Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Happy Thursday or is it? Anne, I am so sorry you fell on the ice and do hope nothing is broken or sprained. A cell phone is a good idea for injuries like this. They also come in handy if you keep it near you at all times. I do hope you will be okay with no after effects. Just take it easy today please. Is that a new puzzle you are working on with the baby foxes? So cute.

    Jackie, good luck at the hospital tomorrow. I agree with Anne and hope no treatment is needed. Love the crocuses, especially the color. Ladybugs are good luck, we used to put them on our hands and tell them ladybug, ladybug fly away home. Just looked up the rest but never said it. Your house is on fire and your children will burn.

    Lin, you are so busy lately, not even bad weather keeps you down. It wasn't easy getting an appointment for my vaccine. I spent hours refreshing pages to try and get an appointment online but to no avail. I joined this Facebook page that helps people in Illinois to get a shot and someone posted a number. I called and called and kept getting a busy signal but finally got through and put on hold for about ten minutes and finally got a nice lady who made my appointment. I do hope the second one is easier as she said it would be, although many on that website said they should make my second when I receive my first tomorrow. We will see. The good news is that it is only about half an hour from my house compared to the other popular place which is an hour away.

    I am taking my new glasses to my eye doctor today to have him check to see why my right eye is blurry. It could be my macular and the prescription is fine but I trust him more than the eyeglass place.

    Have a good day and if the sun is shining, enjoy!!!

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh no Anne, how awful for you. I hate walking on ice with a vengeance but what a shock for you if you thought it was just wet. Agree with Sandy that you should take it easy today because the shock and any bruising need to come out. Cute fox cubs will be a perfect distraction... Maybe a small glass of sherry with your lunch!
    Dreadful that someone would drive past and not bother to at least enquire if you were alright but 3 cheers for the Portuguese lady!
    Cottage cheese is an easy option for me because the protein staves any hunger pangs in the afternoon. It seems to kickstart my weight going in the right direction too.

    Perseverance Sandy has got you a deserved vaccination so we’ll done because there is nothing worse than holding for an age. My hospital left a message yesterday while I was shopping telling me to call back to arrange my appointment and the first time I held on for 40 minutes with a monotonous tune playing that annoyed George more than me, then the phone battery died. I recharged it, waited a couple of hours then tried again, got the same tune so put the phone to one side and made myself some lunch. I had eaten and was washing up dishes when I finally heard a lady apologising for the delay... 1 hour and 2 minutes later!
    I do hope you can sort out your glasses so the blurry vision goes.

    Some of those little poems from the past are horrid with their doom and gloom aren’t they although I don’t remember being upset about the ladybird finding her house on fire. I’m betting Anne will know a few more with a sting in their tail!!

    I must carry recycling up the track for early pick up tomorrow then think about an evening meal. If I don’t weigh myself in the morning it will be because I’m preoccupied but will catch up Saturday.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hello, I got involved with a bit of closet cleaning this morning and then looked at the calendar. Zoom meeting after Zoom meeting for the rest of the day and this evening. Why do they all happen at once?

    Anne, I am so incredibly sorry that you took a fall. Please do take care, the next day is often when you may fully realize everything that is bruised. A cell phone, if kept with you and charged up, will be a very good thing. I tend to walk downstairs or upstairs and don’t take it with me. Luckily I can answer on my watch although people have a bit of an issue hearing me. The Bean will survive. Anne does not need any adventures on ice/black ice.

    Sandy, congrats on your appointment. If I get my shot next week, I found the location is a long way from here and while it sounded simple, the street changes names 4 times and there are not signs on which way to go to get back to the original street name. I guess people who use it all the time don’t think about it at all my guess I will have to use a GPS. I also hope you get the prescription for the glasses sorted out.

    Jackie, oh my goodness, crocus and ladybugs. Spring is certainly coming to you! We have melting snow again today but apparently this weekend we may get rain or freezing rain or snow. Depends on the temperature. Best wishes on your appointment at the hospital. Isn’t it crazy how long you have to wait on hold. I try to plug in my phone and stay close enough to answer. Yes, the old childhood poems can be gruesome but then so were all the fairy tales!

