Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited March 2021
    Sorry I missed your post last night Anne. Thank you for being concerned but I promise I’m doing my best to get on with life. Still haven’t read the information sheets but then I’m the sort that goes with ignorance is bliss unless forced to discover more.
    Gosh, I’m sorry Winter is still hammering you although do remember from experience it can be a long and depressing season.... One of the reasons I came back to the UK and headed to the balmy south west region!

    It seems the Scandinavians are keeping hold of their bitter wind today and instead we have a forecast of rain tonight that’s arriving courtesy of Spain. I tell you, we get everyone’s weather but our own!
    Had a fabulous walk on the moors with George and Betty then drove to a pet store for Brady’s favourite sachets. Now on my deck sipping coffee before more gentle pruning. Debs will pop round later to see if it’s a good idea to paint another coat on the wall with a hope it dries before the rain gets here although it is protected somewhat by scaffold planks.

    So that’s my day planned. Like Patsy I might search for an Alice in Wonderland teapot because they do make me smile!

    Have a safe day everyone.
    👩🏼‍🌾 Jackie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    Hello, sunny but cold. Yesterday I was out doing errands but by the time I had gone to the drive-through bank and took my books to the library’s Dropbox, I was frozen. The temperature was low but oh my gosh, the wind was freezing. After driving to the post office to drop my mail in the outside box, I decided my car didn’t need gas immediately, so went home and defrosted.

    I spent a few hours with more straightening. It is going slowly but am happy with each little thing that looks a bit better. More of that today along with several loads of laundry. But no outside work or errands, it is cold with a cold wind once again. I think it will be better this afternoon but hey, the sun is out!

    I attended a Zoom class last evening and it was interesting. Always learning something. This class was about iPhones. The description just said “beyond the basics” so no idea of what would be included. A little of this and a bit of that, mostly Siri and Safari. Now I will have to think, will I ask for Siri or Alexa? 🤣😂🤣

    Jackie, you accomplished quite a bit outdoors yesterday before the chill set in! Happy days! Tomato seedlings. Yippee. Spring is coming (at some point).

    Anne, what dreadful weather you are enduring. Too much winter!! We still have small snowdrifts and each morning we are warned about ice and refreeze and cold winds. But no new storms at this point. Stay safe you and the Bean. Did you sleep well last night?

    Sandy, oh my, what a habit Charlie has developed. I would be going through boxes of wipes! It was nice of you to try to help Robby but it must be difficult for him to stick with it given his siblings are on the loose in other parts of the house. So I think he is doing well.

    Patsy, I am not watching anything in particular right now. I get caught up in something and whatever is on is background noise. I am attending another Zoom class this evening the topic is another wing of the Art Center if I can’t go in person, this is second best. I understand the tidal wave of things. They accumulate and spill over and spread like weeds in the garden. ☺️

    Bob, what a wonderful time with your nephew. His theater set up is wonderful. Better than going to a commercial theater and you don’t have to smell that theater popcorn. Or maybe he makes that as well? Busy times for you and Jean.

    Barbie, hello. I hope you and Jake are well. Happy knitting.

    Waving at Jeri and Diane.

    Must unload the dryer.

    Be well everyone.

    Small change of pace. Look at this stacked set!



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Very sunny and in the 40's, next week in the 60's!! Yea!!!! Sitting today but will order tomorrow's groceries before I go. Lisa's dad results said the cancer is aggressive but caught early. It is not in his muscle but in his lining. He will begin chemo for three years but there is a shortage of the meds that are best for him with the best results so waiting to see when they can get it or they will use a second choice which is 5% less effective but he is happy with the news. They are planning on going back to Florida next week and get a second opinion. His DIL's father is a doctor and I am sure will refer him to the best place to go. They do have three other young grandchildren there so I know they are anxious to see them. They will be missed for more reasons then one, since her mom helps with sitting.

    Lin, I like those stacked teapots, cute idea. Mine is in a cozy on my counter waiting for the next person to drink some tea. lol Yes, with Charlie's bad habit they go through a lot of wipes and disinfectant. Good to stay in and stay warm when the wind is so cold. Good luck on the uncluttering, you will get it done eventually.

    Jackie, I think a positive attitude is the best way to go in any situation. I know many people who had skin cancer and are fine. The good news is you caught it early and will get the best treatment. Again be careful with the ladder, not only you but Deb. Enjoy that coffee on your deck.

