Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Good Evening! :) MFP did not like me at all this morning. Just got home from celebrating Bryanna's 26th Birthday at my son's house. The kids were again all wound up but settled down when Bryanna let them try her virtual realty googles or whatever they are called. We had Outback for dinner and Lisa made a chocolate cake but I didn't have any cake, I made an apple caramel tart that I had there from Omaha Steak. Way too many calories today so I have no one to blame but myself. I did ride the bike for 40 minutes before I left but that didn't make a dent. Oh well, Bryanna is worth the extra pounds for a few days.

    Just checking in to see if I could get on and glad things are fixed again. Have a good night.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Yes, I think we all had problems yesterday with Ma Fitness Pal. Today, snow again this morning but it is warming up and Jilly is shedding her Pomeranian ruff in such quantities one could stuff a pillow.
    I've just done my around the house trot for half hour and nothing else exciting happened yesterday so I will away and bore you no longer.
    Virtual masked hugs to all. Oh one thing the government here is figuring out how to contact all us ancient ones to be jabbed.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Morning! So much for the arrival of Spring. Yesterday was glorious but this morning it’s back to cold wind and grey skies. Walked locally with the pooches but not far as my escapades up a ladder cutting laurel hedge yesterday has one hip complaining which serves me right as I tend to pretend I’m 40 years younger when gardening! Now waiting in for a delivery which thankfully has a window of just one hour then I may attempt a grocery shop. I’ve run out of chocolate digestives to have with my afternoon cuppa!

    Alice in Wonderland was a favourite of mine as a child. Somewhere safe I have the original book given to me back in the 50’s that has wonderful illustrations. That safe place is a bit of a mystery to me right now because precious items were boxed up when the renovations began a year ago but I’m sure I’ll come upon it again one day!

    Just chatted to my brother that lives in Spain as he sits in a sheltered spot on a coffeehouse terrace. An icy wind there as well. No sign of a vaccination for him in spite of having MS. Apparently the Spanish authorities are prioritising politicians and their families, friends and rich benefactors. Apologies if that’s classed a political comment!

    Robbie phoned to ask if he could bring the inspector in after all and I agreed so long as they came in through the garden room as I was making soup in my kitchen. They wore masks and were only here a few minutes so hopefully my one year of isolation hasn’t been wasted. My Pfizer jab should be taking affect by next week but I’m sure masks will still be required for most of the year, something we’re used to now.

    I’m in awe of the mathematicians that not only got the latest probe 33 million miles to Mars but set it down exactly where NASA wanted. Mind boggling and fabulous pictures already coming back across space!

    Maybe hold off with the light until you know for sure the icy weather is over Lin.

    Welcome back Bob. I’ve been missing your inspiring photos of meals, in fact fell off the wagon yesterday with sausages, beans and a jacket potato. Back to fish today!

    A couple of months before I’ll be getting a hair appointment as lockdown is slowly relaxed but as my gran used to say, worse things happen at sea! A bobble hat to keep the mop under control is a must when I go dog walking in the strong winds but George’s groomer is visiting with her mobile unit on Friday so perhaps I’ll borrow her clippers!

    A new BBC drama called Bloodline started Sunday, written by the same man who created Bodyguard and Line of Duty so I mustn’t get drawn towards what appears obvious because for sure it won’t be!

    I’m now in the delivery window so will prepare myself and get a warm jacket on because it’s a heavy shelf unit he will probably require help with.

    Stay warm everyone. Even with my cold feet as I sit in a draughty spot I’m guessing I’m still in the warmer part of the world right now.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hello. Sunny again today and warmer than normal temperatures. I am thinking of taking a drive to try to find the clinic I am to report to next week for my shot. Have no idea where it is weather is nice enough for a drive.

    MFP is not acting all that well for me again this morning. Hoping this will post.

    Another Alice in Wonderland teapot. This one is reportedly a miniature.


    Jackie, I am sorry you had to let that inspector in your home. It’s that person’s job to travel from house to house, which would not make me comfortable either. I talked to a friend yesterday afternoon. We started talking about the place we used to work and the reported sale of certain businesses. Anyway, she said they are having their laundry room remodeled. They have a guy in their house all day long each day. She said they felt comfortable because they knew him and he recently replaced a faucet in their house on an emergency call. Interesting what people are doing these days.