    Waving hello to Bob, Barbie, Patsy, Jeri, and Diane.

    Gotta run but here’s yet another Alice in Wonderland teapot.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Mark showed up. He's going to get me a cell phone and I've now got a bedside table to put it on when it arrives. He turned the heat up as well and says he will accompany me when he's sorted an appointment to have a needle stuck in me. Then I'm to go to the docs for blood pressure and once it's down, eye surgery.
    Mike phoned to make sure I'm still upright.........and why do I feel as if I'm ten years old again!

    Childhood rhymes! Anyone remember
    Dr Foster went to Gloucester in a shower of rain.
    He fell in a puddle right up to his middle and never went there again.
    Seemed appropriate with all the mess outside.

    Cheers from a rather subdued me.
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good afternoon all… Morning was uneventful and yesterday was just great to get out in 50 degree weather…as planned we browsed Martin’s Amish Furniture, walked Waterloo Premium Outlets…I splurged on some sneaker laces (my only purchase) and then Magee’s Diner – we got Chicken quesadilla. Today’s lunch was a simple Buffalo Chicken, Broccoli and Cauliflower and Spaghetti Squash.


    Sun has come out today every once in a while. We went out for about 90 minutes to pic up a couple birthday presents for our older granddaughter and son-in-law…we will be getting together hopefully within the next week or two.

    Annsie – How lucky (in some ways) that guy was… taking off for NY on the Titanic and making it back to the UK.
    Loved your quote by William Henry Davies. When it comes to life, I try to keep in mind the eternal words of that great philosopher Ferris Buehler: "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." LOL

    Sandy – Thanks and yes yesterday was very enjoyable. My “deals” totaled $2.99 for shoe laces. It really was a day about venturing out to enjoy some fresh air on a warm day. Having said that, there were “bargains” by most standards but gone are those $69.00 shirts for $9.99 and $100.00 pants for $15.00 – I’ll need to readjust. LOL
    Glad the surgery went well for Lisa’s dad and hope the results are good news for all. When you say: “We are women we are strong. (no offense Bob)” I hear the Lyrics to 'I Am Woman' by Helen Reddy: I am woman, hear me roar In numbers too big to ignore…” Congrats on your vaccine appt for Friday.

    Lin – It was a wonderful day as outlined above. Thanks! Love the 2nd Alice in Wonderland teapot…so fits our current circumstances. Good luck on shot hunting. My appt is April, but today a friend said they called yesterday and are now booked for tomorrow! Guess it’s all about timing and cancellations.

    Jackie – Hope everything goes your way tomorrow at hospital Thoughts are with you.

    So long for now. Might walk outside and grab a bit of nature’s Vitamin D. Bob
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello from us here in wet windy Oregon. First! ANNE! Sweet dear friend, that episode with black ice is terrifying. I have nightmares just thinking about you stranded on a cold sidewalk with dear little Jilly hopping up and down trying to help her Anne get up. Seriously, it just shows we do need to take precautions, no matter how confident we feel. You will love having a cell phone. We have two and it is a challenge to remember to keep them turned on and fully charged. As I have mentioned, I am not a techie kind of person. But I do love is just such a mystery.

    I have my fingers crossed that our appointment really happens. There are more and more options cropping up so I think we will all have our shots soon. Maybe it really is the light at the end of the tunnel...rather than another disaster heading our way.

    Still very chilly here but more sunlight and more partly sunny days. We are getting our St.Patrick’s day letters ready to mail. This is our substitute Christmas cards. I never can get around to Christmas cards. I am too disorganized. It is a fun way to get in touch with friends and family. Although, depressingly, we seem to be crossing more and more folks off our our address book.

    Watched an old Woody Allen movie that I really love. Midnight in Paris. I know he is quite controversial in his personal life. I have known many artists and musicians who have had a dark and often uncontrollable personal life. It is very hard to come to terms with this, as a friend.