    Patsy, are we going to make Annsie our Monarch or are you not telling?? Doesn't matter, age is just a number and mine will be changing soon.

    Hello to all I missed, but must order groceries to get a good time slot.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I've just lost a huge post. Not a happy camper! Anne.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon ladies.

    Got my butt out the door just before 5am to be at the gym opening time…good time, but it was freezing with icy roads. Right now the sun is out but still pretty cold. Jean had to use the computer this morning for a ZOOM group meeting re: the background checks, fingerprints etc. they do for church volunteers and she does Bible School during the summer. (pic from a few yrs ago when we took them to zoo – Jean on left with mouth open LOL).


    Today’s lunch: Hong Kong stir, Fresh cooked shrimp, Organic Cauliflower Rice, Green Onion, Spaghetti Squash, Splash Soy Sauce, Horseradish, Tomato Ketchup 50% less sugar…


    Patsy – re: Golden Globes I heard The Crown and one other movie was notable. I can see why you only watched some of it. I heard the viewership was down 60% and reviews were pretty bad. The Telegraph headline was: “Golden Globes 2021 review: a shambolic hellscape of Zoom ineptitude - Muddled monologues, glitching tech, and cringing celebs: the car crash that was last night's Globes suggests the Oscars could be a disaster”

    I miss so many of the old award shows and specials when the focus was pure entertainment. I rarely watch now. I did laugha lot at last year’s Golden Globe with Ricky Gervais.

    Sandy – Singing those songs is better than killing someone LOL. There are also the sweet songs about the other persons eventual regret like:

    “I heard somebody speak her name
    They said she was still lookin' fine
    An' I could feel that same old flame
    I once felt when she was mine
    I'd like to have that one back
    I've never known someone so true
    And a love that pure and sweet
    Is one a man should never lose

    If my lips had said, "I'm sorry"
    She might have stopped right in her tracks
    But now I find my poor heart saying
    "I'd like to have that one back"

    Annsie – Sorry for all that snow, freezing and high winds. We had similar last night and the neighborhood lost all power, but it only lasted about an hour. It had been years since that happened. Jean usually watches “The Voice” on Monday with her BFF (of 50 yrs) that moved to Virginia so she was worried about missing that.

    Lin – LOL – Yes he made individual tubs of popcorn too – but I refrained from having any. It was till fun.

    Dang – Just got a call from Jean’s uncle and she is out for an hour. His dog that is his close companion has been seriously ill – multiple issues and e/r with vet over-night. He has spent a fortune on the dog but it had originally belonged to his disabled daughter who passed away a few years back and his wife has also died.

    Anyhow, he can’t see to drive more than short distances with his macular degeneration (age 89) and needs a ride to the Vet… both are on opposite sides of the city so I need to get cleaned up etc (had planned sweats for today) .

    To be honest I highly doubt the dog will last more than a month or 2 (if that) given age and issues. It is going to crush him, but I know he’ll want the dog to die at home.

    So I am off for now! Enjoy the day. Bob
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    Here we go again.
    SANDY, I abdicate! I don't want to be a monarch or a matriarch! I'm trying to go backwards in time with all this walking and dieting.

    It's awfully difficult to change ones habits isn't it JACKIE. I gingerly walked down the drive to replace the found coat on a branch and survived, but when I did a nose dive the other day I was walking gingerly also. Everything's on the mend but I am finding bits and pieces I hadn't noticed before with the bigger picture like a thumb which isn't happy attached to my hand etc. I think that you are spot on ignoring things as much as possible and keeping the brain occupied with all your projects (except ladder climbing, lol). I also wanted to return to the UK mainly because of the weather. No Scott of the Arctic me! I just wish we could tow the continent down a bit, but then all the people who live in South America wouldn't want to live among the penguins I guess.

    Now, what do you think of one or two Dr. Seuss books not being published anymore because of racial content? Honestly, I think the world is going sensitive, soft and just plain daft. If I went crying to the washroom every time a workmate mocked my accent or said "ee bah gum" (which I've never said incidentally) I'd never have got any memos typed etc.

    Sandy's comment about Charlie's problem, or rather Lisa's problem got me thinking maybe you should try a bit of bribery and corruption. A jelly bean candy (not my Bean!) every time she does things properly. Cheaper than wipes and disinfectant. I had my two potty trained by 18 months, not because I was super mom, just hated washing cloth diapers, a great incentive on my part! I'll never forget Marks wee face the first time he wet his pants. I'd sent him into the garden to play in just underpants and a tee. When the inevitable happened I said "see, you have to use your potty from now on." He was always fastidious and I don't think I damaged him for life although today's child psychologists would probably disagree.

