Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Slept in this morning after doing laundry yesterday including all the bedding and spread in my guest room and cleaning the house. Today it is my sheets in the washer and I will be good for another week.
    Movie night but without Lisa's parents since Tom is still recovering from his surgery and doesn't want kids jumping on him. It is a beautiful day with temps reaching the 50's.

    Lin, cute teapot, I love penguins. Since Babe and I still file jointly I don't have to be bothered with taxes, I just get the tax stuff mailed to me to his accountant. Enjoy your weekly Facebook Live.

    Annsie, wow, I wish I had that talent to paint a picture I love, there would be many. Good luck with your tax stuff I don't envy you.

    Jackie, glad I don't have to scold you about ladders, just tell your neighbor to be careful. Can't you just hire someone to do the painting? We are a great family group and care for each other, I think that is why we all stay.

    Barbie, it was an easy shot, never felt a thing. Who knows when things will be back to normal but at least we are getting closer.

    Time to put sheets in dryer, eat and ride my bike before movie night.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello again, we have partly cloudy skies and no rain so far this morning.yea! Hooray! But it is cold out. This is Katie’s favorite time of day. She can run in and out with out any asking. The deck door is open...fresh but cold air is good for us. At least that is my current belief. I read somewhere it is important to have really good ventilation and exchange of fresh air. So Katie and I are going for it. I do wish it was warmer and less humidity. Makes the outside uncomfortable for us hot house flowers. The time outside playing ball with Katie does get me going.

    We are hearing wonderful things about our vaccine availability. By the end of March we could have open clinics for everyone to get a shot if they want one. Oddly, so many people are hesitant about getting the shot. It has become a very scary thing for some folks. Not me. I believe in vaccines. I remember polio vaccine, DPT shots for our babies, small pox shots, etc.

    Barbie: I understand your caution about dancing with a mask. It is very difficult to breathe with the masks on for me. I know exercise would make it really kind of dangerous. Surely I would get dizzy.

    Sandy: your movie nights sound wonderful. It seems to have become a tradition there with the kids. A multi-generational event. Taxes! Bleck! We have an accountant but honestly I don’t know why. We do all the work before handing them the work forms. They punch in the numbers and charge us $200 dollars. It is fear we don’t have confidence in ourselves.

    Lin: adorable teapot. I also really like the Alice in Wonderland teapots. I am just finishing up my St. Patrick’s day letters. (Christmas card substitutes) photoshopping and layout is so time consuming. I think real mail and sending cards and letters are becoming a rare thing. And expensive if sending very many.

    Jackie: wonderful positive attitude. I understand about doing as much around the cottage as you can. There is some sort of connection between our homes and safety and a place where we invest our time and money. John would certainly be in your frame of mind. He does whatever he can and often tries to do more than he should. But as you all know, that attitude will never change.

    Anne: good for you! Doing your own taxes is a great thing. You stay independent, you know where and how you spend your money. As your son will attest, tax prepare is expensive and upon occasion, just plain Wrong.

    Another mug of coffee while I finish up my letters.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Well, I am not in a rush to do my taxes after all. The new sent forms are so small in print I can barely make them out and why should us oldies on pensions pay out $200 to have someone else do them for us just because the gvt. makes everything so difficult for our age group. Told Mark all this and remarked that I'd rather go to jail than have someone else fill out the form and he's text back, not to worry he'll fill the forms out. Ironically he was a tax accountant. However, I have to wait until April when he does his because it takes that long to get all his stuff together. Mine is a very simple return having no assets, exes, dependents etc to report so it's very irritating to have the gvt send such teeny lettering crammed onto beige coloured paper. I did check out online tax reporting but I'm no expert when it comes to computers.