    Feeling pretty good and positive. We all need to keep safe and take good care of ourselves. Life might get more interesting this spring and summer.
    Please do be careful, everyone!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) I'm keeping my fingers crossed for all of you who are awaiting appointments for your vaccine. The system here started off very strange and gradually got better so now anyone over 65 in my town can go online or phone for an appointment then they schedule the second shot so you know when to come back.

    <3Annsie, sorry to hear about your fall.

    :) I am familiar with "Alice in Wonderland" but my favorite book as a child was "Mr. Popper's Penguins".

    <3 Barbie
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Back later but I want to wish JACKIE a great day with no problems. Thinking of you. ❤️
    It's grocery delivery day and hopefully Michael's over as well.
    I've woken up a bit stiff but nothing major after my close encounter with the sidewalk. But I do thank everyone for your concern. What a great bunch you all are. My biggest problem is shorty pants who keeps trying to lick around my various plasters. The lady who picked me up was incredibly kind, propping me up all the way home and of course she told Maria who has enough on her plate with Tony but now keeps phoning. Thankfully I don't think anyone else on the street noticed me and Bean sitting on the sidewalk in below freezing weather, lol. "Mad dogs and English women sit out on pools of ice" to misquote "Noel Coward"?
    Well, off I totter to the bathroom. Jilly will get lots of walks if Mike turns up.
    Anne, the old nuisance.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member

    Happy Friday! :) Got my first shot, easy peasy except for finding the right building in a college campus. No wait except for the 15 minutes after to make sure no side effects and to make an new appointment for the second shot.
    Laundry is going and next I will clean the house. Just another normal day.

    Annsie, of course we worry when someone gets ill or gets hurt, we are Internet family. Glad you didn't get hurt badly and hope those aches and pains go away fast. I do hope Michael comes to visit to check up on you. How sweet of Maria to call and check in on you and what a blessing the lady who helped you is, she will be rewarded one day.

    Barbie, our system is picking up as well and with a new vaccine being approved things should move even faster.

    Patsy, we waited this long for life to get back to normal so a few more months won't hurt. Even with the vaccine I will wear a mask and keep my distance until I am told there is enough herd immunity to be safe.

    Bob, I love that song by Helen Reddy also I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor. After a divorce and/or a separation these are good survival songs.

    Hello to those I missed but time to clean the house before I get lazy and say forget about it.

    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello and I see sunshine even if a bit chilly. I am very conflicted and weird today. Our old musician friend took a bad tumble and that seems to have triggered a slide toward the end. He is not lucid and now he is bedridden and sleeps most of the time. But he doesn’t have those horrible fright episodes and he isn’t in pain. Hospice help is now there daily. Time is very short they tell us. He was a force of nature and an old style musician. He was in the symphony and also a jazz quartet. He played in Hollywood as a studio musician and his music was in all the big movies. He was wickedly funny and teased mercilessly. Seeing his decline was sad and frightening. He was very unhappy about not being able to play his music. Now he seems at peace and no pain or anxiety. I believe his wife will need extra care and comfort. She is the driving force in their household. We will do what we can for them...which isn’t much.

    Sandy: oh wonderful! You have your shot! Just having the appointment is making me feel better. Doing the normal things does feel good. I know I have tied myself up in knots lately and need to look at all the positives. We are indeed lucky that a vaccine was developed so quickly. I guess in the big picture it has been a mammoth effort. Wonderful job searching out an appointment and determinedly going forward.

    Anne: we are so relieved that you are okay and only a bit sore. Nothing broken! Jilly didn’t get hurt either. “All’s well that ends well!”

    Tonight I am making a baked chili casserole. The good thing is that I can cook once and serve twice. John likes it and I do too. Tex-Mex is my normal cooking style. I sometimes turn up the spicy heat and that is not to John’s liking.

