat today. Mike says he is coming over tomorrow but still thinks it's safer not to eat with me. SO Jilly had his tasty lamb chop for lunch and I had a tasty lamb chop with mashed potatoes and veggies. We both licked OUR chops despite me being vegetarian most of the time.

    For Christmas I was given $400 along with a fleecy shirt, a huge huge box of shortbread, and a black tuque complete with enormous white Pom pom by Mark, Mary Jo and Derek Sandy. Well I figure I haven't much to spend the $400 on so decided to pay Barry and Darren $30 a clear for the snow blowing. Much protestation from them but I've insisted because they do other little things like bring my trash cans back to the garage on slippery days. So far I've only spent $110 because I gave Darren's girls $20 as well when they shovelled a month ago. Great Christmas gift getting a long drive cleared I think and it makes me feel like Queen Elizabeth having two "footmen". They've started to clear Maria's drive as well but I've no idea if she pays them. Barry is an outdoor worker so not much business for him in the winter months, Darren's just found a job since his return from the UK.

    And if you are wondering about the huge tin full of shortbread packets I've quietly been giving them away. Packet by packet to Michael who isn't interested in getting skinnier by spring like me and is forever hungry.

    I'm watching a movie on Netflix titled "Wanted". It's about two women on the run in the Australian bush and all I can say is although pretty good I'm glad we emigrated to Canada! The characters are on the whole rather undesirable putting it mildly. Which makes me hope cousin Helen and her brood are okay!

    Just a movie,