    Rant for the day over! Sorry Sneakers if you've read this far.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited February 2021
    Another beautiful sunny day but the bloomin’ cold wind is back! The builder visited to check over what’s needed and will hopefully start work mid March. That gives me time to move as much furniture out of the way that’s physically possible.
    Debs my neighbour did a good job yesterday rubbing down the gable wall with a wire brush before brushing stabiliser on. I only went halfway up the ladder once to hand her something so generally behaved myself. I’ve always done as many jobs as possible myself, mostly because it’s difficult to find a builder who doesn’t charge a fortune and do a worse job than me but I trust Dave as he talks through everything with me and is happy with my sentimental feeling for the old homestead.
    I’ve given the pooches a short walk, although actually it was George who guided us, and now making a batch of his food and stewing plums in cinnamon and brown sugar to be added to morning porridge.
    My spring clean of the conservatory is finished so this afternoon I will get some pruning done in the garden.

    Thank goodness I don’t have to work out my tax returns as the government does it for me. There are times I think their calculations are wrong but any queries are dismissed with explanations that leave my head spinning!
    Anne, in the past I’ve tried to complete applications online for a variety of governmental services but more often than not the pages lock out with a box telling me I’ve spent too much time on it so Mark definitely sounds like a better option!

    Patsy, I completely understand John’s attitude and feel giving everything over to others is a slippery slide down to a comfy old chair that in the end is impossible to get out of. I’ll admit I’m hacked off at life’s bad timing giving me another cancer concern but know if I dwell on it I’ll end up chuntering (another one of our descriptive English words!) until everyone gets bored with me! I do know I’ll get the best care and will one day come out the other side plus there are soooo many in a far worse situation than me.

    Sandy, I hope film night was enjoyable and hey, in a few weeks you’ll know your vaccination is protecting you. What movie did you all see and did the kiddos behave?

    Cute penguin Lin. Looks like an Emperor so big enough for two cups of tea!

    Sounds like everyone is finally warming up thank goodness. Isn’t it a treat to feel the warmth of the sun.

    Plums stewed and a George waiting patiently for his lunch so I’ll wish everyone the best of Sunday’s.
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Morning all. Chuntering! I said that to OUR Sandy when she phoned for a long chat "I'm chuntering on about tax forms". Definitely saves time when you don't spend time explaining words that didn't make it over the pond. My pain pills gave out in the middle of the night. I found this out when I turned over in bed and yelped with a sharp pain on the opposite side of fallen on hip and tum. Therefore, peering outside at the gloom I've decided to have a "do very little" day especially as Mikes just told me he won't be over because he had sharp pains in HIS tum from consuming Chinese takeout supplied by his boss at work yesterday. I'm so glad JACKIE that you have lots of projects and lots of friends to take your mind off things. Our aches, pains and presumably quick trots to the bathroom are nothing at all and we all admire you tremendously.
    Our Sandy is Mikes friend, not as in girl friend. She's just retired from receptionist and assistant to the surgeon who took out Michael's kidney stones. Apparently her dad had melanoma and after removal made a full recovery but she had a go at me about my grandson Derek who has a lot of moles and in the summer spends a lot of time at a friend's lakeside cottage leaping in and out of the lake. Mentioned it to Mark who said they can't convince him he must cover up. Granny will have a go!!!
    Well, like all of you I'm not used to being lethargic! I can't sit still for long. So we will see what today brings. Bean has no problem, she's fast asleep next to me on the sofa after nattering to get up.
    So......happy day friends whatever you are up to,
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I've just ordered undies from M&S in case I, or rather when I fall down again. At least I'll look less shabby if I end up in the spare parts department like my Mom. Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Online church starts in a little while. I was puttering along with some straightening up and a load of laundry and sent a page to print. I got error messages. Finally went upstairs to check it out. It required a new ink cartridge. Okay, no problem. Got it changed and then, horrors. Paper jam. Still didn’t think it would be much to clear it.

    My friends, I think I took the printer nearly apart twice. Found the piece of paper but it came out in pieces from three different locations. Oh my! That has never happened before. Paper jams are usually quick to solve. Maybe since the printer is getting old it has developed some creaks and quirks?