    Anne, one of these days, the weather will look more like spring. While we are having better weather, we still have sizable snow drifts and ice in places. Hugs for the Jilly.

    Sandy, glad you got home safely and had a good birthday celebration.

    Must zip along.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers! We have a peek at the sun among the clouds. I know it will soon be rainy but for the moment, it is partly SUNNY. Hello sunshine!

    Our virus vaccine clinic was canceled due to weather related delays of the vaccine. We are rescheduled for March 4th. It will be a truly arduous event. It will be at the fair ground. Hoping for no rain but it will continue as planned because the vaccine as a short shelf life. I have no idea how this will done. Our county isn’t well known as efficient or organized. We fly by the seat of our pants here.

    Our son has had an interesting and uncomfortable situation. One of his sailing friends has had a falling out with his room mate. He had to quickly move out of his apartment. The friend wanted to live on Damon’s sailboat. That just was not sitting well. Damon’s sailboat is his safe and calming healing zone. It is more than a floating apartment To Damon. It is hard to explain but this feeling is pretty common with devoted sailboat owners. It might be like dog owners.....hahahaha. Who really owns a dog? The dog actually owns you. Maybe sailboats are similar.

    The rain has arrived. It looks like it will just be off and on all day.

    Chicken Chili and spicy pepper cornbread? Tossed salad or a fruit cup to accompany this. It will give off a wonderful kitchen aroma for hours. John will be a happy guy. Meal time is a big deal around here. It is when we try to pretend things are normal and we still sit at the dining room table with napkins and nice placemats. I don’t mind going to a bit more trouble. It helps John eat a bit more. His weight has stabilized currently.

    Isn’t it weird how our words keep getting jumbled up here? Wonder what is causing that...

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well PATSY, thank you as requested, for sending us some of your rain. It's a god darned mess out there with miniature ponds on the road but am I glad to see a bit of rain for a change. Tell Damon to hold his ground. He worked hard to acquire his boat and it is not an apartment to rent. I had a similar situation a few years back. Very uncomfortable to say no. I guess Damon could say it gets damp and mildewy which I gather happens to boats around here in the winter time.

    My favourite book as a child was also "Alice in wonderland" and also "through the looking glass." Mind you I read everything I could get my hands on. Wasn't keen on Enid Blyton books but loved Peter Pan and Wendy.

    Busy doing a mystery jigsaw puzzle. Thought it was the Pope judging by the pieces but it's turning into a canopied procession of red elephants! Indian or that area I guess!

    So, Bean and I are viewing the rain today,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Sitting day today and I am already tired. I will perk up once outside especially with the sun shining so bright. The snow off my balcony is finally melting and almost all gone. It is 46 with a real feel of 54, so it is like a spring day. I think it will be too messy to go outside with the kiddos so we will just play in the play room downstairs. I only gained a pound with all those calories I ate yesterday so I don't feel too guilty.
    Still can't get an appointment anywhere so very discouraged.

    Annsie, it is amazing to me how many people are doing puzzles. My daughter's FIL in on his 49th puzzle, my dil does one a week and then there are all of you. I just can't seem to find the time which doesn't make sense. My daughter wants to do all of my 20 or more photo albums and put them on digital. I am just not sure I want to give up my hard copies.

    Patsy, sorry your appointment was cancelled but at least they rescheduled. I don't think I would want to give up my space to anyone, I like living alone and although I don't mind overnight guests I really don't want a roommate.

    Lin, the weather is great for both of us, finally. Enjoy your drive. When my landlord stopped by I immediately put on my mask and he did the same because he knows how I feel about masks. Bryanna wore her mask yesterday except to eat where she sat at the counter by herself. Only because she works and goes to school so she is very careful.

    Jackie, Jackie, Jackie, stop climbing on ladders, your surgery isn't that old and you don't want to damage anything.
    Between you and Anne I don't know who to scold first. :D It is amazing to watch the probe on Mars. The pictures are amazing. Did you wear a mask and did they wear a mask when in your house??