    The events of this day tells me to enjoy and treasure each day and honor your friends.
    I weirdly love and treasure each of you even though we have never met in person.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Hello. Another day slipping away. This morning, a friend who tends to get overwrought, started texting fast and furiously. That delayed my start to the day and just as I was going to ignore further texts and get dressed, my phone rang. It was the same person. A long conversation ensued. Tried to get a few things accomplished and was online doing some business, when, surprise, the phone rang again. Another friend who hardly ever calls. And we chatted and chatted. Then had to hurry to make some lunch before my Zoom class.

    And now, here I am. I need to make a couple of phone calls to various places but it is Friday afternoon and not a good time to start. 🤣😂🤣

    Sometimes sunny, sometimes overcast today. Showers expected this evening and some more tomorrow. But they said showers rather than snow. Much better. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Patsy, I am sorry for the decline of your dear friend. Extremely difficult for everyone who cares about him. Long distance hugs and many good thoughts flying your way.

    Anne, I am glad that you are not severely hurt and doubly happy that Michael has stopped over (sorry I am so late) and also hoping putting away your groceries was not too big a chore today.

    Sandy, congrats on your first shot. What type did you receive? First shot folks are only receiving Pfizer here this week as all Moderna is going to those who need a second shot as they had originally received the Moderna vaccine. Happy Friday to you and wonderful you are accomplishing so much.

    Hello to everyone else. Jackie, I hope all is well.

    Bob, Barbie, Diane and Jeri, hello to you.

    Well, still on a teapot streak of Alice in Wonderland.


    Be well.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A sunny but cool day so first thing I found myself walking on frosty ground before driving to the hospital. Thanks for thinking of me Anne. I’m sure I felt your good vibes! What a relief you’ve woken up to a new day without too many aches but sounds like the boys feel it’s time for a new iPhone now. I used to say I’ve lived without for so many years, why bother now but it will be a security blanket for you when you venture forth once again. Mine goes everywhere with me, just have to remember if it’s in a back pocket when I go to the loo! 😮. I’m assuming the talk of getting your eyesight sorted is because you mistook the ice for water but you wait Anne, there will be one or two cobwebs and maybe a spider too tucked away in a corner of your home you hadn’t seen before!

    Hooray Sandy, your first shot! I’m sure we’ll all be wearing our masks for some time to come but at least any symptoms should be far less severe if we do catch Covid.

    My morning was not great at the hospital where it was confirmed the biopsy showed the removed mole was cancerous. A support nurse ran through everything with me while 2 young, keen junior doctors sat quietly observing as part of their training. Information overload but I’ve brought booklets and information sheets home to digest later. A plastic surgeon will be in touch for an appointment to plan surgery to remove a larger section from my arm around the area then I have the option to have a test on any lymph node under my arm that could have developed cells. Red dyes, blue dyes, it all sounded very clever so something to consider. The support nurse will now be with me at all appointments and she was so calm and pleasant I already feel well looked after. Every mole on my body was looked at carefully and one on my back doubly checked by a consultant who was called in. A lovely man who reassured me with “we’ll look after you, don’t worry”. Once the surgery is completed I’ll visit every 3 months for the next 5 years for a full body check but I won’t be wearing tight jeans in future because that was Embarrassing trying to squeeze out of the leggings I had in today!

    Enough of all that. Just paused for an hour WhatsApp chat with my brother Bernie that lives in Spain so will finish off here and relax before an early night. Didn’t sleep well last night but am sure I’ll be away as soon as my head hits the pillow.

    Take care of yourselves
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member

    Sorry for a second teapot. I had been trying to add this one for days but it never appears. So again, taking up space.