    Well, now I've dispersed unwanted wisdom I'll totter off.
    Hugs to all potty trained Sneakers,
    PS. BOB, you just popped in before me but I'm sorry you had to endure the same weather, however misery loves company.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    I found this slightly amusing illustration, related to tea. Hope it brings a smile.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! Had to giggle at the not so fond memories of potty training. Our son got the hang of it pretty early but he also hated being interrupted from his playtime. As John says, with little boys, the world is their toilet. Our tiny son would be playing and when nature called, he would just go behind a Bush or tree. We lived out in the country in the wilds of western Colorado when he was little. We were concerned this wild mountain child would never learn the basics of polite society. But he did and even dated the high school cheerleader and gasp! Even played football in high school. Growing up is never easy.

    As far as Dr. Suess goes, I am completely in the dark about any concerns with his content. He wrote books on environmental issues, The Lorax Tree, and books on accepting others, The Star-bellied Snitches, I guess if you look at some of his cartoons, they aren’t politically correct for today. What seems unacceptable today was benevolent back in my day. People dressing up in blackface, movies like Song of the South etc. my grandfather was a German immigrant and grandmother was first generation Irish. They both endured some good and bad natured chiding. My Gram called herself a lace curtain Irish. Not sure what the reference was, it must have been bad in some way. But if these children’s books cause hurt or promote intolerance, then they must go. I just never saw them that way.
    For years one of our son’s favorite little books was Little Back Sambo. He loved the illustrations. But the pictures and the story upset some, so that little book had to go. There are many wonderful children’s books and stories out there. Anne! Don’t you agree?

    Fun to consider and think about these issues of the day.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    Yeah, we all liked Little Black Sambo. I'm hanging on to my Winnie the poo book though......... just in case.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good morning all… the sun is shining and temp to hit 40…so we’ll be taking a ride when Jean gets back from bringing “her friend” to the dentist. Gym done and meal prepared for lunch or dinner not sure which (pic).

    Yesterday was long. As noted yesterday, Uncle Jack’s dog (13 yrs old) was seriously ill and spent night at Vet’s (after already being at his nearby vet that couldn’t render all services) – He couldn’t drive because of his macular degeneration. He is ok within a few miles of his home, but he never could have done the trip to the other side of the city. It took up half the day.

    He couldn’t believe we weren’t allowed into Vet hosp and had to call, wait in car etc. Long story short, Riley (his dog) might last months or even a year…really depends on his ability to drink / eat. Not sure what we would have done…because the bill was $3,500.00!!!! Fortunately for him, he had always saved money for the care of his seriously disabled daughter assuming he would die first and she would need care…as it turned out she died in her 50’s.

    Mornin “gingerly” walking Annsie! It is a battle for sure…especially the changing of old habits. Hope you are doing ok from the fall.

    As for Dr Suess, I think the whole cancel culture thing has gone too far – and the crazy train for some has left the station. As someone else said, instead of erasing art, Dr. Seuss Enterprises could follow Disney’s lead on The Jungle Book and simply run a disclaimer noting that times have changed and warning viewers of content they may find offensive. – So many other things need to be prioritized over this nonsense. When I watch or read anything, I automatically factor in when it was produced and what period is being written about.

    Lin – Thanks for the Dictionary of Tea!

    Patsy – From the above you know my thoughts on Dr Suess. I agree with you that it all boils down to what was politically correct 50 yrs ago might not be today…don’t care if it’s Al Jolson, Buckwheat or a drunk Irishman etc. Heck -- Blazing Saddles wouldn't get made in today's environment. I even read articles about Clint Eastwood in Gran Torino (I love that 2008 movie) where he played an angry widowed Korean War veteran alienated from his family etc.

    People need to lighten up, put things in context and consider when things were done etc. Again, I think this distracts from many much more burning issues.

    On that note I am getting ready to leave the house singing:
    My, oh my, what a
    wonderful day
    Plenty of sunshine
    Headin' my way

    Carpe Diem Bob
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    BOB, we agree on today's silliness regarding Dr. Seuss and others. You put it far better than I could. A disclaimer is all it takes to preserve cultures from the past. I didn't know Disney had done that with Jungle book. Before I left the UK I remember that when you ordered a coffee you couldn't order it "white" or "black" anymore. Much hilarity and jokes about that! Do you remember JACKIE and was it laid to rest? Oh and the engineers were I worked called the Indian engineers turban engineers rather than turbine engineers. I bet they don't today!