    Time is getting away once again and I have to stop for gas before going to the kiddos. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon Sneakers -

    Not a horrible day, but no sun. Gym was good as usual. Tomorrow we might take a ride to the Waterloo Premium Outlets just to “get out” and take advantage – the temp should hit close to 50! – for 1 day. Lunch was NY Strip Steak, 3 oz; broccoli and cauliflower & small side salad…


    Another longtime Destiny USA tenant has closed…so many retail store departures… Littman Jewelers this time with BestBuy leaving within a couple weeks.

    Earlier Jean and I watched Newsmax TV: "Titanic Arrogance," a documentary that reveals the shocking truths about why the ship sank in 1912.

    It told how the Titanic was designed for comfort over safety and explained the details that made it vulnerable. I knew the captain wasn’t the best, but not that he had a series of “close-calls” in the past and it was more a selection social-standing selection than expertise at sailing. Lots of other details were covered, including the “whitewashed” investigation. Enjoyed it.

    Lin – Hope you are having a good day and thanks for the Sandy update.

    Sandy – Seems there have been some MFP issues for all. Glad U got to celebrate with Bryanna.

    Patsy – Reading your post, I again feel blessed. We may not have sunshine and there is the occasional snowing – but I think it’s better than a dreary, cold and rainy day…. Good luck with your new appointment. As prev noted mine is sched for April, but I might keep trying to move it up if possible – not worried, just want it over and done with. Have a cup of coffee for me.

    Annsie – Glad to see you living on the edge with “Wanted” and New Zealand. Amazed at some of the movies that have used that location – Lord of the Rings, Mission Impossible and Wolverine. Potato salad always is a good choice for lunch.

    So long for now. Stay well. Bob :)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just home from grocery shopping having decided yesterday not to go into town. Nice and quiet early so I managed to get everything I wanted... lots of fresh fish and add to that a lemon tree already bearing small fruit that can live in either the garden room or greenhouse. Couldn’t resist!
    Another windy and drizzly day so it will be interesting to see which way George takes us on our walk when we set off.

    Sandy you are of course right about climbing ladders but you know what it’s like, just a few inches higher and a few inches more!! I didn’t wear a mask when Robbie popped in with the inspector because they were in another room although they did surprise me wanting to take a photo of a plaque placed inside a kitchen cupboard that has all the safety information about stove and chimney. I pushed myself into a corner by the kitchen sink!! 😯

    Bob, In the mid 20’s my maternal gran worked for the same company that owned the Titanic but her ship’s route was to east Africa carrying settlers but they still had the class barriers. She kept a diary which is full of fascinating social history.

    Lin, when our first lockdown ended and I had a few men in to get started on the renovations they each told me they had never stopped working during that time. A lot of people took chances but early on I heard a couple in the village contracted the virus and the man died so that was enough to put any thought of visitors out of my head. Dave the builder has phoned this morning to check if he can visit Sunday to go over what I want done but my Pfizer jab will be protecting me plus we are supposed to have a sunny weekend so can chat outside.

    Anne, I did laugh about your jigsaw subject... no disrespect to the man in Rome of course!

    Patsy, a true friend won’t blame Damon for needing to keep his special bolt hole to himself. Better that than risk a mighty fallout later if things go pear shaped.
    I wanted nothing more than to sit in your kitchen yesterday smelling all those aromas! Great to read John’s weight has stabilised so maybe nothing more than the stresses of the past year.

    Gosh, gone 11am already so better get the pooches out.
    Have a safe and peaceful day.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    MORNIN ALL! – Early post

    Came out of the gym this morning and the sun shining over my car says it's going to be a Ferris Buehler kind of day! "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." A heatwave day (1 day special) with off/on afternoon showers.

    So we’ll be heading out to the Waterloo Premium Outlet Mall this morning with a stop at Martin's Amish Furniture - a Mennonite Family-Owned Business with lots of quality furniture and decorations. And then late lunch at Magee Diner before heading home.



    Jackie – That is soooo cool about your maternal gran and even more fascinating because she kept a journal. Funny how class barriers seem to be with us regardless of government structure or organization. Of course, on the Titanic no one “explained” why more 3rd class passengers weren’t in boats and how more 1st class men passengers made it into boats with the women / children. Then there was the SS Californian used as somewhat of a scapegoat. Love all kinds of documentaries.