    One of these days, I will need a new one.

    Anne, I am sorry the forms are so difficult to manage. I am glad Mark will do your taxes although you will have to wait until he is ready to start. I am very sorry about the pain waking you up last night. 🥺❤️❤️ your little Bean sure has the knack of sleeping anytime and anywhere. I hope you will be able to sleep all through the night tonight.

    Jackie, you are so youthful and full of energy and so many plans and improvements to your property. I am in awe. I am one of the “help me” people. I have found that if I tackle any big jobs, I am likely to cause more damage and trouble than there was at the beginning. A friend had to have a growth removed early last summer. Her’s was also cancer and she had to go back for another procedure. She didn’t say much at first but recently she said going back for the body inspections has been tough for her. A modesty issue. She doesn’t have anyone with her. Her husband doesn’t go along as he is not allowed in the office. And she moans about her medical bills, often. So you are pretty quiet but we are here always.

    Patsy, finished with your St. Patrick’s Day letters. Good for you. Just before March!

    Sorry, church started early.

    Best wishes.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Finished with Mass but haven't eaten breakfast. We are getting some rain showers this morning but hopefully it will clear up later. I have a video call with my family at one and another with friends later. I told them both appearance doesn't count since I don't feel like "dolling" up for the video. Movie night was good, the movie was How to Train a Dragon (movie 2) The kids were pretty good until I was getting ready to leave then the outbursts came from the two boys over their Minecraft game. I do feel bad for Lisa, this is so hard on her but she is such a good mom. My son is also good but doesn't have as much patience as Lisa. The meds don't really seem to be helping Robby so I do hope they figure this out soon. (sorry to vent to you)

    Lin, my printer is also old but not used that much so it is serving me well. Cute teapot as usual. Enjoy your church service.

    Annsie, what kind of pain medicine are you taking? I am sorry you woke up screaming and hope you do take it easy today. If your hip continues to bother you I recommend you have one of the boys take you to the doctor. I am a sun freak as well and do use a screen protector but not very high. So far I have been lucky and before covid I was going to the dermatologist for full body scans even though I am like your friend. He doesn't make me get naked so that is a good thing (sorry Bob) but still embarrassing. Of course you reminded me of how our mothers told us to always wear clean underwear incase we end up in a hospital.

    Jackie, I am happy I was able to get the vaccine and in three weeks will get the second. I just wish some of my other senior friends could get their shot but things should open up more with the new J&J vaccine. I do love your medical care in England, it seems to be much better than ours and not so expensive!!! I have faith in you and know you will do what you have to do to get through this. Of course prayers will be said to help you.

    Patsy, yes our movie night has become a tradition since the pandemic. It started with outside movie during the warm weather and continues inside. I am not sure what happens when Lisa's parents eventually go back to Florida but I was there alone the last two weekends. I think Lisa likes the company and it gives her a small break.

    Time to eat and throw some clothes on for the zoom call. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, I have to say when I was Derek’s age I would never have taken notice of advice to cover up or even use a high factor sun screen but you could perhaps suggest a 30+ SPF which is what I’ve now been told. Youngsters today are more informed today! Nurse Nicola also said please don’t hide from the sun or become a recluse (as if!) because it is good for us but it seems my outdoors lifestyle has caught up with me. Feel free to quote me!
    I do hope a day of rest eases your aches after your fall. It worked for me after my ladder escapades! I remember being told when young not to go far in old undies in case I got injured and had to go into hospital... funny how those comments stay with us. 😁
    It seems selfish to say hearing about other people dealing with skin cancer and surviving helps me but it does so thank you.