    Meanwhile I'll be okay if I fall down again because I've just had a message saying my M&S undies will be delivered today. Ordered from the UK on Sunday evening. Hope they arrive okay because I've shoved the shabby stuff in the garbage!

    Now, do you remember the little poinsettia I was trying to save? Well, despite a draughty front door when opened the little thing has got four new baby leaves! I can see me living to regret this preserving of nature if it takes over the living room. It's still looking a bit bedraggled but I'll take a photo if it takes off a bit more this spring.

    Hope Bean alerts me when the parcel arrives. Bounced around all morning, had lunch and is now looking decidedly sleepy. She's an afternoon nap girl.

    Anne (who's still a fan of Rudyard Kipling despite all. Do you remember "there's a little yellow idol to the north of Kathmandu?" Or "You're a better man than I am Gunga Din"!
    PS. Parcel just arrived to much barking.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Beautiful day here. I will be picking up my groceries with one substitution that I approved.
    My landlord is coming later this afternoon to show me a piece of carpet from his home that his son is taking over and remodeling. He said it is light in color but good quality. If it is white I don't want it but will be open minded to a lighter color. There probably won't be enough to do the two bedrooms so I don't know how that will look with two different colors. I don't own it so if he likes it and I like it I will probably agree. Stay tuned.
    The boys were well behaved yesterday but Charlie was just a crab. She got angry with me over something that I don't know and went screaming to her bedroom to stay out of her room. She cried herself to sleep but woke up still cranky. She is two, so this was definitely the terrible twos. It would be nice if all three stayed on the same page and behaved. (wishful thinking)

    Annsie, hope your new unmentionables are just what you wanted. And good luck on the poinsettia, it wants to thrive in your loving home.

    Bob, since Riley is all that Uncle Jack has left I can understand why he is willing to do anything to save him. You would never believe the amount of money we spent on dogs with amputations, chemo and other medical conditions.
    I just hope Uncle Jack doesn't let Riley suffer and will know when it is time to let go, something my husband could never do. Loved the picture of the group at the zoo, rewarding work for both you and Jean.

    Patsy, this is a faze Charlie is going through, she was doing well on potty training but then went backwards. Hopefully she will start again soon and stick with it this time. My grandsons have been known to do what your son did when young, not much choice if there is no potty near by. At least boys are easier equipped than girls. lol

    Lin, love your tea illustration and very informative.

    Jackie, must be having good weather and working outside. She will probably pop in later.

    Have a good day, they say the States should be vaccinated by the end of May. We might have a great summer after all.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We have a sunny day here. Rather chilly but Mr. Sol is smiling and that’s just plain wonderful. AND Guess what....wild daffodils in full bloom along the roads. AND bottleneck ferns are sending up their little striped stems. Spring has sprung! Not a moment too soon. I was getting really tired of rain and dark skies.

    All this talk of children’s literature has me digging through my collection. Rereading and loving the illustrations. I am a wrinkled ancient 6 year old. I can read for myself but I love it when John reads to me. He usually reads interesting news items but still...

    We get our shot tomorrow. It will not be a comfortable situation but necessary. We will need to go to the fair grounds and wait in line . There are appointments 15 minutes apart then a 15 minute wait to see if there is any reaction. This all takes place in a fridged unheated fair exposition building. But I am so grateful for the vaccine and all the medical volunteers/first responders. They are heros, one and all!

    Speaking of entertainment, our son is working on several TV series doing some animation magic on some of the frames. He calls it computer janitorial work. Not his favorite. But he wonders about the new stuff coming out, he says it is pretty lame. The point being, we will still be enjoying our old favorites for a few more months.

    I am so out of touch, I don’t realize some much of our culture was considered unacceptable. I think I always considered various art exhibitions as targets for outrage. In a lot of cases, that was the point.
    I will never forget that wild and wonderful exposition at The Museum for Modern Art, The Shock Of The New! Wowzy, that caused a stir. But now, that would be quite tame.

    Bob: sorry, I can’t resist a bit of girl-talk................