    Hope everyone has a great day…time to shower etc. and beat the afternoon rain – although at 48 degrees I don’t care if it does rain…I will simply adopt a Gene Kelly attitude and start “singin' in the rain; Just singin' in the rain; What a glorious feeling”….yada yada

    Stay well. Bob :)
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Just a footnote to the Titanic tales. In our village in the U.K. my mom and dad knew a man who accepted a post in New York as a chauffeur. Off he went on the fated Titanic. I don't know how but he made it to the States whereupon he caught the next boat back to our village in the UK.

    We've got similar weather here BOB. A little cooler at 45 F but I'm happy with that! I've got one or two Mennonite bits of furniture in my place and the Amish and Mennonites are related. The style suits this old place.

    All I've done so far this morning apart from the usual brekky and shower is paperwork and grocery ordering.

    Annsie. Oh what is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare. - William Henry Davies.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) The only thing I needed in groceries was yogurt so Lisa bought me some when she did her grocery shopping yesterday, which I really appreciated. Lisa's dad surgery went well and he came home yesterday. Now just waiting for the results. The kiddos were fine yesterday, Robby still having a few outbursts but his medicine has been increased and the doctor said to give it a week. I pray it works.
    We are in upper 40's, tempting to take a walk but it is windy so probably not. I will ride my bike and again the weight is starting to move in the right direction so I am happy. Still trying to decide if I should go digital with all my pictures, hard decision for me, although the hard copies will probably fade more each year it is still nice to go back and look at them. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

    Annsie, I am glad your mom's friend survived the Titanic, it was such an amazing story. I loved both movies the old one and the new one and have seen some documentaries as well.

    Bob, have fun on your excursion today and find some good deals. Have to take advantage of these nice days.

    Jackie, at least you have one of the shots recommended and I know you keep your distance. Yes, we all do things we probably shouldn't but someone has to do it and why pay a repairman when we can handle it. We are women we are strong. (no offense Bob)

    Lin, Patsy, Barbie and Jeri, I do hope your weather is co-operating and the sun is shining.

    Have a nice day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Woot! Hoot! I got my appointment for my first vaccine on Friday. It took me two hours but I finally called and got one. I am so grateful!!!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Woot! Hoot! I got my appointment for my first vaccine on Friday. It took me two hours but I finally called and got one. I am so grateful!!!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hi, good afternoon.

    Another Alice in Wonderland teapot. There are many designs!


    I have spoken with several friends today, also texting last night and today, got a little grocery order placed and delivered, and have been hunting vaccine appointments as a friend called me and was so excited, she got an appointment for an immediate shot and urged me to sign up.

    Waste of time. No location close to me had an opening. There was availability later in the week at one store I had never have visited. Decided to roll the dice and hope my appointment for next week will not be cancelled due to lack of vaccine. I will say she was very pleased. She got her shot and her husband drove her over to get it and they let him have a shot as well.

    I received a couple of packages ordered quite a while ago. I received my little electric heater ordered back in the super freeze. I have it set up now. I like it. It puts out a nice amount of heat and has a remote control. But I will be glad to put it away for the season. Warmer weather seems better to me.

    Another friend is talking gardening today. I understand the urge but we still have snowbanks. Too early.

    Bob, enjoy your trip. Sounds like fun.

    Sandy, that was kind of Lisa to get your yogurt. If that’s all you need, it is not worth an order. I am glad you have nice weather. That is what we had yesterday. Today, we have overcast weather with a high of 39 degrees F.

    Anne, hoping the warmer weather in your area stays around for a while. Best wishes for your grocery delivery containing everything you wanted. Are either of your boys planning on visiting this weekend? It’s not so far away now since it’s mid-week. Waving to Jilly.

    Jackie, oh gosh, another rainy and drizzly day. I hope you have nice weather when you get together with Dave the builder. And I trust his plans will be just what you have in mind. We have another house on my street with contractors doing a project of some kind. Several vans full of guys arrive each day. Interesting. The other two houses where interesting trucks and vans have been in the driveway are now apparently finished.

    I have a little package of samples to open. It arrived with my groceries this morning. I have put together the information to send along for my taxes but want to check it over before mailing it. Property taxes need to be mailed on Saturday. Our County Treasurer died suddenly just after the first of the year. Sad.