    Jackie, I am sorry further treatment is needed. What a day! How great that you will have someone with you through the upcoming treatment. ❤️❤️
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Jackie: hang in there, I will say, I have been where you are and I know the ups and downs one feels. We are all thinking of you and wishing you the best. I am sure you know that, but it bears repeating. We are there with you at home, in the garden, on the moors, at the hospital and holding your hand virtually. You will get through this!
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh Jackie I'm so sorry that you will have to go through all those visits, surgery and checks. The hospital team sound a really caring lot and you are truly in the best place in the world for treatment. 5 years is a long time for all those three monthly check ups but at the same time thank God you had the culprit removed when you did. It was a great relief to read your email just now because you've been in my thoughts all day. Mike was worried as well and I've just read him your post. We all send our hope and good wishes that the surgery will soon be successfully in the past. God bless.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,271 Member
    Jackie, thanks for sharing and like everyone else I am sorry you have to go through more surgery and follow-ups.
    You medical team sounds wonderful and thorough which is just what you need. You have been through this before and you will get through this again. Know that prayers, love and support will be with you all the way.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Sandy, Hooray that you got your first jab of the vaccine.

    <3Jackie, sorry to hear that you have more tests and treatments in your future.

    :/ Even with all the old people in my town, getting vaccinated, I have no idea when I'll go back to line dancing. Right now, I won't go into a building that doesn't require everyone to wear a mask and I won't line dance wearing a mask, so there won't be dance classes anytime soon. I just keep dancing on home nearly every morning.

    :) We had lots of wind overnight and all day and lots of internet outages. I got kicked off my noon Zoom meeting several times. With all the wind, I wore all my warm clothes to walk this evening even though it was 48F.

    <3 Barbie
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning! A beautiful one here so for the first time in months no gloves or hat required.

    Thank you dear friends for the comforting and supportive comments. You know this little group is like extended family to me so I do care about you all too! Yes, I’m extremely lucky to have our NHS to treat me because whatever medical issues we have to deal with they wrap a warm blanket of care round us. I slept well and absorbed all information offered, even that given by George’s groomer whose sister has been through a similar experience and is doing well. As I strolled across the moors and took in the scenery and fresh air I reminded myself that life is good so enjoy.

    My neighbour is going to come round and climb the scaffolding on the gable end of my cottage to prepare the wall for a coat of paint. We did a practice run on the climb yesterday so we should be fine so long as we’re careful. No Sandy, I won’t be climbing up there myself before you tell me off! 😆
    I’m now going to spring clean the garden room for a bit of excitement!

    A peaceful, warmer and healthy day to you all. 🥰

  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    A beautiful photo JACKIE, I feel like getting the paint brushes out, it really appeals. Today it is going to rain all day and into Sunday which should get rid of any ice. Might be good to start on the tax forms as well because all the slips have arrived. I've always done my own taxes, hate the job, but like our Jackie said, life IS good so I'll grit my teeth and be grateful I can still figure things out.
    Back later,
    Anne. ❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,363 Member
    edited February 2021
    Good morning. Our weather has switched over to warmer than normal. Snow is melting rapidly and temperatures in the 40’s and maybe even 50 this week. No rain here last night. Happy happy. The furnace is not running all the time.

    Although I haven’t been out for a walk, I am enjoying your photo Jackie. And my goodness, no hat or gloves. Excellent. I watched part of the daily video from Max Out in the Lake District. The weather there looked lovely. And wow, 3 gorgeous dogs out frolicking about and when he says no, they actually listen to him. Best wishes on the project. Still scares the bejebers out of me. 🤣😂🤣

    Anne, best wishes on the tax forms. I am still putting off proofreading my submission to my accountant. Next week maybe? So good job my friend! I have never filled out my own tax forms. A life filled with tax preparers. 🤣😂🤣

    Barbie, no dancing with a mask on. Everyone makes their own decisions. Here, still tussling to get shots. All in person Senior Activities continue to be cancelled. The only option is whatever is offered via Zoom. There is no rush to make any changes. It was interesting, to me at least, I found several videos on Facebook of ballet practices where everyone was wearing a mask. I guess I thought it would be very difficult to perform the very demanding steps while masked.

    Sandy, Patsy, Bob, Diane, Jeri. Sending best wishes to everyone.

    I am looking forward to the weekly Facebook Live event.

    Barbie, a penguin teapot.