    Lin, any modesty went out the window when I dealt with my breast cancer treatment. Right from the start I was invited to stand topless and look at mammogram images on a screen in a room of technicians and a couple of times I was left lying on the table while techi people fixed a problem in the radiotherapy machine. We even all laughed when someone suggested the cleaners would soon be wandering in! I suppose we are all different but I’m sure I’ll soon get used to the full body inspections and will certainly be happier someone who knows what they are looking for checks rather than relying on myself. Louise my neighbour offered to accompany me on Friday but because of Covid restrictions she wouldn’t have been allowed in but was waiting with the pooches when I got home so I had someone to talk to. No bills for me thank goodness and I truly am thankful to have my sneaker friends to chunter on to! 😘

    Brother Bernie just messaged it’s freezing in his area of Spain so even 3 layers of clothing are not sufficient. The weather round the world has gone to pot.

    Time to rummage in my fridge and prepare an evening meal.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    P S. that’s a fabulous teapot 😆
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Ooooooops! I seriously over slept and my day is turned upside down. Had a delayed bedtime, not sure why but my eyes would not shut until almost 3:00 am! Not good!

    One of my big concerns is how each morning I must caugh and sputter for half and hour to wake up my body and lungs. I don’t think it is an allergy. I am only concerned because of my upcoming vaccine. Is this an allergy? Just cranky being of advanced age ? Will it be an issue with the vaccine? I will fuss about it later.

    I am still trying get sort out and clean out after a low energy winter. I see dirt, dust, cobwebs, clutter everywhere. I clean one place and it migrates to another place. Where does this come from?

    I read there is a new software to refurbish old photos. I wonder if Bob has seen it? I saw what it could do and was stunned. Magic!

    I will watch Golden Globes tonight. John will read his novel and keep asking me about what is going on. I tell you, old married couples are strange lot. Adorable in a weird demented way.

    Our St. Patrick’s day letter is done and printed. Depressingly fewer this year. I am sending more and more by way of the angels. Funny story here....last year I send Buzz one of my letters. It finally got there and she emailed me back. She loved the update and a peek into the life and times of “All Things
    Patsy.” She said she was totally confused about a letter from me and having any connection with a Saint. She was a tease and had a wicked sense of humor.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Was woken early to be told my sister's first husband died. Her daughter called me, she is one of five children. No service. He was one of the good guys and will be missed even though I did not see him much.
    I am sitting for a couple of hours while Lisa goes to the dentist. Robby will be on remote learning so I am nervous on how to help him, wish me luck. I have to be there by 11;00 so no time again, just wanted to check in.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited March 2021
    Good morning. It is back to sunshine this morning. Not expected to be very warm today but oh my, what a lot of snow has disappeared.

    I spent the afternoon and part of the evening moving some card supplies from the first floor to the second floor. I cleared out a bit of space in two closets for things. So fall, Thanksgiving, winter, Christmas, New Years, and a few other things have been put in storage. I have many more sorting chores. I also need to start sorting out papers to toss. I found a shredding event not far from my location in April. There weren’t any last year. And time to think about seeds and containers.

    Should be a busy time. For everyone!

    Today is errand day. Bank, gas station, library return, and post office.

    Then home to load up the trash cart and the recycling cart.

    Patsy, what a great story about Buzz. I find the same thing, crossing names off my mailing list is a sad thing to do. I connected with a hometown Facebook page that I ran across by accident. I have been spending quite a bit of time looking over old photos as well as many posts about people. Some wonderful accomplishments including drug and vaccine developments, musicians, artists, fairly renowned attorneys, and many wonderful teachers, etc. But so many people gone, quite a number in the past year.

    Jackie, freezing cold in Spain. I hope your brother has lots of clothes and that the weather shapes up soon. Are any of the seeds you planted germinating quickly? It is such a good feeling to see a little plant starting to grow. Don’t let George take you too far from home today. 😂

    I am not seeing other posts. I will check later.

    Teapot. Alice I. Wonderland theme again.


    Be well.