    I have made no progress on birthday cards, plenty of books in the stack to read (I have only finished one recently), a new puzzle out of the box but not the plastic. 🤣😂🤣. Lots of boxes and packing materials to break down. At least I hauled it all out to the garage.

    Best wishes everyone.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    A beautiful day so even the crocuses are smiling. Walked George and Betty with my neighbour and now off to builders yard for some timber to finish fox proof fencing.
    A busy day because tomorrow I have appointment at hospital to get results of biopsy and what treatment required.

    Will pop back later
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh to be in England! Lovely photo of happy little crocus's JACKIE. Here it's minus 2 centigrade right now but warming up to plus 1 later so we are getting there, I think we are in for a very hot summer simply because we have never had such warm temperatures in late February and into March. Apart from terror of ice I fare better with the cold than extreme heat and humidity. So I can predict future moans from me.
    The snow banks are still with us but they are receding.

    Meanwhile it was reported on the radio this morning that the government intend vaccinating all us wrinklies next month starting March 15. I'm not sure how to go about this but I guess I will have to join the other over 80s if I want to have proof I'm safe to wander around malls etc. One bit of good news, no deaths in old age homes this past week and I think, but not sure, the second dose could be eliminated.

    Foxes are a darn nuisance but look what they are feeding:

    Hope all goes well for you tomorrow Jackie with no treatment required.

    He wasn't my parents friend SANDY, just a guy glad to be back home in our village and let everybody know it! I think an experience like that would put anybody off ships!

    Well must away, hugs to all,

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Time to creep under that frying pan Anne; look who just flew in... ladybird, ladybird!

    A huge queen bee also did her best to buzz into my garden room but I quickly closed the door much to George’s disgust!

    Timber purchased and a birthday card posted so after my cottage cheese and pineapple lunch with a few grapes and blueberries thrown in, I will get on with a few chores that don’t require ladders! My hips aren’t hurting anymore so it was only muscles complaining but lesson learned... for now anyway!

    Great to hear that those of you wanting a vaccination are getting some options. Perhaps your GP practice will contact you Anne or perhaps I’ve been spoilt by our NHS.

    The sun is still shining and we are up to about 10c so the birds are arranging a chorus.
    Dog blankets washed and out on the line and that’s as exciting as my day will hopefully get.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Marks just told me that vaccine shot appointments will have to be booked online! I suppose a lot of us are in homes or goners, but too bad if one is in ones private home and isn't computer savvy! Marks offered to help so I guess that tells me they want me to have the shot.

    I'd love to see a ladybird right now! Will let you know when one appears. Not bees in the house though after last year's sting and allergy reaction.

    Beans nattering to go out. I've been waiting in the hope all the ice is gone off the pavement.

    Having a small vegetarian pizza for lunch. Actually half and the other half for supper with a few veggies added. This will keep me within the 1200 calories and will also remove it from the freezer where it's been lurking for a while. Cottage cheese and pineapple sound good but I'd also need a few carbs with it. I continue the journey slowly but surely and have lost the 5 lbs I gained since Christmas. Mike helped by taking home a few packs of shortbread and with great fortitude I threw the last round, the very last piece into the garbage. Oh brave Anne! Hate to tell all you chocolate lovers but I'm not keen on chocolate at all but I quite like chocolate digestives. Must tell Mark not to buy me shortbread again next Christmas!
    Anne. About to put on all the cold weather gear, and doesn't THAT eat up time!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited February 2021
    Well, I set off for my walk with Bean on what looked like wet sidewalk in spots, but was actually wet ice and down I went. I was so winded I couldn't get up again, talk about Humpty Dumpty. Nothing broken thank goodness, but I just couldn't get up. So there I sat with Bean in the cold hoping someone would come into sight and haul me up. A car passed but didn't stop. I guess he thought it was normal for someone to sit on the sidewalk sunbathing. And then the lady who comes over twice a week to help Maria with Tony drove up. She hauled me over-end and walked me back home. Lovely Portuguese lady, bless her.
    Just a grazed knee and wrist, I was very lucky. So poor Bean is confined to the garden until winter is over and the boys (sons) are going to get me a mobile phone. Fortunately Bean does get walks with Mike weekly. She loves the outdoors and especially snow.
    So you see, it's not only ladders that cause mishaps. It's a minefield out there!

    Anne, counting her blessings!!!!!!