    Anne: new undies! I love silky, lacy, fancy undies. However, sadly, are usually uncomfortable and don’t last very long. So back to practical cotton and grannie panties. Oh my!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited March 2021
    Good afternoon. Nice weather with sunshine, the temperature is about 60 degrees and no wind. Yippee!

    I now have my first shot. Went early this morning. The parking lot was jammed. I waited a bit and then went in. In summary, not what I expected. They are really running people through there. Although everyone is masked, there is no 6 foot distancing anywhere in the building. That little clinic site had 500 shots on the books for today. People were kept a maximum of 5 minutes after the injection. No one checked temperatures. My only reaction so far was that my mouth felt strange just after the shot and I have been a bit light headed all day. Could just be a coincidence. Second shot is scheduled for later this month.

    I have spent most of the rest of the day sipping tea and talking on the phone with several friends. The long types of conversations. 🤣🤣

    Had to drive down to the post office to mail a birthday card. I had the card sitting out to be mailed but wasn’t thinking about getting it out today until I spoke with the upcoming birthday girl, ooops, needed to go out today and the mailman had already been here.

    Now I need to try to accomplish something although a nap sounds grand.

    Patsy, best wishes tomorrow. I wish you had warm weather but hopefully you can bundle up well to stave off the cold. Heavy socks, gloves and a nice head warming cap of some kind. As far as children’s literature goes, I can see the things that people find offensive but if they want to eliminate everything that might conceivably offend any one individual, what will be left?

    Bob, yes, I do like that song. Very difficult to find. I did find a video on YouTube of “Song of the South.” I don’t know if it there now. There is so much in art, literature and even history that I believe will disappear totally. A good thing? I doubt it.

    Sandy, did you like the carpet? Was your WalMart pick up area busy? I am guessing ours is very busy due to the great weather. Picnics and barbecues this weekend for sure if the weather holds like this. Sorry about the terrible two’s. But she will soon outgrow it right?

    Anne, yippee, new britches! Haaaaa. 🤣😂🤣 I hate girly undies, I have always found them to be uncomfortable. I am glad you are able to order things that you like and they arrive so quickly!

    Let’s see. A teapot. Back to Alice in Wonderland.


    Be well everyone.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh my goodness, I LOVE the new undies. 6 pairs of white pretty lacy knickers and one matching lacy bra! Called "wild flower" and there the similarity ends, I'm more the wild weed variety. Anyway, whatever is in my future I know I will be under clothed prettily even if the rest of me isn't so pretty. I got 6 pairs of anklet socks as well or "trainer" socks. Actually, trying the undies on for size I found them pretty AND comfortable.

    Charlie is still a wee girl SANDY and it must be hard having two maybe rowdy big brothers, but they will come in handy when she's a big girl!

    I haven't heard anymore about vaccine pricking of the elderly. Oh, except that Canada is behind all other countries in administering as well as actually having any doses to administer.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Not particularly good weather to begin the day Sandy, in fact during an early grocery shop in town the heavens opened so wide the rain that suddenly poured crashed loudly on the roof of the store. I had to make a dash to my car when I left and luckily only had a couple of bags so didn’t have to return a trolley. The dark clouds slowly drifted away so when I took the pooches out George trotted us towards the next village and beyond to the Neolithic quoit and by the time we headed home the sun was trying to shine.
    One good thing about the arrival of our Spanish rain is the warmer Mediterranean air so I could spend a pleasant afternoon in my garden chopping laurel branches into bags ready for disposal. On our walk on the moors yesterday I saw a large mound of frog spawn about to be stranded on dry land as the pool of water it was originally deposited in was drying up. Wobbly jelly came to mind as I tried to scoop it into a doggy poo bag but after a few minutes persuaded it in so I could drop it carefully into my garden pond. It’s still floating amongst the Marsh marigolds so I’ll possibly spot little tadpoles swimming about in a few weeks.

    Bob has expressed so well my own opinion on today’s PC world gone mad. Understanding the history surrounding past attitudes should be enough to see that times have changed and banning books or pulling down statues doesn’t alter anything, it’s social history.

    That’s a wonderful photo of the bible school visit to the zoo Bob. I love the kids bright colourful clothing and big smiles. I expect there’s lots going on for your Uncle Jack having lost his daughter that makes it extremely important to keep his dog alive so must be so relieved you were able to get them to the vet, in spite of the cost!

    Patsy, I’m sure you will find the experience of finally getting vaccinated an easy one as the volunteers guide you so you and John will feel joyous relief as you drive home. I’m really happy for you both.