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    edited March 2021
    Just saying good morning for now. Very quiet day yesterday and looks as if today will be the same. Our snow still lingers but quite a lot has melted. Usual events. Bean is moulting so a brush for her in an effort to keep some off my sofa etc. Quick chase around the coffee table (on her part!) etc.
    I had to smile at Buzz's comment PATSY. She had a point in her lack of connection to a saint, ( I believe Jewish? Not catholic anyway) lol.
    Anyway if anything earth shattering happens i will be back later. Cooking chicken drumstick is not exactly earth shattering. Although it does excite Bean.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    A quick check-in before Jean brings her “friend” to the dr’s at noon and I have some errands to run.

    Happy Monday to all…. It was a busy weekend with gym, walking, cleaning, grocery shopping, ton’s of Youtube’s (instructional, current events, bio’s and an old interview with Mick Jagger when he was in his 30’s - smart guy even back then and didn’t let interviewer control the narrative. Had a great Sunday meal at my sister’s house, as Jean loves the meatballs etc. – some great visiting.

    Monday Lunch ready in refrig. for later (192 cal.) Romaine Leaves, Shredded Chicken with Zero Sugar Carolina BBQ Sauce, Asparagus Tips, Grilled Vegetables and Spaghetti Squash

    Had a great Saturday afternoon with our nephew. We had planned for months to get together and see his house etc. and watch a movie… just the 3 of us. He has a room with a video screen that takes up an entire wall and 3 HUGE leather “Movie Tavern” style lounge chairs, movie posters and much more – exactly like going to an upscale movie theater. It was a lot of fun. He is a great guy that would do anything for anyone. Not a selfish bone in his body.

    Sandy – Congrats on getting your shot! I get mine next month, unless I can move it up. As for post-divorce songs by Helen Reddy & Gloria Gaynor --- you could always dance around the house singing Im “Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair” from South Pacific. LOL

    Lin – You are on a roll with the Alice in Wonderland teapots!

    Jackie – Warm thoughts are with you re: the challenges you face. Certainly, it isn’t what you hoped for. Hoping you have a quick recovery and only positive news going forward. I will be sure to say a few prayers. Be well my friend.

    To everyone - Stay warm and healthy. Bob
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello to you sneakers! We have high thin clouds and so far no rain. It is intermittently sunny but cold! Not too bad really.

    Monday is as always, that laundry and start of the week kind of day. Chores and plans for a productive week. I always have such big plans but rarely live up to it all. That’s okay. It gives me a plan to improve.

    Watched part of the Golden Globes. John even said he thought The Crown looked interesting and will watch a few episodes with me. That was a shock! No car chases or explosions in that series I don’t think. Entertainment options are limited these days so we all seem willing to try something we don’t usually gravitate towards.

    Katie seems back to normal today. She had us worried this weekend. She didn’t eat, drink or want to play. I was ready to call the animal ER number then she started to come back to life and I decided to wait and see. These animals we live with are so important. Katie knows how to push my buttons. She is a smartiepants.

    Barbie: watched a YouTube of a line dance that was so delightful. Interesting mix of people and the music was a bluesy jazzzy number. Pretty snazzy and everyone was having a ball. They all knew the steps so there must have been lots of practice sessions.

    Anne: hang in there dear one. Spring is on the way. You and Jilly will be out in your yard planting, weeding, watering and watching things grow. You will be eyeing mean bunnies and squirrels trying to steal your carrots and spuds.

    Sandy: can’t say this enough! You are amazing. There is no way I could sit for young grandkids at my age. I know you are a bit younger than I am but seriously! It would kill me.

    Jackie: as usual, you are meeting this challenge head on with a determined attitude. That is why you always achieve what you set out to do. Your refurbishment project is life affirming and in some interesting way, it is analogous to overcoming your various health issues. Aside from this, did you see the interview with Prince Harry and Meghan? I think it is funny that many more Americans are fascinated by those two than the British.

    Lin: you are doing the kind of thing that needs to happen here. My dungeon is overflowing and while I clear one little area, the other area fills up with STUFF. I am fighting the urge to get some Alice in Wonderland teapots. I don’t even drink tea, for goodness sake!
    My love to you all, stay safe!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Well, I did it and it wasn't too bad. Robby was pretty good and listened to the teacher and did most of what he was supposed to do. The other kids were downstairs making a big mess. Dare I tell you what Charlie, my granddaughter did? I turned around and she was butt naked and had poop on her hands. This is something new with her and she takes her pull ups off and leaves them and comes to mom and/or grandma with poopy hands. Gross!! She is something else that little pip squeak.

    Patsy, are you sure you are a little older than me??? I thought I was the oldest here turning 79 this month. It used to be Buzz, Marie and then me so I figured I was the monarch now. lol lol

    Bob, there are a ton of songs from the 70's and 80's that I sing to in memory of former husbands. Some are nice some are not!

    Annsie, we have cooler weather but sun so our snow is also melting. I am so ready for Spring and sunshine.

    Lin, love that teapot, so very cute. I feel the same as you and Patsy, lots of people this year lost their lives, from family to friends. I guess as we age, we hear more and more but it is very sad.

    I don't know where the day went but it is time to ride my bike and watch judge Judy. Enjoy the rest of your day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    It's brutal here. Snow, freezing and high winds. I know because someone's anorak blew into my drive and lodged near the garage door. I took it to hang on the tree in case some poor workman needed it badly.
    Funny, I thought I was the oldest but go ahead you two I don't mind being third in line, lol.
    I missed JACKIE today. Hope she's okay.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    edited March 2021
    lol Annsie, you might be a tiny bit older than me. lol I dub you the Monarch (I think)
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another sunny day but those Scandinavians are sending us their freezing easterly winds again so the layers are back on. George took us on a 2 mile walk at quite a fast pace then it was home where neighbour Debs was waiting to climb to the top of my scaffolding to paint the first layer of paint on the gable wall. Meanwhile I pruned my hydrangeas which considering how the temperature fell in the afternoon, was probably a mistake because the early leaf buds are now exposed to the cold. This afternoon we completed the fencing that will hopefully keep out the foxes then it was a drive to the allotment with a flask of tea, Welsh cakes because it’s St David’s day and plans for planting. Not for long though because the sun disappeared behind some trees and we started to freeze, not before we got excited at the leeks and garlic planted last autumn now sitting up.

    Patsy, you did make me laugh with your story of Buzz’s comment. I won’t ask what snippets of your life you had admitted to for her to doubt your connections to a Saint!
    You’re right of course, we in Britain aren’t too interested in what Harry and Meghan feel they have to tell the world these days. There’s an odd contradiction in complaining that the tabloids write too much about them because they want privacy but then appear on a chat show which smacks of a PR job for all involved. When they married the country wished them well but we’re getting tired of their complaints and do wonder if Meghan the actress is being just that! I’m not a royalist as such but feel our Queen deserves more respect than her grandson is showing, especially when Phillip is so unwell. He has enjoyed a privileged life and continues to do so, perhaps something he should acknowledge. Of course there’s the fictional The Crown that so many Americans think is factual so no wonder the current saga playing out is of interest in your neck of the woods! Suggest John takes what he sees with a proverbial pinch of salt!

    Lin, tomato seeds are showing already, a black cherry variety and one called Tiny Tasty and at the moment, because of the cold, they are all remaining on the window seat. In a few weeks I will pot up the peas, beans, beetroot and turnips. A perfect tea pot today and very amusing!

    Another bright enticing plate of food Bob. It does sound as if you and a Jean have been busy in an enjoyable way. Always so good to catch up with family and will be even better once you’re vaccinated. Great news here that scientific data shows our vaccine roll out has been extremely successful in dramatically bringing down infection rates, especially in the over 80’s so assume the same will be found for younger age groups.

    It’s gone midnight and I’m struggling to keep my eyes open so best get to bed.