    Anne, I still order black coffee because it doesn’t cross my mind it could be offensive and to be honest don’t think others do either. Enjoy your undies but don’t go slipping on the ice again just because you won’t now be embarrassed If you do!

    Sandy, is there something wrong with your current bedroom carpet? I agree, white is never a good colour for a carpet! Definitely sounds like Charlie had a terrible two’s day but you know in truth she loves you so much.

    Lin, still reorganising and tidying?

    I’m going to try to get an earlier night but a new documentary about Chernobyl has just begun on tv so that might not happen.
    Stay safe
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Got the chicken cooking for Katie and our soup is cooking so I thought I would own up to something I know you all suspect. I AM very weak when it comes to worrying about hurting others feelings. Oh I may accidentally do just that but never on purpose. I often really turn myself every which way trying to please everyone. Cant be done as we all know. I worry about making others feel marginalized even though I know people often do that to themselves. I really hate the idea of hurting someone’s feelings, especially a child. Sooooo I often go to extremes. I can see myself tossing a book or at least hiding it away if I thought it would offend. I do have a reverence for history and the cultural record of literature and art. As well as concern for others feelings. I have no idea of how to manage these two disparate ideals.. so I flounder and step on my own tongue.

    Thoughts as I cook our chicken veggie soup.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    PATSY dear, you are not alone. I think a lot of us wonder if we hurt someone and especially in writing when what we intend to say comes out all wrong. This of course is easily done when writing with people from different countries/background, e,g. I once called someone's baby here in Canada a bonny wee child. The person got very upset and what to me the meaning of bonny is very pretty to the mother it meant fat and homely. So, all of us who hate hurting others and would never do it maliciously are in the same boat. You are absolutely lovely just as you are, I think we all understand you, so please just remain our very interesting Patsy.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello, no one on yet. Wow!
    Well I've just done something I might regret. Last summer found me totally wiped out with the heat. I was so thrilled with my recent M&S purchase (they've hired a new fashion buyer I believe and everything is getting updated it seems) I decided to look up women's shorts of all things at my advanced age. There was a time when my legs where my best feature, I got chosen for the pantomime partly because of the pins...... but no more. I now sport 85 year old legs. Anyway I consulted my fashion advisor, lol, Michael, and he said "mom have you seen what people are wearing at the grocery stores these days." Well no, I haven't with having grocery delivery these days. Apparently shopping in their pyjamas and whatever they fancy! So, strictly for house wear and back garden weeding I've plunged and bought cargo shorts and everyone has to warn me when they are coming over! Coupled with 2 short sleeved linen (one khaki and one white) shirts I hope I survive this years coming heat. Now, I'm quivering with uncertainty, am I nuts or what!

    Do you much younger folk wear shorts, (yes, you as well BOB).

    Decisions, decisions, like Kermit the frog it ain't easy!
    Anne in her second adolescence.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day. I misunderstood my landlord and thought he was coming to my house with a sample of carpeting but he wants me to go to his house to see it. I will do that after my meeting. The sun is shining but not really that warm until next week!! It was beautiful yesterday so I did go sit with Joe outside of his garage. One man came to say hello with his two dogs and came too close so I jumped up from my chair and said could you back up please? He said oh why are you afraid of that Covid thing? He said he was healthy and wasn't worried. I told him many people were healthy and still got it. SMH

    Annsie and Patsy, no sense in worrying about the past or things we can't change. Everyone makes mistakes and has to learn from them and then move on. As we have talked about in the past some of the nursery rhymes were just violent, such as Rock-a -Bye Baby. Even the night time prayer was scary in saying if I die before I wake scared kids.
    It has been changed to keep me safe throughout the night, wake me with the morning night. Sometimes change is good.

    Jackie, all the carpet through out my condo is one color, however if I do like the carpet from his house there wouldn't be enough for my bedrooms so they would remain the same with the newer carpet a different color through out the dining, living and hallway. One step at a time, I might not even like it.
    I am so glad you saved the frog sprawn and hope you get little tadpoles with pictures you can share.

    Lin, glad you got your shot but sorry it was so crowded. Walmart pickup was not crowded and my groceries came out fast. Charlie is so darn cute it is hard to stay angry with her, she melts my heart.

    Hi Bob and Barbie!!

    Have a good day, things are looking up for the future.
    One Day at a Time